
Men oppressed their wives and were tyrannical

ظلم الرجال نساءهم وتعسفوا

1. Men oppressed their wives and were tyrannical
Do Egyptian women have any supporters?

١. ظَلَمَ الرِجالُ نِساءَهُم وَتَعَسَّفوا
هَل لِلنِساءِ بِمِصرَ مِن أَنصارِ

2. O community of writers! Where is your affliction?
Where is eloquence and wisdom of thought?

٢. يا مَعشَرَ الكُتّابِ أَينَ بَلاؤُكُم
أَينَ البَيانُ وَصائِبُ الأَفكارِ

3. Is it nonsense to you, you don't care
About building morals without foundation?

٣. أَيَهُمُّكُم عَبَثٌ وَلَيسَ يَهُمُّكُم
بُنيانُ أَخلاقٍ بِغَيرِ جِدارِ

4. I have news for you about the injustice to women
That stirs the conscience of the virtuous

٤. عِندي عَلى ضَيمِ الحَرائِرِ بَينَكُم
نَبَأٌ يُثيرُ ضَمائِرَ الأَحرارِ

5. Of what I saw and learned while traveling
And knowledge is some benefits of journeys

٥. مِمّا رَأَيتُ وَما عَلِمتُ مُسافِراً
وَالعِلمُ بَعضُ فَوائِدِ الأَسفارِ

6. It's an opportunity to speak and a doctrine
For a researcher and lady of the house

٦. فيهِ مَجالٌ لِلكَلامِ وَمَذهَبٌ
لِيَراعِ باحِثَةٍ وَسِتِّ الدارِ

7. Many groups came to Dar Al Saadah
Egyptian farmers and people of wealth

٧. كَثُرَت عَلى دارِ السَعادَةِ زُمرَةٌ
مِن مِصرَ أَهلُ مَزارِعٍ وَيَسارِ

8. Marrying women under them
Who are neither immoral nor wicked

٨. يَتَزَوَّجونَ عَلى نِساءٍ تَحتَهُم
لا صاحِباتِ بُغىً وَلا بِشَرارِ

9. Who shared their prime youth and gave them
For ages a cup of joyful wine

٩. شاطَرنَهُم نِعَمَ الصِبا وَسَقَينَهُم
دَهراً بِكَأسٍ لِلسُرورِ عُقارُ

10. Mothers, their sons and daughters
Modesty itself like walls

١٠. الوالِداتُ بَنيهُمُ وَبَناتِهِم
الحائِطاتُ العِرضَ كَالأَسوارِ

11. Patient with adversity and affliction
Spending the night with prayers

١١. الصابِراتُ لِضَرَّةٍ وَمَضَرَّةٍ
المُحيِياتُ اللَيلَ بِالأَذكارِ

12. Everyone past seventy hides their grey hair
Though it shines on their cheeks like daylight

١٢. مِن كُلِّ ذي سَبعينَ يَكتُمُ شَيبَهُ
وَالشَيبُ في فَودَيهِ ضَوءُ نَهارِ

13. Except for frivolity, their hearts admit no grey hair
Small in concerns and dignity

١٣. يَأبى لَهُ في الشَيبِ غَيرَ سَفاهَةٍ
قَلبٌ صَغيرُ الهَمِّ وَالأَوطارِ

14. No tenderness restrains them, or kindness
No righteousness towards family or longing for home

١٤. ما حَلَّهُ عَطفٌ وَلا رِفقٌ وَلا
بِرٌّ بِأَهلٍ أَو هَوىً لِدِيارِ

15. How many playboys are distracted from grandchildren
By flirting with juvenile girls

١٥. كَم ناهِدٍ في اللّاعِباتِ صَغيرَةٍ
أَلهَتهُ عَن حَفَدٍ بِمِصرَ صِغارِ

16. Wherever he goes out on his ramble
A matchmaker pushes him to a broker

١٦. مَهما غَدا أَو راحَ في جَولاتِهِ
دَفَعَتهُ خاطِبَةٌ إِلى سِمسارِ

17. Elders are busy with contracts and he with
Changing spouses and in-laws

١٧. شُغِلَ المَشايِخُ بِالمَتابِ وَشُغلُهُ
بِتَبَدُّلِ الأَزواجِ وَالأَصهارِ

18. Every year his mind is on a child
Like the sun, if proposed to, it's for the moons

١٨. في كُلِّ عامٍ هَمُّهُ في طَفلَةٍ
كَالشَمسِ إِن خُطِبَت فَلِلأَقمارِ

19. The parents shower three on her
I don't know which is harshest

١٩. يَرشو عَلَيها الوالِدينَ ثَلاثَةً
لَم أَدرِ أَيُّهُمُ الغَليظُ الضاري

20. Money made the unlawful lawful
Even old men marrying young brides

٢٠. المالُ حَلَّلَ كُلَّ غَيرِ مُحَلَّلِ
حَتّى زَواجَ الشيبِ بِالأَبكارِ

21. It has bewitched hearts, so many a mother
Her heart for it became stone

٢١. سَحَرَ القُلوبَ فَرُبَّ أُمٍّ قَلبُها
مِن سِحرِهِ حَجَرٌ مِنَ الأَحجارِ

22. She handed her daughter to a decrepit bed
And threw her into isolation and captivity

٢٢. دَفَعَت بُنَيَّتَها لِأَشأَمَ مَضجَعٍ
وَرَمَت بِها في غُربَةٍ وَإِسارِ

23. Justifying it by law, I said she lied
God's law isn't by the butcher's knife

٢٣. وَتَعَلَّلَت بِالشَرعِ قُلتُ كَذِبتِهِ
ما كانَ شَرعُ اللَهِ بِالجَزّارِ

24. The girl wasn't married but her youth and beauty
Were sold for dinars

٢٤. ما زُوِّجَت تِلكَ الفَتاةُ وَإِنَّما
بيعَ الصِبا وَالحُسنُ بِالدينارِ

25. Some marriages are as vile as adultery
And slavery, if compared for dishonor

٢٥. بَعضُ الزَواجِ مُذَمَّمٌ ما بِالزِنا
وَالرِقِّ إِن قيسا بِهِ مِن عارِ

26. I searched but found no aptness in marriage
Like aptness of spouses in age

٢٦. فَتَّشتُ لَم أَرَ في الزَواجِ كَفاءَةً
كَكَفاءَةِ الأَزواجِ في الأَعمارِ

27. I lament for those beauties whenever
Taken from decline to the vortex

٢٧. أَسَفي عَلى تِلكَ المَحاسِنِ كُلَّما
نُقِلَت مِنَ البالي إِلى الدَوّارِ

28. Indeed, the veil over classes is a paradise
While Egypt's veil is of fire

٢٨. إِنَّ الحِجابَ عَلى فُروقٍ جَنَّةٌ
وَحِجابُ مِصرَ وَريفِها مِن نارِ

29. And over faces like moons were terrified
After unveiling with hood and veil

٢٩. وَعَلى وُجوهٍ كَالأَهِلَّةِ رُوِّعَت
بَعدَ السُفورِ بِبُرقُعٍ وَخِمارِ

30. And over locks that are musk were mixed
When embracing like melting tar

٣٠. وَعَلى الذَوائِبِ وَهيَ مِسكٌ خولِطَت
عِندَ العِناقِ بِمِثلِ ذَوبِ القارِ

31. And over lively lips, the winds
Of old men blew at dawn and killed them

٣١. وَعَلى الشِفاهِ المُحيِياتِ أَماتَها
ريحُ الشُيوخِ تَهُبُّ في الأَسحارِ

32. And over gatherings atop every flirt
Between mountains and a lustrous shore

٣٢. وَعَلى المَجالِسِ فَوقَ كُلِّ خَميلَةٍ
بَينَ الجِبالِ وَشاطِئٍ مِحبارِ

33. Boats approach unloading filth
With a necklace or bracelet

٣٣. تَدنو الزَوارِقُ مِنهُ تُنزِلُ جُؤذَراً
بِقِلادَةٍ أَو شادِناً بِسِوارِ

34. They strut in silk robes of varied
Colors like flowers in March

٣٤. يَرفُلنَ في أُزُرِ الحَريرِ تَنَوَّعَت
أَلوانُهُ كَالزَهرِ في آذارِ

35. The virtuous glances like deer
Melodious voices like strings

٣٥. الطاهِراتُ اللَحظِ أَمثالَ المَها
الناطِقاتُ الجَرسِ كَالأَوتارِ

36. Time separated them, so pass by it
Oh Lord, let fate reunite them

٣٦. الدَهرُ فَرَّقَ شَملَهُنَّ فَمُر بِهِ
يا رَبِّ تَجمَعُهُ يَدُ المِقدارِ