
Years pass and time brings them back,

سنون تعاد ودهر يعيد

1. Years pass and time brings them back,
By your life, the nights have nothing new,

١. سُنونٌ تُعادُ وَدَهرٌ يُعيد
لَعَمرُكَ ما في اللَيالي جَديد

2. This crescent illuminated for Adam,
How can the new crescent say so?

٢. أَضاءَ لِآدَمَ هَذا الهِلالُ
فَكَيفَ تَقولُ الهِلالُ الوَليد

3. We count on it the near past,
And it counts on us the distant future,

٣. نَعُدُّ عَلَيهِ الزَمانَ القَريبَ
وَيُحصي عَلَينا الزَمانَ البَعيد

4. On its surface, the talk of villages,
And the days of ‘Aad and the life of Thamud,

٤. عَلى صَفحَتَيهِ حَديثُ القُرى
وَأَيّامُ عادٍ وَدُنيا ثَمود

5. And Taybah populated with kings,
And Taybah deserted with ruins.

٥. وَطيبَةُ آهِلَةٌ بِالمُلوكِ
وَطيبَةُ مُقفِرَةٌ بِالصَعيد

6. With some of its years, Mount Safa passes away
And with some of its years, iron perishes.

٦. يَزولُ بِبَعضِ سَناهُ الصَفا
وَيَفنى بِبَعضِ سَناهُ الحَديد

7. And of wonders, as it is the new of nights,
It destroys nights in what it destroys.

٧. وَمِن عَجَبٍ وَهوَ جَدُّ اللَيالي
يُبيدُ اللَيالِيَ فيما يُبيد

8. They say: O year, you have returned to me,
So I wonder what you will bring back?

٨. يَقولونَ يا عامُ قَد عُدتَ لي
فَيالَيتَ شِعري بِماذا تَعود

9. You were for me yesterday what I did not want,
Will you be for me today what I do not want?

٩. لَقَد كُنتَ لي أَمسِ ما لَم أُرِد
فَهَل أَنتَ لي اليَومَ ما لا أُريد

10. Whoever endured time, my endurance suffices him,
Labeed complained in thirty, complaints,

١٠. وَمَن صابَرَ الدَهرَ صَبري لَهُ
شَكا في الثَلاثينَ شَكوى لَبيد

11. I got thirsty, and the like of me is more deserving,
As if I am Husain and my time is Yazid.

١١. ظَمِئتُ وَمِثلي بَرِيٍّ أَحَقُّ
كَأَنّي حُسَينٌ وَدَهري يَزيد

12. I turned away until I accompanied the ignorant,
And associated with them until I became envied.

١٢. تَغابَيتُ حَتّى صَحِبتُ الجَهولَ
وَدارَيتُ حَتّى صَبِحتُ الحَسود