1. A wolf used to feed
His bone lay in fields in spring
١. كانَ ذِئبٌ يَتَغَذّى
فَجَرَت في الزَورِ عَظمَه
2. Fasting emaciated him
Making his flesh languish in spirit
٢. أَلزَمَتهُ الصَومَ حَتّى
فَجَعَت في الروحِ جِسمَه
3. The fox came crying
And consoled his mother
٣. فَأَتى الثَعلَبُ يَبكي
وَيُعَزّي فيهِ أُمَّه
4. Saying: O my friend's mother
What grieves you?
٤. قالَ يا أُمَّ صَديقي
بِيَ مِمّا بِكِ غُمَّه
5. So be patient beautifully
A mother's patience is mercy
٥. فَاِصبِري صَبراً جَميلاً
إِنَّ صَبرَ الأُمِّ رَحمَه
6. She replied: O my sister's son
All you have said is wisdom
٦. فَأَجابَت يا اِبنَ أُختي
كُلُّ ما قَد قُلتَ حِكمَه
7. But I do not care so much
Their saying he died from his bone
٧. ما بِيَ الغالي وَلَكِن
قَولُهُم ماتَ بِعَظمَه
8. Would that he died like his brother
Envied for his fat
٨. لَيتَهُ مِثلَ أَخيهِ
ماتَ مَحسوداً بِتُخمَه