
Congratulations, O Commander of the Faithful, for your deliverance is the deliverance of the true religion.

هنيئا أمير المؤمنين فإنما

1. Congratulations, O Commander of the Faithful, for your deliverance is the deliverance of the true religion.
Congratulations to you and the Book and the nation whose survival is their life and your survival.

١. هَنيئاً أَميرَ المُؤمِنينَ فَإِنَّما
نَجاتُكَ لِلدينِ الحَنيفِ نَجاةُ

2. You took a covenant with fate so no harm can reach you.
He who is clothed in the Prophet's mantle, no arrows can hurt him.

٢. هَنيئاً لِطَهَ وَالكِتابِ وَأُمَّةٍ
بَقاؤُكَ إِبقاءٌ لَها وَحَياةُ

3. The Bayt almost walks in gratitude to its Lord towards you and Sa'y hastens calling out Labbayka.
The mosques humbly request your forgiveness spreading out prayer mats.

٣. أَخَذتَ عَلى الأَقدارِ عَهداً وَمَوثِقاً
فَلَستَ الَّذي تَرقى إِلَيهِ أَذاةُ

4. The fertile land seeks forgiveness for what the sinful killers have watered.
The wounded flex their injuries toward you and the slain send their prayers to you.

٤. وَمَن يَكُ في بُردِ النَبِيِّ وَثَوبِهِ
تَجُزهُ إِلى أَعدائِهِ الرَمَياتُ

5. You laughed at the horrors then cried for them with tears that brought mercy.
On the Day of Resurrection, fragments and remains will be rewarded for their sacrifice and purity.

٥. يَكادُ يَسيرُ البَيتُ شُكراً لِرَبِّهِ
إِلَيكَ وَيَسعى هاتِفاً عَرَفاتُ

6. You did not revive them but they all belong to their Lord. So those who died in Your path did not die.
A gang of evil, enemies of prayer, shot them with arrows of betrayal while they prayed.

٦. وَتَستَوهِبُ الصَفحَ المَساجِدُ خُشَّعاً
وَتَبسُطُ راحَ التَوبَةِ الجُمُعاتُ

7. Jesus disavows them and their companions. Are Jesus' merciful followers so harsh?
They oppose religion but do not oppose a state. Their claim and complaint are false.

٧. وَتَستَغفِرُ الأَرضُ الخَصيبُ وَما جَنَت
وَلَكِن سَقاها قاتِلونَ جُناةُ

8. There is no good in this world or in its rights if those who seek rights are tyrants.
With what heart can one face horrors steadily? The hearts of all people lack steadfastness,

٨. وَتُثني مِنَ الجَرحى عَلَيكَ جِراحُهُم
وَتَأتي مِنَ القَتلى لَكَ الدَعَواتُ

9. When the earth shakes around you, your tranquility returns it to stillness until anxieties subside.
If a fire breaks out and becomes Hell, consuming the bodies of all and growing,

٩. ضَحِكتَ مِنَ الأَهوالِ ثُمَّ بَكَيتَهُم
بِدَمعٍ جَرَت في إِثرِهِ الرَحَماتُ

10. With a raging inferno and heated city, and wails of burning agony,
You walked in the Prophet's coolness and it surrounded you, peace and coolness.

١٠. تُثابُ بِغاليهِ وَتُجزى بِطُهرِهِ
إِلى البَعثِ أَشلاءٌ لَهُم وَرُفاتُ

11. While the world wore armor, yours was a humble, praying heart.
You laughed while forms of death frowned, and were dignified while tyrants raged.

١١. وَما كُنتَ تُحييهِم فَكِلهُم لِرَبِّهِم
فَما ماتَ قَومٌ في سَبيلِكَ ماتوا

12. If guards failed you, angels sent by God protected you.
With your enlightened Ahmadi face, hopeful eyes shine.

١٢. رَمَتهُم بِسَهمِ الغَدرِ عِندَ صَلاتِهِم
عِصابَةُ شَرٍّ لِلصَلاةِ عُداةُ

13. You give life though fate takes it, and fate apologizes to you for taking it.
Your deliverance is a blessing from God renewed for which thanks and charity are due.

١٣. تَبَرَّأَ عيسى مِنهُمُ وَصِحابِهِ
أَأَتباعُ عيسى ذي الحَنانِ جُفاةُ

14. So make the Commander of the Faithful's praise virtues that give life to the earth even as it dies.
If your existence never eluded us, the hopes of souls would not be lost.

١٤. يُعادونَ ديناً لا يُعادونَ دَولَةً
لَقَد كَذِبَت دَعوى لَهُم وَشُكاةُ

15. We tested you wakeful amidst swords and spears when kings neglected the hunt during their slumber.
You stayed awake while sweet sleep, a blessing, ignored the people whose shepherds were caprice.

١٥. وَلا خَيرَ في الدُنيا وَلا في حُقوقِها
إِذا قيلَ طُلّابُ الحُقوقِ بُغاةُ

16. Without you the kingdom of Muslims would be lost and without you the unity of Muslims would be shattered.
Their banners are gone except for the one whose victory, mark, and conquests are resplendent.

١٦. بِأَيِّ فُؤادٍ تَلتَقي الهَولَ ثابِتاً
وَما لِقُلوبِ العالَمينَ ثَباتُ

17. It shades the days, honored and splendid, with raids sheltered in its shade.
Hanifiyyah, strengthened and made strong by thirty conquering kings who protected and eternalized it over the ages.

١٧. إِذا زُلزِلَت مِن حَولِكَ الأَرضُ رادَها
وَقارُكَ حَتّى تَسكُنَ الجَنَباتُ

18. Clouds in the sky of time, lamps in the night of doubt, guides.
Sailing peacefully around you, to which the hopes and fears of creation incline.

١٨. وَإِن خَرَجَت نارٌ فَكانَت جَهَنَّماً
تُغَذّى بِأَجسادِ الوَرى وَتُقاتُ

19. The wild beasts of the air die wretched before it while the souls and passions of people come alive.
You exemplified justice in the affairs of people so the times rested satisfied with you and they rested.

١٩. وَتَرتَجُّ مِنها لُجَّةٌ وَمَدينَةٌ
وَتَصلى نَواحٍ حَرَّها وَجِهاتُ

20. You are a cloud and time is a spoiled child. You are a spear and time is a gullet.
You are the pillar of peace if its pillar tilts and trustees cling to it.

٢٠. تَمَشَّيتَ في بُردِ الخَليلِ فَخُضتَها
سَلاماً وَبُرداً حَولَكَ الغَمَراتُ

21. Could anyone but you improve this situation after years made it easy for you?
Whoever experiences the world thirty years gains wisdom and patience against it.

٢١. وَسِرتَ وَمِلءُ الأَرضِ أَدرُعٌ
وَدِرعُكَ قَلبٌ خاشِعٌ وَصَلاةُ

22. You ruled the Commander of the Faithful, son of a happy man, by a merit minds acknowledge.
I remain singing your praises and blowing gently continues from you to me.

٢٢. ضَحوكاً وَأَصنافُ المَنايا عَوابِسٌ
وَقوراً وَأَنواعُ الحُتوفِ طُغاةُ

23. I spurned comfort in your pleasure, aspiring to God's rewards.
One like me, praising the best of times, cannot be swayed even by gifts from the likes of you.

٢٣. يَحوطُكَ إِن خانَ الحُماةَ اِنتِباهُهُم
مَلائِكُ مِن عِندِ الإِلَهِ حُماةُ

24. I have gems of character in praise and passion, and Al-Mutanabbi has one gem.
A nation was saved when you were saved and the dynasty endured long life.

٢٤. تُشيرُ بِوَجهٍ أَحمَدِيٍّ مُنَوِّرٍ
عُيونُ البَرايا فيهِ مُنحَسِراتُ

25. Royal splendor was protected and its glory stretched on, goodness and good acts lasting through it.
In the east and west of the land, orphans were secured in their livelihoods and naked ones clothed.

٢٥. يُحَيِّ الرَعايا وَالقَضاءُ مُهَلِّلٌ
يُحَييهِ وَالأَقدارُ مُعتَذِراتُ

26. My greetings from this place fall short. Upon you are God's greetings and blessings.

٢٦. نَجاتُكَ نُعمى لِلإِلَهِ سَنِيَّةٌ
لَها فيكَ شُكرٌ واجِبٌ وَزَكاةُ