1. The bear is known for his mistrust
So listen to his wondrous tale about me
١. الدُبُّ مَعروفٌ بِسوءِ الظَنِّ
فَاِسمَع حَديثَهُ العَجيبَ عَنّي
2. When my stay on the ship grew long
I grew weary of this suspicious life
٢. لَمّا اِستَطالَ المُكثَ في السَفينَه
مَلَّ دَوامَ العيشَةِ الظَنينَه
3. And said, "Death awaits me
And the water, no doubt, will be my grave"
٣. وَقالَ إِنَّ المَوتَ في اِنتِظاري
وَالماءُ لا شَكَّ بِهِ قَراري
4. Then he saw a wave in the distance
And thought a mountain filled the sky
٤. ثُمَّ رَأى مَوجاً عَلى بُعدٍ عَلا
فَظَنَّ أَنَّ في الفَضاءِ جَبَلا
5. "I must go down", he said
"Whether I make it or not"
٥. فَقالَ لا بُدَّ مِنَ النُزولِ
وَصَلتُ أَو لَم أَحظَ بِالوُصولِ
6. As one who had learned from experience said
"Seek death, do not await it"
٦. قَد قالَ مَن أَدَّبَهُ اِختِبارُه
السَعيُ لِلمَوتِ وَلا اِنتِظارُه
7. So he surrendered himself to the waves
As they raged with the winds
٧. فَأَسلَمَ النَفسَ إِلى الأَمواجِ
وَهيَ مَعَ الرِياحِ في هياجِ
8. The wretched one drank from them and swelled up
Then settled on the sea floor, anchored
٨. فَشَرِبَ التَعيسُ مِنها فَاِنتَفَخ
ثُمَّ رَسا عَلى القَرارِ وَرَسَخ
9. After two hours the water subsided
And at his command the sky cleared
٩. وَبَعدَ ساعَتَينِ غيضَ الماءُ
وَأَقلَعَت بِأَمرِهِ السَماءُ
10. And our friend had some life left in him
As death came slowly in his drowning
١٠. وَكانَ في صاحِبِنا بَعضُ الرَمَق
إِذ جاءَهُ المَوتُ بَطيئاً في الغَرَق
11. He glimpsed the ship above the surface
And the crew safe and fortunate
١١. فَلَمَحَ المَركَبَ فَوقَ الجودي
وَالرَكبُ في خَيرٍ وَفي سُعودِ
12. He said, "Oh my wretched haste
I mistrusted the eminent Prophet
١٢. فَقالَ يا لَجَدّيَ التَعيسِ
أَسَأتَ ظَنّي بِالنَبي الرَئيسِ
13. It would not have harmed me had I obeyed
And done as they did"
١٣. ما كانَ ضَرَّني لَو اِمتَثَلتُ
وَمِثلَما قَد فَعَلوا فَعَلتُ