
O chatterer, O king of the vineyards

صداح يا ملك الكنار

1. O chatterer, O king of the vineyards
And prince of the nightingale

١. صَدّاحُ يا مَلِكَ الكَنا
رِ وَيا أَميرَ البُلبُلِ

2. I have gained from you a temple
And been granted approach to the nightingale

٢. قَد فُزتُ مِنكَ بِمَعبَدٍ
وَرُزِقتُ قُربَ الموصِلي

3. David has been made accessible to me
Chanting beautifully

٣. وَأُتيحَ لي داودُ مِز
ماراً وَحُسنَ تَرَتُّلِ

4. Above the beds and pulpits
A cat that does not prowl

٤. فَوقَ الأَسِرَّةِ وَالمَنا
بِرِ قَطُّ لَم تَتَرَجَّلِ

5. It sways like a dinar in the palm
Of a conjurer in an instant of magic

٥. تَهتَزُّ كَالدينارِ في
مُرتَجِّ لَحظِ الأَحوَلِ

6. And if it occurs to jesters
It leaves nothing for the actor

٦. وَإِذا خَطَرتَ عَلى المَلا
عِبِ لَم تَدَع لِمُمَثِّلِ

7. You have the openings of the separated
Syllables in the prose of the messenger

٧. وَلَكَ اِبتِداءاتُ الفَرَز
دَقِ في مَقاطِعِ جَروَلِ

8. You have indeed taken from the morning
The yellow parts and the ornaments

٨. وَلَقَد تَخِذتَ مِنَ الضُحى
صُفرَ الغَلائِلِ وَالحَلي

9. And related in the white domes
About the chaste virgins of the temple

٩. وَرَوَيتَ في بيضِ القَلا
نِسِ عَن عَذارى الهَيكَلِ

10. Oh, would that I know, o captive of passion,
Is your heart empty or filled?

١٠. يا لَيتَ شِعرِيَ يا أَسي
رُ شَجٍ فُؤادُكَ أَم خَلي

11. And the companion of wakefulness or do you
Sleep until the night passes?

١١. وَحَليفُ سُهدٍ أَم تَنا
مُ اللَيلَ حَتّى يَنجَلي

12. In spite of me, why do you shut
Yourself in sealed brass?

١٢. بِالرُغمِ مِنّي ما تُعا
لِجُ في النُحاسِ المُقفَلِ

13. My desire for you is love, and who
Keeps something precious is stingy

١٣. حِرصي عَلَيكَ هَوىً وَمَن
يُحرِز ثَميناً يَبخَلِ

14. And need causes stinginess
In the generous giver

١٤. وَالشُحُّ تُحدِثُهُ الضَرو
رَةُ في الجَوادِ المُجزِلِ

15. If I made you a cage of silk
Encrusted with pearls

١٥. أَنا إِن جَعَلتُكَ في نُضا
رٍ بِالحَريرِ مُجَلَّلِ

16. And wrapped it in lilies
And lined it with carnations

١٦. وَلَفَفتُهُ في سَوسَنٍ
وَحَفَفتُهُ بِقُرُنفُلِ

17. And burned the finest incense around it
And the most expensive oils

١٧. وَحَرَقتُ أَزكى العودِ حَو
لَيهِ وَأَغلى الصَدنَلِ

18. And carried it above fountains
And above the top of brooks

١٨. وَحَمَلتُهُ فَوقَ العُيو
نِ وَفَوقَ رَأسِ الجَدوَلِ

19. And called all the proudest
Of the kings of birds adorned

١٩. وَدَعَوتُ كُلَّ أَغَرَّ في
مُلكِ الطُيورِ مُحَجَّلِ

20. They would come to you amid those who flatter
And praise and pamper

٢٠. فَأَتَتكَ بَينَ مُطارِحٍ
وَمُحَبِّذٍ وَمُدَلِّلِ

21. And you would command my son, so you both
Would meet face to smiling face

٢١. وَأَمَرتَ بِاِبني فَاِلتَقا
كَ بِوَجهِهِ المُتَهَلِّلِ

22. In his right hand a ring-necked dove
That has not been given to the trusting

٢٢. بِيَمينِهِ فالوذَجٌ
لَم يُهدَ لِلمُتَوَكِّلِ

23. And a silver bottle
Filled with chains

٢٣. وَزُجاجَةٌ مِن فِضَّةٍ
مَملوءَةٌ مِن سَلسَلِ

24. I would not consider you, O chatterer,
Among the noble and preferred

٢٤. ما كُنتُ يا صَدّاحُ عِن
دَكَ بِالكَريمِ المُفضَلِ

25. The witness of life is tainted
With misery like ink

٢٥. شَهدُ الحَياةِ مَشوبَةً
بِالرِقِّ مِثلُ الحَنظَلِ

26. And if fate were organized
It would not be carried

٢٦. وَالقَيدُ لَو كانَ الجُما
نُ مُنَظَّماً لَم يُحمَلِ

27. O bird, if they did not say it was madness
I would say, be reasonable

٢٧. يا طَيرُ لَولا أَن يَقو
لوا جُنَّ قُلتُ تَعَقَّلِ

28. Listen, for perhaps one who details to you
Does not benefit you like one who summarizes

٢٨. اِسمَع فَرُبَّ مُفَصِّلٍ
لَكَ لَم يُفِدكَ كَمُجمِلِ

29. Be patient with what troubles you
Or do what seems good, so do

٢٩. صَبراً لِما تَشقى بِهِ
أَو ما بَدا لَكَ فَاِفعَلِ

30. You are the son of an opinion, in you
That does not change

٣٠. أَنتَ اِبنُ رَأيٍ لِلطَبي
عَةِ فيكَ غَيرِ مُبَدَّلِ

31. Forever fearful of harm, threatened by death
If you flew from my wings, you would fall

٣١. أَبَداً مَروعٌ بِالإِسا
رِ مُهَدَّدٌ بِالمَقتَلِ

32. Upon the ignorant vultures
O bird, examples are struck

٣٢. إِن طِرتَ عَن كَنَفي وَقَع
تَ عَلى النُسورِ الجُهَّلِ

33. For the intelligent the examples
Your world, of its customs

٣٣. يا طَيرُ وَالأَمثالُ تُض
رَبُ لِلَّبيبِ الأَمثَلِ

34. Not to be for the powerless
Or the foolish, though he declaims

٣٤. دُنياكَ مِن عاداتِها
أَلّا تَكونَ لِأَعزَلِ

35. In the coming future
It was made for a free man, who is tested

٣٥. أَو لِلغَبِيِّ وَإِن تَعَل
لَلَ بِالزَمانِ المُقبِلِ

36. In the life and tests
He throws and is thrown in the struggle

٣٦. جُعِلَت لِحُرٍّ يُبتَلى
في ذي الحَياةِ وَيَبتَلي

37. Of life without heedlessness
Assembling himself like a lion, if

٣٧. يَرمي وَيُرمى في جِها
دِ العَيشِ غَيرَ مُغَفَّلِ

38. He is ignorant, he is ignorant
Have you heard of the two arbiters in Islam

٣٨. مُستَجمِعٍ كَاللَيثِ إِن
يُجهَل عَلَيهِ يَجهَلِ

39. The day of Jandal?
In the great strife, and if not for

٣٩. أَسَمِعتَ بِالحَكَمَينِ في ال
إِسلامِ يَومَ الجَندَلِ

40. Wisdom, it would not have ignited
The companions were pleased that day

٤٠. في الفِتنَةِ الكُبرى وَلَو
لا حِكمَةٌ لَم تُشعَلِ

41. With the revealed book
And they are the pure lamps

٤١. رَضِيَ الصَحابَةُ يَومَ ذَ
لِكَ بِالكِتابِ المُنزَلِ

42. About the sent prophet
They said the book, and each

٤٢. وَهُمُ المَصابيحُ الرُوا
ةُ عَنِ النَبِيِّ المُرسَلِ

43. Interpreter and supporter stood up
Until, when Mu‘awiyah grew powerful

٤٣. قالوا الكِتابُ وَقامَ كُل
لُ مُفَسِّرٍ وَمُوَوِّلِ

44. And Ali found him constricting
They turned to an injustice that took root

٤٤. حَتّى إِذا وَسِعَت مُعا
وِيَةً وَضاقَ بِها عَلي

45. In souls like dispositions
They descended to rule by the strong

٤٥. رَجَعوا لِظُلمٍ كَالطَبا
ئِعِ في النُفوسِ مُؤَصَّلِ

46. And the opinion of the cunning
Chatterer, is it true what I say

٤٦. نَزَلوا عَلى حُكمِ القَوِي
يِ وَعِندَ رَأيِ الأَحيَلِ

47. Did you understand or not understand?
You dwelled by the clearest meadow

٤٧. صَدّاحُ حَقٌّ ما أَقو
لُ حَفِلتَ أَم لَم تَحفَلِ

48. And settled the most honorable abode
Between the nobility of Hussein

٤٨. جاوَرتَ أَندى رَوضَةٍ
وَحَلَلتَ أَكرَمَ مَنزِلِ

49. And the care of Ali
And the tenderness of Amina your mother

٤٩. بَينَ الحَفاوَةِ مِن حُسَي
نٍ وَالرِعايَةِ مِن عَلي

50. In your first youth
Awaken in the morning and give good news

٥٠. وَحَنانِ آمِنَةٍ كَأُم
مِكَ في صِباكَ الأَوَّلِ

51. To the children of the future
And ask for Egypt God's care

٥١. صِح بِالصَباحِ وَبَشِّرِ ال
أَبناءَ بِالمُستَقبَلِ

52. Which comes down from above
Say "Our Lord, open a mercy

٥٢. وَاِسأَل لِمِصرَ عِنايَةً
تَأبى وَتَهبُطُ مِن عَلِ

53. And the good is from You, so send it."
Realize your noble nature, our Lord, and accept

٥٣. قُل رَبَّنا اِفتَح رَحمَةً
وَالخَيرُ مِنكَ فَأَرسِلِ

54. My poem.

٥٤. أَدرِك كِنانَتَكَ الكَري
مَةَ رَبَّنا وَتَقَبَّلِ