
Time has worn upon her

طال عليها القدم

1. Time has worn upon her
So she is existence, nonexistence

١. طالَ عَلَيها القِدَم
فَهيَ وُجودٌ عَدَم

2. Suppressed in youth
Resurrected in old age

٢. قَد وُئِدَت في الصِبا
وَاِنبَعَثَت في الهَرَم

3. Pharaoh went too far
Honoring her honor

٣. بالَغَ فِرعَونُ في
كَرمَتِها مَن كَرَم

4. He spilled her clusters
An offering to the idol

٤. أَهرَقَ عُنقودَها
تَقدِمَةً لِلصَنَم

5. A priest hid her
In a corner of the pyramid

٥. خَبَّأَها كاهِنٌ
ناحِيَةً في الهَرَم

6. She was discovered, winked
Without being sharp or sour

٦. اِكتُشِفَت فَاِمَّحَت
غَيرَ شَذاً أَو ضَرَم

7. Or like an illusion of hers
After much pain and suffering

٧. أَو كَخَيالٍ لَها
بَعدَ مَتابٍ أَلَم

8. Her close one slept on her
While she raised him

٨. نَمَّ بِها دَنُّها
وَهيَ عَلَيهِ أَنَم

9. Pure, delicate sprout
That has not known worry

٩. بي رَشَأٌ ناعِمٌ
ما عَرفَ العُمرَ هَم

10. God brought her out like a
Flower and beauty perfection

١٠. أَخرَجَها اللَهُ كَال
زَهرَةِ وَالحُسنُ كِم

11. She comes across an unjust one
Who saw only darkness

١١. تَخطُرُ عَن عادِلٍ
لَم يُرَ إِلّا ظَلَم

12. She smiles with pearls
Ordained by the one who divided

١٢. تَبسِمُ عَن لُؤلُؤٍ
قَدَّرَهُ مَن قَسَم

13. Honored her in the seeds
Refined her in the juice

١٣. كَرَّمَهُ في النَوى
هَذَّبَهُ في اليُتَم

14. Her waist persecuted
Her side oppressed

١٤. مُضطَهَدٌ خَصرُها
جانِبُهُ مُهتَضَم

15. She obeyed from her chest
Any strong ruler

١٥. طاوَعَ مِن صَدرِها
أَيَّ قَوِيٍّ حَكَم

16. Loaded him his weight
Then supported him

١٦. حَمَّلَهُ ثِقلَهُ
ثُمَّ عَلَيهِ اِدَّعَم

17. She asks her female friends
Hinting with coyness

١٧. تَسأَلُ أَترابَها
مومِئَةً بِالعَنَم

18. Which man is that
The knowledgeable Arab

١٨. أَيُّ فَتىً ذَلِكُن
نَ العَرَبِيَّ العَلَم

19. Drinks her up at night
His night did not sleep

١٩. يَشرَبُها ساهِراً
لَيلَتَهُ لَم يَنَم

20. They said she ignored him
That is the Lord of the pen

٢٠. قُلنَ تَجاهَلتِهِ
ذَلِكَ رَبُّ القَلَم

21. The poet of Egypt whose
Light the stars did not obscure

٢١. شاعِرُ مِصرَ الَّذي
لَو خَفِيَ النَجمُ لَم

22. I said to her if only we did not
Throw and blame

٢٢. قُلتُ لَها لَيتَ لَم
نُرمَ وَفي نُتَّهَم

23. My blamer in the dark nights
If she were fair I would not be pained

٢٣. عاذِلَتي في الطِلى
لَو أَنصَفَت لَم أُلَم

24. If life frowned upon me
I took refuge in her so she smiled

٢٤. إِن عَبَسَ العَيشُ لي
عُذتُ بِها فَاِبتَسَم

25. Drinks her up with pride
Between my ribs I smell

٢٥. يَشرَبُها كابِرٌ
بَينَ ضُلوعي أَشَم

26. Gives nothing but prohibition
Violates nothing but sanctities

٢٦. يَبذُلُ إِلّا النُهى
يَهتِكُ إِلّا الحُرَم

27. His manners grace her
Mix her with decency

٢٧. يُكسِبُها خُلقَهُ
يَمزُجُها بِالشِيَم

28. His patience prevents her
If modesty pushed her away

٢٨. يَمنَعُها حِلمَهُ
إِن دَفَعَتهُ اِحتَشَم

29. Those are suns of the darkness
Or gazelles of the tents

٢٩. تِلكَ شُموسُ الدُجى
أَم ظَبِيّاتُ الخِيَم

30. Comes in procession
Whose age the injustice split

٣٠. تُقبِلُ في مَوكِبٍ
شَقَّ سَناهُ الظُلَم

31. I was left with her lights
A pair of glorious stars

٣١. خِلتُ بِأَنوارِهِ
قَرنَ ذُكاءٍ نَجَم

32. Her destination is the highest class
To which the great reached

٣٢. مَقصِدُها سُدَّةٌ
آلَ إِلَيها العِظَم

33. Where the elders of the nation are
Some of the young servants

٣٣. حَيثُ كِبارُ المَلا
بَعضُ صِغارِ الخَدَم

34. They stood to the tribute
So she sneaked from the throngs

٣٤. قَد وَقَفوا لِلمَها
فَاِنسَرَبَت مِن أَمَم

35. She comes across from their gathering
Between ferocious lions

٣٥. تَخطِرُ مِن جَمعِهِم
بَينَ لُيوثٍ بُهَم

36. Going out from one evil
Entering into another

٣٦. خارِجَةً مِن شَرىً
داخِلَةً في أَجَم

37. Soft, she was not startled
Playful, she did not bow

٣٧. ناعِمَةً لَم تُرَع
لاهِيَةً لَم تَجَم

38. She scattered like pearls
Organized in the tear ducts

٣٨. اِنتَشَرَت لُؤلُؤاً
في المُهَجاتِ اِنتَظَم

39. She swims safely
Like the doves of the holy site

٣٩. تَمرَجُ في مَأمَنٍ
مِثلَ حَمامِ الحَرَم

40. Her flock is harmonized
Where they meet and join

٤٠. مُؤتَلِفٌ سِربُها
حَيثُ تَلاقى اِلتَأَم

41. Rushing over
The different tunes

٤١. مُندَفِعاتٌ عَلى
مُختَلِفاتِ النَغَم

42. Between hand and hand
And foot and foot

٤٢. بَينَ يَدٍ في يَدٍ
أَو قَدَمٍ في قَدَم

43. She walks the walk of a cat
She returns like the blowing wind

٤٣. تَذهَبُ مَشيَ القَطا
تَرجِعُ كَرَّ النَسَم

44. She inspires wherever she appears
The light of a forehead and mouth

٤٤. تَبعَثُ أَنّى بَدَت
ضَوءَ جَبينٍ وَفَم

45. She quickens a faint step
Charming in her stride

٤٥. تُعجِلُ خَطواً تَني
فاتِنَةً بِالرَسَم

46. She collects from her train
Leaves it unstitched

٤٦. تَجمَعُ مِن ذَيلِها
تَترُكُهُ لَم يُلَم

47. She struts in velvet
Slept but did not finish

٤٧. تَرفُلُ في مُخمَلٍ
نَمَّ وَلَمّا يَتِم

48. She follows nothing but passion
Approaches nothing but suspicions

٤٨. تَتبَعُ إِلّا الهَوى
تَقرَبُ إِلّا التُهَم

49. So she gathered and met
Around systematic tables

٤٩. فَاِجتَمَعَت فَاِلتَقَت
حَولَ خِوانٍ نُظِم

50. Looted, whenever
Its shortage was assumed, fulfilled

٥٠. مُنتَهَبٍ كُلَّما
ظُنَّ بِهِ النَقصُ تَم

51. A table set for her
By a sea of plenty, swarming

٥١. مائِدَةٌ مَدَّها
بَحرُ نَوالٍ خِضَم

52. You'd think it illustrated
From the desires of the gluttonous

٥٢. تَحسَبُها صُوِّرَت
مِن شَهَواتِ النَهَم

53. None was seen in Babylon
Known in Aram

٥٣. لَم تُرَ في بابِلٍ
ما عُهِدَت في إِرَم

54. Hatem, if he tasted it
Would stop his claims

٥٤. حاتِمُ لَو شامَها
أَقلَعَ عَمّا زَعَم

55. Ma'n, if he came across it
Would know the meaning of generosity

٥٥. مَعنُ لَوِ اِنتابَها
أَدرَكَ مَعنى الكَرَم

56. Most like the sea, not
Embarrassed by the crowds

٥٦. أَشبَهُ بِالبَحرِ لا
يُحرِجُها مُزدَحَم

57. The nobles stood before her
Reaching two thousand or more

٥٧. قامَ لَدَيها المَلا
يَبلُغُ أَلفَينِ ثَم

58. Suggesting what they craved
Meeting what was decided

٥٨. مُقتَرِحاً ما اِشتَهى
مُلتَقِياً ما رَسَم

59. If they sought birds from
Its nests, they'd be regarded

٥٩. لَو طَلَبَ الطَيرَ مِن
أَيكَتِهِ ما اِحتَرَم

60. Oh king, your reception
Did not strain from the nations

٦٠. يا مَلِكاً لَم تَضِق
ساحَتُهُ بِالأُمَم

61. It gathered their elite
Arab or Persian

٦١. تَجمَعُ أَشرافَها
مِن عَرَبٍ أَو عَجَم

62. Circling those it brought up
Among the kinds of blessings

٦٢. تُخطِرُ مَن أَمَّها
بَينَ صُنوفِ النِعَم

63. Lords of Africa
Are its clubs and batons

٦٣. سادَةُ أَفريقيا
لُجَّتِها وَالأَكَم

64. You are wise leadership
To whom the two parties appealed

٦٤. أَنتَ رَشيدُ العُلى
في المَلأَينِ اِحتَكَم

65. Your night is valued
Above my high appraisals

٦٥. لَيلَتُكُم قَدرُها
فَوقَ غَوالي القِيَم

66. Radiant like it
In an age that did not stand

٦٦. مُشرِقَةٌ مِثلُها
في زَمَنٍ لَم يَقُم

67. The sword in your
Shadow is to be gained

٦٧. لا بَرَحَ الصَفوُ في
ظِلِّكُمو يُغتَنَم

68. What they drank of it and what
Time has worn upon her

٦٨. ما شَرِبوها وَما
طالَ عَلَيها القِدَم