1. We were created for life and for death
And from these two derive all occurrences
١. خُلِقنا لِلحَياةِ وَلِلمَماتِ
وَمِن هَذَينِ كُلُّ الحادِثاتِ
2. Whoever is born lives and dies as though his phantom
Had not passed among the existents
٢. وَمَن يولَد يَعِش وَيَمُت كَأَن لَم
يَمُرَّ خَيالُهُ بِالكائِناتِ
3. A man's cradle is in the hands of the mourning women
Like his bier amid the wailing ladies
٣. وَمَهدُ المَرءِ في أَيدي الرَواقي
كَنَعشِ المَرءِ بَينَ النائِحاتِ
4. No newborn is free from defect
So how can the aged be free from affliction?
٤. وَما سَلِمَ الوَليدُ مِنِ اِشتِكاءٍ
فَهَل يَخلو المُعَمَّرُ مِن أَذاةِ
5. This life is battle, we therein
Are objects of swords and lances
٥. هِيَ الدُنيا قِتالٌ نَحنُ فيهِ
مَقاصِدُ لِلحُسامِ وَلِلقَناةِ
6. And all mankind is driven unto it
As the coward was driven unto standing his ground
٦. وَكُلُّ الناسِ مَدفوعٌ إِلَيهِ
كَما دُفِعَ الجَبانُ إِلى الثَباتِ
7. We are terrified however terrified until we are shot
With an arrow from the hand of Destiny coming
٧. نُرَوَّعُ ما نُرَوَّعُ ثُمَّ نُرمى
بِسَهمٍ مِن يَدِ المَقدورِ آتي
8. O Taimuzar, may God's prayers recompense
Your soil instead of reciting and praying
٨. صَلاةُ اللَهِ يا تِمزارُ تَجزي
ثَراكِ عَنِ التِلاوَةِ وَالصَلاةِ
9. And for ninety years you were
Like the virtuous, righteous ladies
٩. وَعَن تِسعينَ عاماً كُنتِ فيها
مِثلَ المُحسِناتِ الفُضلَياتِ
10. You excelled the faithful women, so each
Said, perhaps you are the Mother of the Faithful
١٠. بَرَرتِ المُؤمِناتِ فَقالَ كُلُّ
لَعَلَّكِ أَنتِ أُمُّ المؤمِناتِ
11. In virtues some persisted
While today you are all of the persisting
١١. وَكانَت في الفَضائِلِ باقِياتٌ
وَأَنتِ اليَومَ كُلُّ الباقِياتِ
12. The kings adopted you and you were to them
Like sons or daughters
١٢. تَبَنّاكِ المُلوكُ وَكُنتِ مِنهُم
بِمَنزِلَةِ البَنينِ أَوِ البَناتِ
13. They shaded diverse glories from you
And practiced piety and righteousness
١٣. يُظِلّونَ المَناقِبَ مِنكِ شَتّى
وَيُؤوُنَ التُقى وَالصالِحاتِ
14. They did not buy you in a market, but
Beside the shade of the spear and the tents
١٤. وَما مَلَكوكِ في سوقٍ وَلَكِن
لَدى ظِلِّ القَنا وَالمُرهَفاتِ
15. You cooed to them in the voice of Morat daughter of ten
While the sword of death was in the tyrant's grasp
١٥. عَنَنتِ لَهُم بِمورَةَ بِنتَ عَشرٍ
وَسَيفُ المَوتِ في هامِ الكُماةِ
16. Thus you were to them and the Merciful a prey
And a link in the bond of Muslim women
١٦. فَكُنتِ لَهُم وَلِلرَحمَنِ صَيداً
وَواسِطَةً لِعِقدِ المُسلِماتِ
17. You followed Muhammad after Jesus
For your excellence in your early years
١٧. تَبِعتِ مُحَمَّداً مِن بَعدِ عيسى
لِخَيرِكِ في سِنيكِ الأولَياتِ
18. So the parents were guidance and piety
And the child was these miracles
١٨. فَكانَ الوالِدانِ هُدىً وَتَقوى
وَكانَ الوِلدُ هَذي المُعجِزاتِ
19. Even if you had not appeared among the Arabs except through
Ahmad, you would be the best of mothers
١٩. وَلَو لَم تَظهَري في العُربِ إِلّا
بِأَحمَدَ كُنتِ خَيرَ الوالِداتِ
20. You surpassed the proudly child-bearing
To the pride of tribes and languages
٢٠. تَجاوَزتِ الوَلائِدَ فاخِراتٍ
إِلى فَخرِ القَبائِلِ وَاللُغاتِ
21. And most decisive of those who gained mastery in meadows
And most eloquent of those who were eloquent of pen
٢١. وَأَحكَمِ مَن تَحَكَّمَ في يَراعٍ
وَأَبلَغِ مَن تَبَلَّغَ مِن دَواةِ
22. And most innocent of those who were innocent of enmity
And purest of those who were pure of censure
٢٢. وَأَبرَإِ مَن تَبَرَّأَ مِن عَداءٍ
وَأَنزَهِ مَن تَنَزَّهَ مِن شَماتِ
23. And most chaste guardian of a brother's honor
And most protective keeper of the bond of amity
٢٣. وَأَصوَنِ صائِنٍ لِأَخيهِ عِرضاً
وَأَحفَظِ حافِظٍ عَهدَ اللِداتِ
24. And deadliest killer of Time's news
And most patient enduring one of calamities
٢٤. وَأَقتَلِ قاتِلٍ لِلدَهرِ خُبراً
وَأَصبَرِ صابِرٍ لِلغاشِياتِ
25. It is as though I and Time are in combat
Rivaling on the battleground of life
٢٥. كَأَنّي وَالزَمانُ عَلى قِتالٍ
مُساجَلَةً بِمَيدانِ الحَياةِ
26. I fear when the nights grow heavy
And dread the lightly visiting fates
٢٦. أَخافُ إِذا تَثاقَلَتِ اللَيالي
وَأُشفِقُ مِن خُفوفِ النائِباتِ
27. But my caution avails me naught, rather
Disdain that I see them taking me by surprise
٢٧. وَلَيسَ بِنافِعي حَذَري وَلَكِن
إِباءً أَن أَراها باغِتاتِ
28. Is one who steps describing circles with his feet
Safe from the returning heavenly sphere?
٢٨. أَمَأمونٌ مِنَ الفَلَكِ العَوادي
وَبَرجَلُهُ يَخُطُّ الدائِراتِ
29. Consider, do you see anything but the hunting nets
Of days cast around you?
٢٩. تَأَمَّل هَل تَرى إِلّا شِباكاً
مِنَ الأَيّامِ حَولَكَ مُلقَياتِ
30. Had the directions been created seven
Death would be the seventh direction
٣٠. وَلَو أَنَّ الجِهاتِ خُلِقنَ سَبعاً
لَكانَ المَوتُ سابِعَةَ الجِهاتِ
31. Accursed is the bier! Not out of love, but
For your sake, O heaven of the venerated
٣١. لَعاً لِلنَعشِ لا حُبّاً وَلَكِن
لِأَجلِكِ يا سَماءَ المَكرُماتِ
32. Nor did the hands of its bearers betray it
Though they walked with my patience and deliberation
٣٢. وَلا خانَتهُ أَيدي حامِليهِ
وَإِن ساروا بِصَبرِيَ وَالأَناةِ
33. Never had I seen Mars cast down before it
Nor heard of the burial of metals
٣٣. فَلَم أَرَ قَبلَهُ المَريخَ مُلقىً
وَلَم أَسمَع بِدَفنِ النَيِّراتِ
34. There I stood to ask you for consolation
And hold to the noble deeds and nobility
٣٤. هُناكَ وَقَفتُ أَسأَلُكِ اِتِّئاداً
وَأُمسِكُ بِالصِفاتِ وَبِالصَفاةِ
35. And look into your soil, then withdraw my eyes
As the streaming one withdraws from the mote
٣٥. وَأَنظُرُ في تُرابِكِ ثُمَّ أُغضي
كَما يُغضي الأَبِيُّ عَلى القَذاةِ
36. And remember of your life what transpired
From morning to morning
٣٦. وَأَذكُرُ مِن حَياتِكِ ما تَقَضّى
فَكانَ مِنَ الغَداةِ إِلى الغَداةِ