
We composed poems of congratulations, we present them

نظمنا سنى التهنئات نزفها

1. We composed poems of congratulations, we present them
To a banner among the geniuses, singular

١. نظمنا سنىَّ التهنئات نزفها
إلى علم بين النوابغ مفرد

2. If only some of his pens were in our palms
And we spoke, the words would come as enlightened Gospel

٢. ولو أن من أقلامه في أكفنا
وقلنا لجاء القول إنجيل مهتد

3. He who undertakes friendship with men
Seeks with it the secret of the bosom friend and is gratified

٣. ومن يتعهد للرجال صداقة
يطلب بالذي سر الصديق ويسعد

4. He who keeps intimates, keeps cultivated fields
For him, and invests the saplings of affection

٤. ومن يحفظ الخلان يحفظ مدارعا
عليه ويستثمر غراس التودد

5. No preserver except the edifice of virtues
Abundant in knowledge and plateau of happiness

٥. وما حافظ إلا بناء مكارم
وزاخر عرفان وهضبة سؤدد

6. A youth who elevates poetry as much as its destiny elevates him
To the rank of eternity

٦. فتى يرفع الأشعار ما شاء قدرها
وترفعه الأشعار رتبة مخلد

7. And upon him in peace and in calamity
Hope looks after or demolished hope

٧. ويلقى عليه في السلام وفي الوغى
رجاء يراع أو رجاء مهند

8. Behold! In Egypt, rhetoric and its people
A hand for the lofty, found preserver of the hand

٨. ألا عند مصر والبيان وأهله
يد للمعالي صادفت حافظ اليد