
A mule approached the thoroughbred one day

بغل أتى الجواد ذات مره

1. A mule approached the thoroughbred one day
With joy filling his heart making him gay

١. بَغلٌ أَتى الجَوادَ ذات مَرَّه
وَقَلبُهُ مُمتَلِئٌ مَسَرَّه

2. He said my excellence has now come to light
And it's time you recognize my might

٢. فَقالَ فَضلي قَد بَدا يا خِلّي
وَآنَ أَن تَعرِفَ لي مَحَلّي

3. When yesterday you walked by my side
You wondered at my prancing stride

٣. إِذ كُنتَ أَمسِ ماشِياً بِجانِبي
تَعجَبُ مِن رَقصِيَ تَحتَ صاحِبي

4. I strutted as folk exclaimed aloud
To which monarch belongs this proud steed?

٤. أَختالُ حَتّى قالَتِ العِبادُ
لِمَن مِنَ المُلوكِ ذا الجَوادُ

5. The stallion laughed at his silly claim
And said as was typical of his vain

٥. فَضَحِكَ الحِصانُ مِن مَقالِهِ
وَقالَ بِالمَعهودِ مِن دلالِهِ

6. I never saw the mule dance with pride
Just heard the braying of an ass beside

٦. لَم أَرَ رَقصَ البَغلِ تَحتَ الغازي
لَكِن سَمِعتُ نَقرَةَ المِهمازِ