
Time is awake though events are asleep,

الدهر يقظان والأحداث لم تنم

1. Time is awake though events are asleep,
Why then are you slumbering, O noblest of nations?

١. الدَهرُ يَقظانُ وَالأَحداثُ لَم تَنَمِ
فَما رُقادُكُمُ يا أَشرَفَ الأُمَمِ

2. Perhaps you are weary from the battles of life,
While the lions sleep in their dens.

٢. لَعَلَّكُم مِن مِراسِ الحَربِ في نَصَبٍ
وَهَذِهِ ضَجعَةُ الآسادِ في الأَجَمِ

3. You opened the door then turned away satisfied,
Yet victory intercepts empires with obstacles.

٣. لَقَد فَتَحتُم فَأَعرَضتُم عَلى شَبَعٍ
وَالفَتحُ يَعتَرِضُ الدَولاتِ بِالتُخَمِ

4. Rouse yourselves and us to glory in an age,
Where he who was no wolf was among the sheep.

٤. هَبّوا بِكُم وَبِنا لِلمَجدِ في زَمَنٍ
مَن لَم يَكُن فيهِ ذِئباً كانَ في الغَنَمِ

5. This age calls out to you through its events,
O nation of the sword, become a nation of the pen!

٥. هَذا الزَمانُ تُناديكُم حَوادِثُهُ
يا دَولَةَ السَيفِ كوني دَولَةَ القَلَمِ

6. For the sword demolishes in a moment what the dawn built slowly,
Yet the structure of knowledge is never demolished.

٦. فَالسَيفُ يَهدِمُ فَجراً ما بَنى سَحَراً
وَكُلُّ بُنيانِ عِلمٍ غَيرُ مُنهَدِمِ

7. He who had no protecting wisdom died in peace,
And war made equals of the fool and the wise.

٧. قَد ماتَ في السِلمِ مَن لا رَأيَ يَعصِمُهُ
وَسَوَّتِ الحَربُ بَينَ البَهمِ وَالبُهَمِ

8. Knowledge has become the pillar of those who possess it,
He whose pillar is not wisdom will never stand.

٨. وَأَصبَحَ العِلمُ رُكنَ الآخِذينَ بِهِ
مَن لا يُقِم رُكنَهُ العِرفانُ لَم يَقُمِ

9. People don the ample robes of the wealthy as amusement,
While we wear the tight dress of poverty.

٩. الناسُ تَسحَبُ فَضفاضَ الغَنِيِّ مَرَحاً
وَنَحنُ نَلبُسُ عَنهُ ضيقَةَ العُدُمِ

10. O Turkish youth, may God preserve your ambition,
And protect you, and guide you to the righteous guide.

١٠. يا فِتيَةَ التُركِ حَيّا اللَهُ طَلعَتَكُم
وَصانَكُم وَهَداكُم صادِقَ الخِدَمِ

11. You are tomorrow's kingdom and Islam's continuity,
Never divorcing the glory of tomorrow or its smile.

١١. أَنتُم غَدُ المُلكِ وَالإِسلامِ لا بَرِحا
مِنكُم بِخَيرِ غَدٍ في المَجدِ مُبتَسِمِ

12. Egypt embraces you in her innermost conscience,
Proclaiming her ardent love openly, without blame.

١٢. تُحِلُّكُم مِصرُ مِنها في ضَمائِرِها
وَتُعلِنُ الحُبَّ جَمّاً غَيرَ مُتَّهَمِ

13. For we, however near or far our country,
Are neighbors in the letter ‘d’ or home and sanctuary.

١٣. فَنَحنُ إِن بَعُدَت دارٌ وَإِن قَرُبَت
جارانِ في الضادِ أَو في البَيتِ وَالحَرَمِ

14. Let alone the Eastern tie of ancestry,
More binding still the tie of Islam and womb.

١٤. ناهيكَ بِالسَبَبِ الشَرقِيِّ مِن نَسَبٍ
وَحَبَّذا سَبَبُ الإِسلامِ مِن رَحِمِ

15. The languages of nations are reconciled among us,
Yet the ‘d’ sound in our midst remains unreconciled.

١٥. شَملُ اللُغاتِ لَدى الأَقوامِ مُلتَئِمٌ
وَالضادُ فينا بِشَملٍ غَيرِ مُلتَئِمِ

16. So bring us closer to it and to you,
For it is the firmest of ties and pacts.

١٦. فَقَرِّبوا بَينَنا فيها وَبَينَكُمُ
فَإِنَّها أَوثَقُ الأَسبابِ وَالذِمَمِ

17. And all of us, if we take the path of prosperity,
Are hands that work and feet walking together.

١٧. وَكُلُّنا إِن أَخَذنا بِالفَلاحِ يَدٌ
وَسَعَينا قَدَمٌ فيهِ إِلى قَدَمِ

18. So let not Turkey be the lad nor that old crone,
But let it be Turkey with the steps of old.

١٨. فَلا تَكونُنَّ تُركِيّا الفَتاةُ وَلا
تِلكَ العَجوزَ وَكونوا تُركِيا القِدَمِ

19. For its sword is its sword in every battlefield,
And its justice has adorned Islam with blessings.

١٩. فَسَيفُها سَيفُها في كُلِّ مُعتَرَكٍ
وَعَدلُها طَوَّقَ الإِسلامَ بِالنِعَمِ