1. The ages trod upon the treasure,
And years swept over the mean.
١. دَرَجَت عَلى الكَنزِ القُرون
وَأَتَت عَلى الدَنِّ السُنون
2. The best of swords passed away,
As they closed their eyes serenely.
٢. خَيرُ السُيوفِ مَضى الزَما
نُ عَلَيهِ في خَيرِ الجُفون
3. In a secluded place like the unseen
He was concealed from suspicions,
٣. في مَنزِلٍ كَمُحَجَّبِ ال
غَيبِ اِستَسَرَّ عَنِ الظُنون
4. Until knowledge tore its seal
And gave freedom to the imprisoned.
٤. حَتّى أَتى العِلمُ الجَسو
رُ فَفَضَّ خاتَمَهُ المَصون
5. Knowledge is innate, made lawful
To its people whatever they do.
٥. وَالعِلمُ بَدرِيٌّ أُحِل
لَ لِأَهلِهِ ما يَصنَعون
6. It rent the veil over civilization
And the curtains over sciences.
٦. هَتَكَ الحِجالَ عَلى الحَضا
رَةِ وَالخُدورَ عَلى الفُنون
7. It sneaked in like a lamp
Into the caves of ignorance.
٧. وَاِندَسَّ كَالمِصباحِ في
حُفَرٍ مِنَ الأَجداثِ جون
8. A rebellion against minds,
Deaf in the soil, unhearing of fortresses.
٨. حُجَرٌ مُمَرَّدَةُ المَعا
قِلِ في الثَرى شُمُّ الحُصون
9. Neither violent wind nor pouring rain
Can find their way to it.
٩. لا تَهتَدي الريحُ الهَبو
بُ لَها وَلا الغَيثُ الهَتون
It betrayed the trust of its neighbor,
١٠. خانَت أَمانَةَ جارِها
وَالقَبرُ كَالدُنيا يَخون
11. And the grave is, like worldly life, treacherous.
O son of piercing insights
١١. يا اِبنَ الثَواقِبِ مِن رَعٍ
وَاِبنَ الزَواهِرِ مِن أَمون
12. And son of glittering proofs.
A noble lineage at daybreak
١٢. نَسَبٌ عَريقٌ في الضُحى
بَذَّ القَبائِلَ وَالبُطون
13. That attacked tribes and tents.
١٣. أَرَأَيتَ كَيفَ يَثوبُ مِن
غَمرِ القَضاءِ المُغرَقون
14. Have you seen how those drowned
In the flood of destiny return?
١٤. وَتَدولُ آثارُ القُرو
نِ عَلى رَحى الزَمَنِ الطَحون
15. And how the tracks of generations
Revolve around the mill of time?
١٥. حُبُّ الخُلودِ بَنى لَكُم
خُلُقاً بِهِ تَتَفَرَّدون
16. The love of immortality built in you
A character by which you are distinguished.
١٦. لَم يَأخُذِ المُتَقَدِّمو
نَ بِهِ وَلا المُتَأَخِّرون
17. Those before you did not adopt it
Nor those after you.
١٧. حَتّى تَسابَقتُم إِلى الإِح
سانِ فيما تَعمَلون
Until you competed in kindness
١٨. لَم تَترُكوهُ في الجَلي
لِ وَلا الحَقيرِ مِنَ الشُؤون
19. In all what you do.
You left it not in hardship
١٩. هَذا القِيامُ فَقُل لنا ال
يَومُ الأَخيرُ مَتى يَكون
20. Or in easiness of affairs.
This rising, tell us when
٢٠. البَعثُ غايَةُ زائِلٍ
فانٍ وَأَنتُم خالِدون
21. Will be the last day?
Resurrection is the end of the perishable,
٢١. السَبقُ مِن عاداتِكُم
أَتُرى القِيامَةَ تَسبِقون
22. And you are immortal.
Is precedence in your qualities,
٢٢. أَنتُم أَساطينُ الحَضا
رَةِ وَالبُناةُ المُحسِنون
23. Will you precede the Day of Judgment?
You are masters of civilization,
٢٣. المُتقِنونَ وَإِنَّما
يُجزى الخُلودَ المُتقِنون
24. And excellent builders.
The meticulous ones, and only
٢٤. أَنَزَلتَ حُفرَةَ هالِكٍ
أَم حُجرَةَ المَلِكِ المَكين
25. The meticulous are rewarded with eternity.
٢٥. أَم في مَكانٍ بَينَ ذَ
لِكَ يُدهِشُ المُتَأَمِّلين
26. Did you descend into a tyrant's grave
Or the chamber of an eternal king?
٢٦. هُوَ مِن قُبورِ المُتلَفي
نَ وَمِن قُصورِ المُترَفين
27. Or in a place between that
Amazes the onlookers?
٢٧. لَم يَبقَ غالٍ في الحَضا
رَةِ لَم يَحُزهُ وَلا ثَمين
28. It is of the graves of the wretched
And the palaces of the prosperous.
٢٨. مَيتٌ تُحيطُ بِهِ الحَيا
ةُ زَمانُهُ مَعَهُ دَفين
29. No artifact in civilization remains
That it did not include, nor treasure.
٢٩. وَذَخائِرٌ مِن أَعصُرٍ وَل
لَت وَمِن دُنيا وَدين
30. A dead man whom life surrounds
His time is buried with him.
٣٠. حَمَلَت عَلى العَجَبِ الزَما
نَ وَأَهلَهُ المُستَكبِرين
31. And treasures from times gone by,
Of life and religion.
٣١. فَتَلَفَّتَت باريسُ تَح
سَبُ أَنَّها صُنعُ البَنين
32. It carried the pride of time
And its people, the arrogant.
٣٢. ذَهَبٌ بِبَطنِ الأَرضِ لَم
تَذهَب بِلَمحَتِهِ القُرون
33. So Paris was destroyed, thinking
It was made by the immortals.
٣٣. اِستَحدَثَت لَكَ جَندَلاً
وَصَفائِحاً مِنهُ القُيون
34. Gold may disappear into the earth's belly
But its beauty is not lost to generations.
٣٤. وَنَواوِساً وَهّاجَةً
لَم يَتَّخِذها الهامِدون
35. It made for you a crypt
And panels from it the arcs.
٣٥. لَو يَفطُنُ المَوتى لَها
سَرَحوا الأَنامِلَ يَنبِشون
36. And artifacts unmade by the perished,
If the dead were aware, they would rise
٣٦. وَتَنازَعوا الذَهَبَ الَّذي
كانوا لَهُ يَتَفاتَنون
37. To snatch the gold which
They were infatuated with.
٣٧. أَكفانُ وَشيٍ فُصِّلَت
بِرَقائِقِ الذَهَبِ الفَتين
38. Winding sheets of silk
Sewn with sheets of fine gold.
٣٨. قَد لَفَّها لَفَّ الضِما
دِ مُحَنِّطٌ آسٍ رَزين
39. Wrapped like perfume wraps
By a gentle, refined embalmer.
٣٩. وَكَأَنَّهُنَّ كَمائِمٌ
وَكَأَنَّكَ الوَردُ الجَنين
40. As if they are ostrich eggs,
And you are a tender rose.
٤٠. وَبِكُلِّ رُكنٍ صورَةٌ
وَبِكُلِّ زاوِيَةٍ رَقين
In every corner is an image,
٤١. وَتَرى الدُمى فَتَخالُها اِن
تَثَرَت عَلى جَنَباتِ زون
42. In every recess a statue.
You see figures so you imagine
٤٢. صُوَرٌ تُريكَ تَحَرُّكاً
وَالأَصلُ في الصُوَرِ السُكون
43. Their movement, but stillness is essence of images.
And their profound silence passes
٤٣. وَيَمُرُّ رائِعُ صَمتِها
بِالحِسِّ كَالنُطقِ المُبين
44. By perception as clear speech.
Their paint accompanied time,
٤٤. صَحِبَ الزَمانَ دِهانُها
حيناً عَهيداً بَعدَ حين
45. Once fresh, then worn out after a while.
Smooth over the length of decay,
٤٥. غَضٌّ عَلى طولِ البِلى
حَيٌّ عَلى طولِ المَنون
46. Alive over the length of death.
It deceived the eyes and always did
٤٦. خَدَعَ العُيونَ وَلَم يَزَل
حَتّى تَحَدّى اللامِسين
47. Until it challenged the touchers.
٤٧. غِلمانُ قَصرِك في الرِكا
بِ يُناوِلونَ وَيَطرَدون
48. Your palace servants in the crypt
Offer and drive away.
٤٨. وَالبوقُ يَهتِفُ وَالسِها
مُ تَرِنُّ وَالقَوسُ الحَنون
49. The horn shouts and the arrow vibrates
And the bow is infatuated.
٤٩. وَكِلابُ صَيدِكَ لُهَّثٌ
وَالخَيلُ جُنَّ لَها جُنون
50. And your hunting dogs are panting
And the horses are crazed.
٥٠. وَالوَحشُ تَنفُرُ في السُهو
لِ وَتارَةً تَثِبُ الحُزون
51. Sometimes the beasts are frightened in the plains,
Sometimes the gazelles leap.
٥١. وَالطَيرُ تَرسُفُ في الجِرا
حِ وَفي مَناقِرِها أَنين
52. And birds paddle in the terrain,
With melodies in their beaks.
٥٢. وَكَأَنَّ آباءَ البَرِي
يَةِ في المَدائِنِ مُحضَرون
53. As if fathers of animals
Are present in the cities.
٥٣. وَكَأَنَّ دَولَةَ آلِ شَم
سٍ عَن شِمالِكَ وَاليَمين
54. And as if the state of the House of Shamis
Is to your left and right.
٥٤. مَلِكَ المُلوكِ تَحِيَّةً
وَوَلاءَ مُحتَفِظٍ أَمين
55. Greetings to the King of Kings
And loyalty of a faithful trustee.
٥٥. هَذا المُقامُ عَرَفتُهُ
وَسَبَقتُ فيهِ القائِلين
56. I recognized this place
And preceded others in speaking of it.
٥٦. وَوَقَفتُ في آثارِكُم
أَزِنُ الجَلالَ وَأَستَبين
57. I stood in your ruins
Weighing majesty and examining it.
٥٧. وَبَنَيتُ في العِشرينَ مِن
أَحجارِها شِعري الرَصين
58. And built in the twenties of
Its stones my solid poetry.
٥٨. سالَت عُيونُ قَصائِدي
وَجَرى مِنَ الحَجَرِ المَعين
My poems streamed
٥٩. أَقعَدتُ جيلاً لِلهَوى
وَأَقَمتُ جيلاً آخَرين
60. And the tough stone gave drink.
I sat a generation craving love
٦٠. كُنتُم خَيالَ المَجدِ يُر
فَعُ لِلشَبابِ الطامِحين
61. And stood another generation.
You were the illusion of glory
٦١. وَكَم اِستَعَرتَ جَلالَكُم
لِمُحَمَّدٍ وَالمالِكين
62. Raised to the aspiring youth.
And how often your majesty was borrowed
٦٢. تاجٌ تَنَقَّلَ في الخَيا
لِ فَما اِستَقَرَّ عَلى جَبين
63. To eulogize Muhammad and the kings!
A crown that passed through imaginations
٦٣. خَرَزاتُهُ السَيفُ الصَقي
لُ يَشُدُّهُ الرُمحُ السَنين
64. But did not settle on a brow.
Its beads are the straight sword
٦٤. قُل لي أَحينَ بَدا الثَرى
لَكَ هَل جَزِعتَ عَلى العَرين
65. Bound by the long spear.
Tell me, when the soil
٦٥. آنَستَ مُلكاً لَيسَ بِالشا
كي السِلاحِ وَلا الحَصين
66. Seemed to constrain you, were you dismayed by the cave?
You found a kingdom not fortified
٦٦. البَرُّ مَغلوبُ القَنا
وَالبَحرُ مَسلوبُ السَفين
67. By weapon or impregnable castle.
The land overcome by vermin
٦٧. لَمّا نَظَرتَ إِلى الدِيا
رِ صَدَفتَ بِالقَلبِ الحَزين
68. And sea robbed of ships.
٦٨. لَم تَلقَ حَولَكَ غَيرَ كَر
تَرَ وَالنِطاسِيِّ المُعين
69. When you looked upon the monastery
You chanced upon a sad heart.
٦٩. أَقبَلتَ مِن حُجُبِ الجَلا
لِ عَلى قَبيلٍ مُعرِضين
70. You found none save the digger
And the diver to aid you.
٧٠. تاجُ الحَضارَةِ حينَ أَش
رَقَ لَم يَجِدهُم حافِلين
71. You came from curtains of glory
To a people indifferent.
٧١. وَاللَهُ يَعلَمُ لَم يَرَو
هُ مِن قُرونٍ أَربَعين
72. The crown of civilization when it shone
Did not find them gathering around it.
٧٢. قَسَماً بِمَن يُحيي العِظا
مَ وَلا أَزيدُكَ مِن يَمين
73. By the Lord of Might, I swear
And will not exceed you in oaths,
٧٣. لَو كانَ مِن سَفَرٍ إِيا
بُكَ أَمسِ أَو فَتحٍ مُبين
74. Had it been a journey's delay or a clear conquest,
Or your sending from the heart's blood
٧٤. أَو كانَ بَعثُكَ مِن دَبي
بِ الروحِ أَو نَبضِ الوَتين
75. Or the pulse of your temples,
And you emerged from the valley of Kings,
٧٥. وَطَلَعتَ مِن وادي المُلو
كِ عَلَيكَ غارُ الفاتِحين
76. With you the cave of conquerors.
The horses around you neighing
٧٦. الخَيلُ حَولَكَ في الجِلا
لِ العَسجَدِيَّةِ يَنثَنين
77. Proudly in the open desert.
And on your steeds resembling
٧٧. وَعَلى نِجادِكَ هالَتا
نِ مِنَ القَنا وَالدارِعين
78. Palm trees and knights.
And the troops propelling before you
٧٨. وَالجُندُ يَدفَعُ في رِكا
بِكَ بِالمُلوكِ مُصَفَّدين
79. Kings in shackles.
You'd have seen a different generation
٧٩. لَرَأَيتَ جيلاً غَيرَ جي
لِكَ بِالجَبابِرِ لا يَدين
80. Submitting, not submitting to tyrants.
And you'd have seen the ruled who
٨٠. وَرَأَيتَ مَحكومينَ قَد
نَصَبوا وَرَدّوا الحاكِمين
81. Rebelled and returned the rulers.
The spirit of time and its system
٨١. روحُ الزَمانِ وَنَظمُهُ
وَسَبيلُهُ في الآخَرين
82. And its course with others.
Truly time and its people
٨٢. إِنَّ الزَمانَ وَأَهلَهُ
فَرَغا مِنَ الفَردِ اللَعين
83. Are done with the cursed individual.
So if you saw elders
٨٣. فَإِذا رَأَيتَ مَشايِخاً
أَو فِتيَةً لَكَ ساجِدين
84. Or youths prostrate before you,
Meet the present, you'll find them
٨٤. لاقِ الزَمانَ تَجِدهُمو
عَن رَكبِهِ مُتَخَلِّفين
85. Lagging behind its caravan.
They are newly born in the late times
٨٥. هُم في الأَواخِرِ مَولِداً
وَعُقولُهُم في الأَوَّلين