
I learned that the wreckage had gone away

علمت بأن الحطام انصرف

1. I learned that the wreckage had gone away
And what was left was nothing but honor

١. علمت بأن الحطام انصرف
وأدبر ما كان إلا الشرف

2. And that you had sold wishes and bought
Shells, so the market deceived you in that

٢. وأنك بعت المنى واشتريـ
ـت فخانك في ذاك سوق الصُدف

3. And you were excessive seeking wide riches
I welcome whoever attained them with moderation

٣. وأسرفت تبغى عريض الغنى
أقبلك من ناله بالسرف

4. It is nothing but the clenching of hands
Hoping to preserve and fearing harm

٤. وما هو إلا انقباض اليدين
رجاء الصيان وخوف التلف

5. Your love is the love of life
Keeping you is keeping antiques

٥. وحبك مالِك حب الحياة
وحفظك مالك حفظ التحف

6. So I said perhaps the poet has ended
And for him a lesson from what is past

٦. فقلت لعل الأديب انتهى
وكان له عظة ما سلف

7. Does an occupation occur to him
That he transitioned from long ago to another craft

٧. أتدركه حرفة جازها
قديما إلى غيرها في الحرف

8. He has abandoned the rhymes of poems
And abandoned the prose of charm

٨. وقد هجر النظم نظم الجمان
وقد هجر النثر نثر الطرف

9. And whoever's wealth is his mind
Sells gems in the sale of pottery

٩. ومن كان ثروته عقله
يبيع الجواهر بيع الخزف