
Measures from your eyelids have changed my state

مقادير من جفنيك حولن حاليا

1. Measures from your eyelids have changed my state
I tasted love after I had been empty

١. مَقاديرُ مِن جَفنَيكِ حَوَلنَ حالِيا
فَذُقتُ الهَوى بَعدَما كُنتُ خالِيا

2. Passion pierced me with unleashed arrows
Irresistibly destined and with a judging sword

٢. نَفَذنَ عَلَيَّ اللُبَّ بِالسَهمِ مُرسَلاً
وَبِالسِحرِ مَقضِيّاً وَبِالسَيفِ قاضِيا

3. It clothed me in the garb of grief, so I wore it
Though it squeezed me, I loved it as my robe

٣. وَأَلبَسنَني ثَوبَ الضَنى فَلَبِستُهُ
فَأَحبِب بِهِ ثَوباً وَإِن ضَمَّ بالِيا

4. Love is but obedience and concession
Though they describe it abundantly and profoundly

٤. وَما الحُبُّ إِلّا طاعَةٌ وَتَجاوُزٌ
وَإِن أَكثَروا أَوصافَهُ وَالمَعانِيا

5. It is but the eyes meeting with the eyes
Though they diversify its causes and incentives

٥. وَما هُوَ إِلّا العَينُ بِالعَينِ تَلتَقي
وَإِن نَوَّعوا أَسبابَهُ وَالدَواعِيا

6. To me, love is its object, not its attributes
If asked what is love, I say it is her

٦. وَعِندي الهَوى مَوصوفُهُ لا صِفاتُهُ
إِذا سَأَلوني ما الهَوى قُلتُ ما بِيا

7. In me was happiness, my life present
It left me; I long for my distant life

٧. وَبي رَشَأٌ قَد كانَ دُنيايَ حاضِراً
فَغادَرَني أَشتاقُ دُنيايَ نائِيا

8. I gave my soul up cheaply for its love
One in love does not prefer anything costlier

٨. سَمَحتُ بِروحي في هَواهُ رَخيصَةً
وَمَن يَهوَ لا يوثِرُ عَلى الحُبِّ غالِيا

9. Nor did the slanderers' words arouse suspicion
Like these tears that freely flow

٩. وَلَم تَجرِ أَلفاظُ الوُشاةِ بِريبَةٍ
كَهَذي الَّتي يَجري بِها الدَمعُ واشِيا

10. I say to those I bade farewell, though my heart
Against my will, travels with their hearts

١٠. أَقولُ لِمَن وَدَّعتُ وَالرَكبُ سائِرٌ
بِرُغمِ فُؤادي سائِرٌ بِفُؤاديا

11. Your eyelids are safety for my heart in love
Love is enough as a cup, cheer, and pourer

١١. أَماناً لِقَلبي مِن جُفونِكِ في الهَوى
كَفى بِالهَوى كَأساً وَراحاً وَساقِيا

12. And do not let it between your cheek and grace
Be so unjust as to draw close to two fires

١٢. وَلا تَجعَليهِ بَينَ خَدَيكِ وَالنَوى
مِنَ الظُلمِ أَن يَغدو لِنارَينِ صالِيا

13. Nor has the wound of the spear-thrust healed
So be gentle with it, not with separation's stab

١٣. وَلَم يَندَمِل مِن طَعنَةِ القَدِّ جُرحُهُ
فَرِفقاً بِهِ مِن طَعنَةِ البَينِ دامِيا