1. I heard that a peacock
Came one day to Solomon
١. سَمِعتُ بِأَنَّ طاووساً
أَتى يَوماً سُلَيمانا
2. Dragging, without the bird envoys,
Tails and feathers.
٢. يُجَرِّرُ دونَ وَفدِ الطَيـ
ـرِ أَذيالاً وَأَردانا
3. Showing its feathers at times
And hiding them at others.
٣. وَيُظهِرُ ريشَهُ طَوراً
وَيُخفي الريشَ أَحيانا
4. So it said: I have an issue
I think it's time I present it
٤. فَقالَ لَدَيَّ مَسأَلَةٌ
أَظُنُّ أَوانَها آنا
5. So I have come to lay it
At the threshold of my Master.
٥. وَها قَد جِئتُ أَعرضُها
عَلى أَعتابِ مَولانا
6. Am I not the meadow with flowers
And lights decorated?
٦. أَلَستُ الرَوضَ بِالأَزها
رِ وَالأَنوارِ مُزدانا
7. Have I not been granted the perfections
Of form and color?
٧. أَلَم أَستَوفِ آيَ الظَر
فِ أَشكالاً وَأَلوانا
8. Have I not by your court
Become king of all birds?
٨. أَلَم أُصبِح بِبابِكُم
لِجَمعِ الطَيرِ سُلطانا
9. How then is it fitting that I stay
While my people are idols?
٩. فَكَيفَ يَليقُ أَن أَبقى
وَقَومي الغُرُّ أَوثانا
10. For the beauty of voice has been
Denied to me.
١٠. فَحُسنُ الصَوتِ قَد أَمسى
نَصيبي مِنهُ حِرمانا
11. I have not captivated hearts
Nor intoxicated ears.
١١. فَما تَيَّمتُ أَفئِدَةً
وَلا أَسكَرتُ آذانا
12. And the most wretched of birds
Excells me in singing.
١٢. وَهَذي الطَيرُ أَحقَرها
يَزيدُ الصَبَّ أَشجانا
13. Kings shake for him
When he flutters branches.
١٣. وَتَهتَزُّ المُلوكُ لَهُ
إِذا ما هَزَّ عيدانا
14. So Solomon said to him:
What's happened has happened.
١٤. فَقالَ لَهُ سُلَيمانٌ
لَقَد كانَ الَّذي كانا
15. Exalted is the wisdom of the Creator,
His work sublime in glory.
١٥. تَعالَت حِكمَةُ الباري
وَجَلَّ صَنيعُهُ شانا
16. You have belittled, O ungrateful one,
God's blessings showing ingratitude.
١٦. لَقَد صَغَّرتَ يا مَغرو
رُ نُعمى اللَهِ كُفرانا
17. The kingdom of birds which you did not care for
Arrogantly and tyrannically.
١٧. وَمُلكُ الطَيرِ لَم تَحفِل
بِهِ كِبراً وَطُغيانا
18. Had you been given a voice
You would not have spoken to humans.
١٨. فَلَو أَصبَحتَ ذا صَوتٍ
لَما كَلَّمتَ إِنسانا