
Stand in awe at the pyramids' grandeur and call out,

قف ناج أهرام الجلال وناد

1. Stand in awe at the pyramids' grandeur and call out,
Is there among your daughters an assembly or a tryst?

١. قِف ناجِ أَهرامَ الجَلالِ وَنادِ
هَل مِن بُناتِكَ مَجلِسٌ أَو نادِ

2. We complain and take refuge between their eyes,
For fatherhood is the refuge of children.

٢. نَشكو وَنَفزَعُ فيهِ بَينَ عُيونِهِم
إِنَّ الأُبُوَّةَ مَفزِعُ الأَولادِ

3. We scatter them according to passion's whims with their inheritance,
From every harbinger of passion with a guide.

٣. وَنَبُثُّهُم عَبَثَ الهَوى بِتُراثِهِم
مِن كُلِّ مُلقٍ لِلهَوى بِقِيادِ

4. And we show how the brethren scattered during
The time of affliction, the scattering of opposites.

٤. وَنُبينُ كَيفَ تَفَرَّقَ الإِخوانُ في
وَقتِ البَلاءِ تَفَرُّقَ الأَضدادِ

5. Verily the sophist in reality himself
Is an aggressor upon the weak soul.

٥. إِنَّ المَغالِطَ في الحَقيقَةِ نَفسَهُ
باغٍ عَلى النَفسِ الضَعيفَةِ عادِ

6. Say to the three wonders a saying
From a caller in their place, urging on

٦. قُل لِلأَعاجيبِ الثَلاثِ مَقالَةً
مِن هاتِفٍ بِمَكانِهِنَّ وَشادِ

7. To God you are, so I have not seen upon Al-Safa
This majesty, nor upon the pegs.

٧. لِلَّهِ أَنتِ فَما رَأَيتُ عَلى الصَفا
هَذا الجَلالَ وَلا عَلى الأَوتادِ

8. You have, like places of worship, a holy awe
And upon you is the spirituality of worshippers.

٨. لَكِ كَالمَعابِدِ رَوعَةٌ قُدسِيَّةٌ
وَعَلَيكِ روحانِيَّةُ العُبّادِ

9. You were established with their dreams as foundations
And erected from their morals as columns.

٩. أُسِّستِ مِن أَحلامِهِم بِقَواعِدٍ
وَرُفِعتِ مِن أَخلاقِهِم بِعِمادِ

10. Those sands beside you are a remainder
Of blessing, generosity, and ashes.

١٠. تِلكَ الرِمالُ بِجانِبَيكِ بَقِيَّةٌ
مِن نِعمَةٍ وَسَماحَةٍ وَرَمادِ

11. If we have honored the guest facing them
Then the guest with you is where munificence lies.

١١. إِن نَحنُ أَكرَمنا النَزيلَ حِيالَها
فَالضَيفُ عِندَكِ مَوضِعُ الإِرفادِ

12. That trustee circling your walls,
Advancing the pilgrims and the seekers.

١٢. هَذا الأَمينُ بِحائِطَيكِ مُطَوِّفاً
مُتَقَدِّمَ الحُجّاجِ وَالوُفّادِ

13. If eternity promises him from you, his poetry
Remains, and its rhetoric is not for exhausting.

١٣. إِن يَعدُهُ مِنكِ الخُلودُ فَشَعرُهُ
باقٍ وَلَيسَ بَيانُهُ لِنَفادِ

14. O trustee! You have touched all that is veiled
In beauty, of the intellect's effects and beginnings.

١٤. إيهِ أَمينُ لَمَستَ كُلَّ مُحَجَّبٍ
في الحُسنِ مِن أَثَرِ العُقولِ وَبادي

15. Rise! Kiss the stones and the hands which
Took a covenant from them of eternity.

١٥. قُم قَبِّلِ الأَحجارَ وَالأَيدي الَّتي
أَخَذَت لَها عَهداً مِنَ الآبادِ

16. And take genius from the treasures, it is
The cradle of suns and the horizon of intentions.

١٦. وَخُذِ النُبوغَ عَنِ الكِنانَةِ إِنَّها
مَهدُ الشُموسِ وَمَسقَطُ الآرادِ

17. Mother of cities! If you are not the mother of cities
And the refuge of notables and individuals,

١٧. أُمُّ القِرى إِن لَم تَكُن أُمَّ القُرى
وَمَثابَةُ الأَعيانِ وَالأَفرادِ

18. The east is still covered in glimmers from it
In every darkness, a guiding ray.

١٨. مازالَ يَغشى الشَرقَ مِن لَمَحاتِها
في كُلِّ مُظلِمَةٍ شُعاعٌ هادي

19. They raised basil to you, good smelling as your name,
Construction is truly the greeting of glories.

١٩. رَفَعوا لَكَ الرَيحانَ كَاِسمِكَ طَيِّباً
إِنَّ العَمارَ تَحِيَّةُ الأَمجادِ

20. And they chose for the festival its place
And I made the place of celebration my heart.

٢٠. وَتَخَيَّروا لِلمِهرَجانِ مَكانَهُ
وَجَعَلتُ مَوضِعَ الاِحتِفاءِ فُؤادي

21. Eras have passed over the affection between us,
Years of sobriety, nay years of slumber.

٢١. سَلَفَ الزَمانُ عَلى المَوَدَّةِ بَينَنا
سَنَواتُ صَحوٍ بَل سَناتُ رُقادِ

22. And if you gather goodness, you return it
To aged wine or old affection.

٢٢. وَإِذا جَمَعتَ الطَيِّباتِ رَدَدتَها
لِعَتيقِ خَمرٍ أَو قَديمِ وِدادِ

23. O star of Syria! And you are not the first,
What grew from brilliance and leaders?

٢٣. يا نَجمَ سورِيّا وَلَستَ بِأَوَّلٍ
ماذا نَمَت مِن نَيِّرٍ وَقّادِ

24. I look to Yemen with your good fortune tomorrow
And your image appears after tomorrow in Baghdad.

٢٤. أُطلُع عَلى يَمَنٍ بِيُمنِكَ في غَدٍ
وَتَجَلَّ بَعدَ غَدٍ عَلى بَغدادِ

25. And I imagine your specter in the heights of kingdoms,
From what you travel and in the features of countries.

٢٥. وَأَجِل خَيالَكَ في طُلولِ مَمالِكٍ
مِمّا تَجوبُ وَفي رُسومِ بِلادِ

26. And ask the graves, no I say ask the towns,
Is there someone from Rabī‘ah present or traveling?

٢٦. وَسَلِ القُبورَ وَلا أَقولُ سَلِ القُرى
هَل مِن رَبيعَةَ حاضِرٌ أَو بادي

27. You will see the abodes in the diversity of their affairs,
The camel has spoken of them and the guide comprehended.

٢٧. سَتَرى الدِيارَ مِنِ اِختِلافِ أُمورِها
نَطَقَ البَعيرُ بِها وَعَيَّ الحادي

28. You spent the days of youth in a world
That old age wore the gray hair of the cold.

٢٨. قَضَّيتَ أَيّامَ الشَبابِ بِعالَمٍ
لَبِسَ السِنينَ قَشيبَةَ الأَبرادِ

29. It gave birth to all wonders and marvels
And promised it would give birth to eloquence repeatedly.

٢٩. وَلَدَ البَدائِعَ وَالرَوائِعَ كُلَّها
وَعَدَتهُ أَن يَلِدَ البَيانَ عُوادي

30. No devil of Ḥassān was invented, nor
Did its factories produce the tongue of Ziyād.

٣٠. لَم يَختَرِع شَيطانَ حَسّانٍ وَلَم
تُخرِج مَصانِعُهُ لِسانَ زِيادِ

31. God honored a group with eloquence
Precious in birth in the two worlds.

٣١. اللَهُ كَرَّمَ بِالبَيانِ عِصابَةً
في العالَمينَ عَزيزَةَ الميلادِ

32. Homer, generations after him,
Created poetry, though it was not without peers.

٣٢. هوميرُ أَحدَثُ مِن قُرونٍ بَعدَهُ
شِعراً وَإِن لَم تَخلُ مِن آحادِ

33. And poetry, where souls find it sweet,
Not in the new or the habitual old.

٣٣. وَالشِعرُ في حَيثُ النُفوسِ تَلَذُّهُ
لا في الجَديدِ وَلا القَديمِ العادي

34. The right of your family in your genius is first,
So see, perhaps you are dissipating the family.

٣٤. حَقُّ العَشيرَةِ في نُبوغِكَ أَوَّلٌ
فَاِنظُر لَعَلَّكَ بِالعَشيرَةِ بادي

35. Half of genius was not enough for them, so give them more
If you are not, with both halves, ungenerous.

٣٥. لَم يَكفِهِم شَطرُ النُبوغِ فَزُدهُمُ
إِن كُنتَ بِالشَطرَينِ غَيرَ جَوادِ

36. Or leave your tongue and languages, for perhaps
The noble sang with the logic of ancestors.

٣٦. أَو دَع لِسانَكَ وَاللُغاتِ فَرُبَّما
غَنّى الأَصيلُ بِمَنطِقِ الأَجدادِ

37. Verily the one who filled languages with beauties
Made beauty and its secret in the letter ‘d’.

٣٧. إِنَّ الَّذي مَلَأَ اللُغاتِ مَحاسِناً
جَعَلَ الجَمالَ وَسَرَّهُ في الضادِ