
Veiled one, if you come to pilgrimage

محجوب إن جئت الحجاز

1. Veiled one, if you come to pilgrimage
With passion and love for the Messenger in your heart,

١. مَحجوبُ إِن جِئتَ الحِجا
زَ وَفي جَوانِحِكَ الهَوى لَه

2. And you catch sight of the radiance of his abode,
And smell it as sweet basil fragrance,

٢. شَوقاً وَحُبّاً بِالرَسو
لِ وَآلِهِ أَزكى سُلالَه

3. And you walk upon the ancient site gazing at it,
Your tears flowing and your glance fixed upon it,

٣. فَلَمَحتَ نَضرَةَ بانِهِ
وَشَمَمتَ كَالرَيحانِ ضالَه

4. And Destiny carries you to where the soul journeys,
And the Message spread,

٤. وَعَلى العَتيقِ مَشَيتَ تَن
ظُرُ فيهِ دَمعَكَ وَاِنهِمالَه

5. And you reach a house in Hijaz blessed by the Creator around it,
Where Allah made the sacred inviolable to His creatures,

٥. وَمَضى السُرى بِكَ حَيثُ كا
نَ الروحُ يَسري وَالرِسالَه

6. And made the permissible clear,
There lies the goodness of spirit, the goodness of all worlds,

٦. وَبَلَغتَ بَيتاً بِالحِجا
زِ يُبارِكُ الباري حِيالَه

7. Free from ignorance,
There lie the ruins of eloquence and elegance and nobility,

٧. اللَهُ فيهِ جَلا الحَرا
مَ لِخَلقِهِ وَجَلا حَلالَه

8. There lies the most fragrant mosque,
The most fragrant of lands, upon which he walked,

٨. فَهُناكَ طِبُّ الروحِ طِب
بُ العالَمينَ مِنَ الجَهالَه

9. There lies the darling of passion, and the tale of Qays and his gazelle,
There lies the knight riding his steed, lost in his imagination,

٩. وَهُناكَ أَطلالُ الفَصا
حَةِ وَالبَلاغَةِ وَالنَبالَه

10. There lies the one who combined forbearance, dignity, and courage,
There lies the tent of piety where knowledge has pitched its poles,

١٠. وَهُناكَ أَزكى مَسجِدٍ
أَزكى البَرِيَّةِ قَد مَشى لَه

11. There lies the meadow of civilization, may Allah shade us with it,
Indeed Hussein son of Hussein is the Prince of Mecca and its dependencies,

١١. وَهُناكَ عُذرِيُّ الهَوى
وَحَديثُ قَيسٍ وَالغَزالَه

12. The pilgrims' moon, when he appears the land of pilgrimage is illuminated by him,
You are the ailing one, so cling to him as a healer, and gain his gift,

١٢. وَهُناكَ مُجري الخَيلِ يَج
ري في أَعِنَّتِها خَيالَه

13. There is no remedy but his grandfather, who heals minds from misguidance,
Kiss his tomb and say to him from me, convey in your speech,

١٣. وَهُناكَ مَن جَمَعَ السَما
حَةَ وَالرَجاحَةَ وَالبَسالَه

14. That I, O Son of Ahmad, after greeting your father kindly,
Am under the protection of your rightly guiding father, I love him and revere his family,

١٤. وَهُناكَ خَيَّمَتِ النُهى
وَالعِلمُ قَد أَلقى رِحالَه

15. My longing for you is like the longing of the blind for the gazelle,
O son of the rightly guided kings, the just sovereigns,

١٥. وَهُناكَ سَرحُ حَضارَةٍ
اللَهُ فَيَّأَنا ظِلالَه

16. If sovereignty lies in majesty, then prophethood is your majesty,
Is not your grandfather the one who perfected existence by it?

١٦. إِنَّ الحُسَينَ اِبنَ الحُسَي
نِ أَميرَ مَكَّةَ وَالإِيالَه

١٧. قَمَرُ الحَجيجِ إِذا بَدا
دارُ الحَجيجِ عَلَيهِ هالَه

١٨. أَنتَ العَليلُ فَلُذ بِهِ
مُستَشفِياً وَاِغنَم نَوالَه

١٩. لا طِبَّ إِلّا جَدُّهُ
شافي العُقولِ مِنَ الضَلالَه

٢٠. قَبِّل ثَراهُ وَقُل لَهُ
عَنّي وَبالِغ في المَقالَه

٢١. أَنا يا اِبنَ أَحمَدَ بَعدَ مَد
حي في أَبيكَ بِخَيرِ حالَه

٢٢. أَنا في حِمى الهادي أَبي
كَ أُحِبُّهُ وَأُجِلُّ آلَه

٢٣. شَوقي إِلَيكَ عَلى النَوى
شَوقُ الضَريرِ إِلى الغَزالَه

٢٤. يا اِبنَ المُلوكِ الراشِدي
نَ الصالِحينَ أُلي العَدالَه

٢٥. إِن كانَ بِالمُلكِ الجَلا
لَةُ فَالنَبِيُّ لَكُم جَلالَه

٢٦. أَوَلَيسَ جَدُّكُمُ الَّذي
بَلَغَ الوُجودَ بِهِ كَمالَه