
I thanked you in their skulls, O martyrs,

شكرتك في أجداثها الشهداء

1. I thanked you in their skulls, O martyrs,
And I sang your praises, O living ones.

١. شكرتك في أجداثها الشهداء
وترنمت بثنائك الأحياء

2. If there were tongues in those skulls
That have not worn out, they would greet and pray,

٢. إن كان في تلك الجماجم ألسن
لم تبل فهي تحية ودعاء

3. Or if praises grew from the dust for you,
Growth of beauty and eulogy would spring for you from it.

٣. أو كان ينبت ف يالتراب محامد
نبت الثنا لك منه والإطراء

4. You held back the tears of the orphans,
And the bereaved women when they were transferred among the villages,

٤. حبست يتامى دمعها وأرامل
لما تنقل في القرى البشراء

5. And each sorrowful woman says in her grief,
“The tyrants are gone, and the merciful have come to us.”

٥. وتقول كل حزينة في خدرها
ذهب القاسة وجاءنا الرحماء

6. So who is the bearer of good news to the bones in the soil
That were buried and worn by decay and rubble,

٦. فَمَن البشير إلى عظام في الثرى
دُفنت وطاف بها بِلىً وعفاء

7. That fate has brought their time near,
That life or death is destiny?

٧. بكر القضاء مقرّبا آجالها
إن الحياة أو الممات قضاء

8. What is past of misery and its evil,
You have revived the defects of its time,

٨. ما فات من بؤس البسوس وشؤمها
أحيت مساوئ عهده الورقاء

9. Souls fell in the path of the Inviolable,
You who are strangers, entered upon them.

٩. طاحت نفوس في سبيل حمامة
دخلت عليها أيكها الغرباء

10. Defense was humiliation and cowardice,
If only the council that day were women!

١٠. كان الدفاع مذلة وجبانة
ليت المداره يوم ذاك نساء

11. How soon the defense concluded the argument, but
How soon it killed the innocent with it!

١١. سُرعان ما ختم الدفاع القول بل
سرعان ما قتلت به البراء

12. You left the leaders in the prisons in the evening,
If only it were a bed for the oppressors!

١٢. خلت العشية في السجون أسِرّة
يا ليتها للظالمين وِطاء

13. Their skulls went cheaply in the path of raising them.
They passed away wronged and bloody.

١٣. هانت عليهم في سبيل رقيهم
مهج مضت مظلومة ودماء

14. They went too far in their rule and were unjust,
The Brigadier did that and they wanted it.

١٤. قد أسرفوا في حكمهم وتعسفوا
ما شاء ذلكمو العميد وشاءوا

15. They made the gallabiyas blue of those they love,
In the graves they are innocent of him.

١٥. زرق الجلاليب الذين يحبهم
هم منه في حفر القبور براء

16. His care for them and affection did
What some haters would not do.

١٦. فعلت رعايته بهم ووداده
ما ليس تفعل بعضه البغضاء

17. Are gallows mercy and affection?
And are whips friendship and loyalty?

١٧. أمع المشانق رحمة ومودّة
ومع السياط صداقة ووفاء

18. You have uncovered relief for the country and its people.
The hearts line up devotedly for your sitting.

١٨. أسفرتَ عن فرج البلاد وأهلها
صبحَ الجلوس لك النفوس فداء

19. Mercy is your way in the world,
And clemency the trait of your Bountiful Lord.

١٩. العفو غُرتك السنية في الورى
والحلم شيمة ربك الغرّاء

20. When your Saud appeared, those shackles were torn
And the prisoners were released.

٢٠. لما بدت منك السعود تمزقت
تلك القيود وأُطلق السجناء

21. My Lord of Egypt, it was beautified and adorned
For your sitting, as if it were Al Jawza.

٢١. مولاى مصر تجملت وتزينت
لجلوسكم فكأنها الجوزاء

22. Electricity from the hearts went
To its regions, so it lit the horizons.

٢٢. الكهرباء من القلوب سرت إلى
أرجائها فأضاءت الأرجاء

23. And when the hearts lined up in gentle devotion,
It healed and enlightened them with passion and loyalty.

٢٣. وإذا القلوب صفت لمالك رقها
شفّت ونوّرها هوى وولاء

24. In every temple there is a procession and departure
For victory and the manifest conquest's banner.

٢٤. في كل مغدى موكب ومراحه
للنصر والفتح المبين لواء

25. Your noble life has been greeted by youth
From the generous Zahra's plantation.

٢٥. حيت محياك الكريم شبيبة
مما غرست كريمة زهراء

26. It is the seat of hopes. When it goes
To the beloved king and nation, it is hope.

٢٦. هي موئل الآمال ما إن جازها
للملك والوطن العزيز رجاء

27. I know your rights to the throne in the world
Are a fortress for Egypt, protection, and shielding.

٢٧. علمت بأن حقوق عرشك ف يالورى
حصن لمصر وعصمة ووقاء

28. And that your endeavor was the endeavor of a fighter
Whose supporters and aides betrayed him.

٢٨. وبأن سعيك كان سعى مجاهد
قد خانه الأعوان والنصراء

29. They wanted the position for the stranger,
But the noble soul refuses the stranger.

٢٩. ودّوا مكانك للغريب إمارة
يأبى الغريب ونفسه السمحاء

30. And you have subjects in the kingdoms, good people
Flooded with your favors from your house.

٣٠. ورعية لك في الممالك بَرّة
غمرتهمومن بيتك الآلاء

31. The deeds of the colonels divided us.
Evil are the deeds and villainous the leaders!

٣١. فعلُ العرابيين فرّق بيننا
بئس الفَعال وقبِّح الزعماء

32. From each lost in confusion, wavering
In his cloak, talebearing and hypocrisy.

٣٢. من كل مفقود الشعور مذبذب
في بردتيه نميمة ورياء

33. If any of them remain in the country,
Upon those remaining, curse and affliction!

٣٣. إن كان منهم في البلاد بقية
فعلى البقية لعنة وبلاء

34. O state of the free, you have not flattered us
Except with manliness and generosity in you.

٣٤. يا دولة الأحرار ما جاملتنا
إلا وفيك مروءة وسخاء

35. Looking for peace, good is hoped from you,
And the weak desire aid from you.

٣٥. الخير عند للسلام مؤمل
والعون منك يرومه الضعفاء

36. As you know, the souls are free.
The first ones lied saying the souls are slave girls.

٣٦. إن النفوس كما علمت حرائر
كذب الأولى قالوا النفوس إماء

37. If the people weary of a life of humiliation,
Men and things become cheap to it.

٣٧. والشعب إن مل الحياة ذليلة
هان الرجال عليه والأشياء

38. If you could empower life and restore it,
We would say to you, restoration and revival.

٣٨. لو تقدرين على الحياة وردّها
قلنا عليك الرد والإحياء

39. So ask forgiveness of God the Almighty, for only
Great ones ask forgiveness for their sins.

٣٩. فاستغفري الله العظيم فإنما
لذنوبهم يستغفر العظماء

40. Shameful atrocities that they committed,
This virtuous hand has washed them away.

٤٠. عارٌ فظائع دنشواى وسُبّة
غسلتهما هذى اليد البيضاء