1. Guidance was born, so existence became radiant,
And the mouth of time smiled and praised.
١. وُلِـدَ الـهُـدى فَـالكائِناتُ ضِياءُ
وَفَـمُ الـزَمـانِ تَـبَـسُّـمٌ وَثَناءُ
2. The Spirit and the angels surrounded him,
Good tidings for religion and world through him.
٢. الـروحُ وَالـمَـلَأُ الـمَلائِكُ حَولَهُ
لِـلـديـنِ وَالـدُنـيـا بِهِ بُشَراءُ
3. The Throne became magnificent and the Lote Tree luxuriant,
The ultimate boundary and the Lote Tree of Refuge.
٣. وَالـعَـرشُ يَزهو وَالحَظيرَةُ تَزدَهي
وَالـمُـنـتَـهى وَالسِدرَةُ العَصماءُ
4. The garden of the Criterion laughed with flowers
A singing nightingale with its interpretation.
٤. وَحَـديـقَـةُ الفُرقانِ ضاحِكَةُ الرُبا
بِـالـتُـرجُـمـ انِ شَـذِيَّةٌ غَنّاءُ
5. Revelation dripped in a chain from chains,
The Preserved Tablet and the elegant Pen a meadow.
٥. وَالـوَحيُ يَقطُرُ سَلسَلاً مِن سَلسَلٍ
وَالـلَـوحُ وَالـقَـلَـمُ البَديعُ رُواءُ
6. The names of the messengers were composed as a scripture
In the Tablet, and Muhammed’s name most splendid.
٦. نُـظِمَت أَسامي الرُسلِ فَهيَ صَحيفَةٌ
فـي الـلَـوحِ وَاِسمُ مُحَمَّدٍ طُغَراءُ
7. The name of Majesty in the letters of its miracle
An alif therein and the name Ta Ha the ba.
٧. اِسـمُ الـجَـلالَةِ في بَديعِ حُروفِهِ
أَلِـفٌ هُـنـالِـكَ وَاِسمُ طَهَ الباءُ
8. O best of those who came to existence in greeting
From messengers to guidance, through you they came.
٨. يـا خَـيـرَ مَن جاءَ الوُجودَ تَحِيَّةً
مِـن مُرسَلينَ إِلى الهُدى بِكَ جاؤوا
9. The house of prophets which only the upright
And fair-minded would meet in it and reside.
٩. بَـيـتُ الـنَـبِـيّينَ الَّذي لا يَلتَقي
إِلّا الـحَـنـائِـفُ فـيهِ وَالحُنَفاءُ
10. The best fatherhood was granted to them through you, Adam,
Above people, and Eve obtained.
١٠. خَـيـرُ الأُبُـوَّةِ حـازَهُـم لَكَ آدَمٌ
دونَ الأَنــامِ وَأَحــرَزَت حَـوّاءُ
11. They attained the glory of prophethood and it culminated
Through you the towering glory.
١١. هُـم أَدرَكـوا عِـزَّ النُبُوَّةِ وَاِنتَهَت
فـيـهـا إِلَـيـكَ الـعِزَّةُ القَعساءُ
12. It was created for your house and it was created for it
Great things are matched by the magnificent.
١٢. خُـلِـقَـت لِبَيتِكَ وَهوَ مَخلوقٌ لَها
إِنَّ الـعَـظـائِـمَ كُفؤُها العُظَماءُ
13. Through you Allah gave good tidings to the sky, so it was adorned
And took on the scent of musk, O dust colored one.
١٣. بِـكَ بَـشَّـرَ الـلَهُ السَماءَ فَزُيِّنَت
وَتَـضَـوَّعَـت مِـسكاً بِكَ الغَبراءُ
14. And your crescent that rose became radiant
Its truth, pride, guidance, and modesty.
١٤. وَبَـدا مُـحَـيّـاكَ الَّـذي قَسَماتُهُ
حَـقٌّ وَغُـرَّتُـهُ هُـدىً وَحَـيـاءُ
15. And upon it was the light of prophethood and elegance
And the marks of Abraham and his guidance.
١٥. وَعَـلَـيـهِ مِـن نورِ النُبُوَّةِ رَونَقٌ
وَمِـنَ الـخَـلـيلِ وَهَديِهِ سيماءُ
16. The Messiah praised him behind his veil
And the chaste virgin shuddered and quaked.
١٦. أَثـنـى المَسيحُ عَلَيهِ خَلفَ سَمائِهِ
وَتَـهَـلَّـلَـت وَاِهـتَـزَّتِ العَذراءُ
17. A day that illuminated the times with its morning
And its evening through Muhammad all luminosity.
١٧. يَـومٌ يَـتـيهُ عَلى الزَمانِ صَباحُهُ
وَمَـسـاؤُهُ بِـمُـحَـمَّـدٍ وَضّاءُ
18. The truth, pillar of glory, through him vanquished
In the kingdom, no banners rose above it.
١٨. الـحَـقُّ عـالي الرُكنِ فيهِ مُظَفَّرٌ
فـي الـمُـلـكِ لا يَعلو عَلَيهِ لِواءُ
19. Thrones of oppressors were shaken and toppled
And cries rose above their crowns.
١٩. ذُعِـرَت عُروشُ الظالِمينَ فَزُلزِلَت
وَعَـلَـت عَـلـى تيجانِهِم أَصداءُ
20. The fire, empty of sides around them
Its flames subsided and the water drained.
٢٠. وَالـنـارُ خـاوِيَةُ الجَوانِبِ حَولَهُم
خَـمَـدَت ذَوائِـبُها وَغاضَ الماءُ
21. Signs appeared in succession and miracles abundant
Gabriel a frequent visitor with them.
٢١. وَالآيُ تَـتـرى وَالـخَـوارِقُ جَمَّةٌ
جِــبـريـلُ رَوّاحٌ بِـهـا غَـدّاءُ
22. Good are the traits of his perfection that appeared
And the orphan's provision, some of it intellect.
٢٢. نِـعـمَ الـيَـتيمُ بَدَت مَخايِلُ فَضلِهِ
وَالـيُـتـمُ رِزقٌ بَـعـضُهُ وَذَكاءُ
23. In the cradle, life is sought through his hope
And through his purpose calamities averted.
٢٣. فـي الـمَهدِ يُستَسقى الحَيا بِرَجائِهِ
وَبِـقَـصـدِهِ تُـسـتَـدفَعُ البَأساءُ
24. None among the people of honesty and trustees knew
Besides trustworthiness in youth and honesty.
٢٤. بِسِوى الأَمانَةِ في الصِبا وَالصِدقِ لَم
يَـعـرِفـهُ أَهـلُ الصِدقِ وَالأُمَناءُ
25. O you who has traits that tempt the sublime
Among them and the great fall in love.
٢٥. يـا مَن لَهُ الأَخلاقُ ما تَهوى العُلا
مِـنـهـا وَمـا يَـتَعَشَّقُ الكُبَراءُ
26. If you had not established a religion, they alone
Would have established a religion, illuminated by its light the times.
٢٦. لَـو لَـم تُـقِـم ديناً لَقامَت وَحدَها
ديـنـاً تُـضـيءُ بِـنـورِهِ الآناءُ
27. Your great morals in character are traits
Tempting those aspiring and taken by passion.
٢٧. زانَـتـكَ في الخُلُقِ العَظيمِ شَمائِلٌ
يُـغـرى بِـهِـنَّ وَيـولَعُ الكُرَماءُ
28. As for beauty, you are the sun of its sky
And the whiteness of the truthful is from you illumination.
٢٨. أَمّـا الـجَمالُ فَأَنتَ شَمسُ سَمائِهِ
وَمَـلاحَـةُ الـصِـدّيـقِ مِنكَ أَياءُ
29. And perfection from the nobility of faces and its best
Is what leaders and chieftains were granted.
٢٩. وَالـحُـسنُ مِن كَرَمِ الوُجوهِ وَخَيرُهُ
مـا أوتِـيَ الـقُـوّادُ وَالـزُعَماءُ
30. So when you were generous, you reached with generosity the goal
And did what clouds would not do.
٣٠. فَـإِذا سَـخَوتَ بَلَغتَ بِالجودِ المَدى
وَفَـعَـلـتَ مـا لا تَـفعَلُ الأَنواءُ
31. And when you pardoned, able and determined
Ignorant ones do not take your pardon lightly.
٣١. وَإِذا عَـفَـوتَ فَـقـادِراً وَمُـقَدَّراً
لا يَـسـتَـهـيـنُ بِعَفوِكَ الجُهَلاءُ
32. And when you had mercy, you were a mother or father
The two in the world are the most merciful.
٣٢. وَإِذا رَحِــمـتَ فَـأَنـتَ أُمٌّ أَو أَبٌ
هَـذانِ فـي الـدُنيا هُما الرُحَماءُ
33. And when you got angry, it was but anger
In truth, no injustice or hatred.
٣٣. وَإِذا غَـضِـبـتَ فَإِنَّما هِيَ غَضبَةٌ
فـي الـحَـقِّ لا ضِغنٌ وَلا بَغضاءُ
34. And when you were pleased, that was in His pleasure
And the pleasure of many is pretending and showing off.
٣٤. وَإِذا رَضـيـتَ فَـذاكَ في مَرضاتِهِ
وَرِضـى الـكَـثـيـرِ تَحَلُّمٌ وَرِياءُ
35. And when you sermonized, platforms quaked
Baring hardship, and hearts crying.
٣٥. وَإِذا خَـطَـبـتَ فَـلِـلمَنابِرِ هِزَّةٌ
تَـعـرو الـنَـدِيَّ وَلِـلقُلوبِ بُكاءُ
36. And when you judged, no doubts as if
The disputants came from the sky as His decree.
٣٦. وَإِذا قَـضَـيـتَ فَـلا اِرتِيابَ كَأَنَّما
جـاءَ الـخُصومَ مِنَ السَماءِ قَضاءُ
37. And if you prohibited water none would access it
Even if kings and emperors were thirsty.
٣٧. وَإِذا حَـمَـيـتَ الماءَ لَم يورَد وَلَو
أَنَّ الـقَـيـاصِـرَ وَالمُلوكَ ظِماءُ
38. And when you granted refuge, you were Allah’s house
No enemies could enter the one seeking refuge.
٣٨. وَإِذا أَجَـرتَ فَـأَنـتَ بَـيتُ اللَهِ لَم
يَـدخُـل عَـلَـيهِ المُستَجيرَ عَداءُ
39. And when you controlled the soul you did good by it
Even if what your hands possessed disagreed.
٣٩. وَإِذا مَـلَـكـتَ النَفسَ قُمتَ بِبِرِّها
وَلَـوَ اَنَّ مـا مَـلَكَت يَداكَ الشاءُ
40. And when you built, the best of couples in marriage
And when you followed, preceding you the fathers.
٤٠. وَإِذا بَـنَـيـتَ فَـخَيرُ زَوجٍ عِشرَةً
وَإِذا اِبـتَـنَـيـتَ فَـدونَـكَ الآباءُ
41. And when you accompanied, loyalty was seen embodied
In your mantle, companions and associates.
٤١. وَإِذا صَـحِـبتَ رَأى الوَفاءَ مُجَسَّماً
فـي بُـردِكَ الأَصـحابُ وَالخُلَطاءُ
42. And when you took or gave a covenant
All your covenants were commitment and loyalty.
٤٢. وَإِذا أَخَـذتَ الـعَـهـدَ أَو أَعطَيتَهُ
فَـجَـمـيـعُ عَـهدِكَ ذِمَّةٌ وَوَفاءُ
43. And when you walked to enemies, a lion
And when you charged, you were the sweeping flood.
٤٣. وَإِذا مَـشَـيـتَ إِلى العِدا فَغَضَنفَرٌ
وَإِذا جَـرَيـتَ فَـإِنَّـكَ الـنَـكباءُ
44. And you extend your forbearance to the foolish courteously
Until the ignorant feel stingy towards your honor.
٤٤. وَتَـمُـدُّ حِـلـمَـكَ لِلسَفيهِ مُدارِياً
حَـتّـى يَـضيقَ بِعَرضِكَ السُفَهاءُ
45. In each soul among your subjects is awe
And for each soul in your help is hope.
٤٥. فـي كُـلِّ نَـفسٍ مِن سُطاكَ مَهابَةٌ
وَلِـكُـلِّ نَـفـسٍ فـي نَداكَ رَجاءُ