
I heard that a mouse was mourned by

سمعت أن فأرة أتاها

1. I heard that a mouse was mourned by
Her brother, grieving for her lost one

١. سَمِعتُ أَنَّ فَأرَةً أَتاها
شَقيقُها يَنعى لَها فَتاها

2. Crying “Woe is me, what misfortune is mine,
Who set the cat upon my sister's son?”

٢. يَصيحُ يا لي مِن نُحوسِ بَختي
مَن سَلَّط القِطَّ عَلى اِبنِ أُختي

3. She wailed and bit the dust
And gathered dirt for the funeral rites

٣. فَوَلوَلَت وَعَضَّتِ التُرابا
وَجَمَعَت لِلمَأتَمِ الأَترابا

4. Saying “Today my pleasures have ceased
No good is left for me in life

٤. وَقالَتِ اليَومَ اِنقَضَت لَذّاتي
لا خَيرَ لي بَعدَكَ في الحَياةِ

5. Who will comfort me like that comforter
Who relieved me of such bitter pain?”

٥. مَن لي بِهِرٍّ مِثلِ ذاكَ الهِرِّ
يُريحُني مِن ذا العَذابِ المُرِّ

6. And he was near enough to hear
All she said and repeated clear

٦. وَكانَ بِالقُربِ الَّذي تُريدُ
يَسمَعُ ما تُبدي وَما تُعيدُ

7. So he came saying “Good news to you
The one for whom you called has come to you”

٧. فَجاءَها يَقولُ يا بُشراكِ
إِنَّ الَّذي دَعَوتِ قَد لَبّاكِ

8. But when she saw the mouse, she shuddered in fear
And took refuge in a neighbor's home

٨. فَفَزِعَت لَمّا رَأَتهُ الفارَه
وَاِعتَصَمَت مِنهُ بِبَيتِ الجارَه

9. Saying from above “If after my son I die
Then who will be here to mourn and cry?”

٩. وَأَشرَفَت تَقولُ لِلسَفيهِ
إِن متُّ بَعدَ اِبني فَمَن يَبكيهِ