
The queen of the bed

مرت على الخفاش

1. The queen of the bed
Passed by the bat

١. مَرَّت عَلى الخُفاشِ
مَليكَةُ الفَراشِ

2. Flying in swarms
Seeking candles

٢. تَطيرُ بِالجُموعِ
سَعياً إِلى الشُموعِ

3. She turned and leaned
And laughed, saying:

٣. فَعَطَفَت وَمالَت
وَاِستَضحَكَت فَقالَت

4. Have you fallen in love
O lover of darkness?

٤. أَزرَيتَ بِالغَرامِ
يا عاشِقَ الظلامِ

5. Describe to me the black friend
The intimate naked one

٥. صِف لي الصَديقَ الأَسوَدا
الخامِلَ المُجَرَّدا

6. He said, you asked about
The most truthful describer of him

٦. قالَ سَأَلتِ فيهِ
أَصدَقَ واصِفيهِ

7. He is the loyal friend
Perfect in description

٧. هُوَ الصَديقُ الوافي
الكامِلُ الأَوصافِ

8. His company is safety
And his secret is concealment

٨. جِوارُهُ أَمانُ
وَسِرُّهُ كِتمانُ

9. His glance is gentle
When the companion departs

٩. وَطَرفُهُ كَليلُ
إِذا هَفا الخَليلُ

10. He cares for lovers
And listens to the longing one

١٠. يَحنو عَلى العُشّاقِ
يَسمَعُ لِلمُشتاقِ

11. In summary
He is the precious beloved

١١. وَجُملَةُ المَقالِ
هُوَ الحَبيبُ الغالي

12. The fool said
And her words were ridicule:

١٢. فَقالَتِ الحَمقاءُ
وَقَولُها اِستِهزاءُ

13. Where is the eunuch of musk
Of exaggerated price

١٣. أَينَ أَبو المِسكِ الخَصي
ذو الثَمَنِ المُستَرخَصِ

14. From my companion the prince
The apparent luminous one

١٤. مِن صاحِبي الأَميرِ
الظاهِرِ المُنيرِ

15. If he is counted among those I know
I name him and pride myself of him

١٥. إِن عُدَّ فيمَن أَعرِفُ
أَسمو بِهِ وَأَشرُفُ

16. And if I am asked about him
And my position from him

١٦. وَإِن سُئِلتُ عَنهُ
وَعَن مَكاني مِنهُ

17. I boast to my peers
And am infatuated with admiration

١٧. أُفاخِرُ الأَترابا
وَأَنثَني إِعجابا

18. He said, O queen
And mistress of the couch

١٨. فَقالَ يا مَليكَه
وَرَبَّةَ الأَريكَه

19. Verily, arrogance is to
Blame the arrogant

١٩. إِنَّ مِنَ الغُرورِ
مَلامَةَ المَغرورِ

20. So turn your back to me
And go to perdition

٢٠. فَأَعطِني قَفاك
وَاِمضي إِلى الهَلاك

21. She left him laughing
And went with her boasting

٢١. فَتَرَكَتهُ ساخِرَه
وَذَهَبَت مُفاخِرَه

22. And after an hour passed
Of time, it expired

٢٢. وَبَعدَ ساعَةٍ مَضَت
مِنَ الزَمانِ فَاِنقَضَت

23. The queen of the bed passed
By the bat

٢٣. مَرَّت عَلى الخُفّاشِ
مَليكَةُ الفَراشِ

24. Missing limbs
Complaining of death

٢٤. ناقِصَةَ الأَعضاءِ
تَشكو مِنَ الفَناءِ

25. He came to her worried
Laughing at her crying

٢٥. فَجاءَها مُنهَمِكا
يُضحِكُهُ مِنها البُكا

26. He said, did I not tell you
You perish or you don't perish

٢٦. قالَ أَلَم أَقُل لَكِ
هَلكتِ أَو لَم تَهلِكي

27. How many white-faced friends
Who would sacrifice themselves like chiefs

٢٧. رُبَّ صَديقٍ عَبدِ
أَبيَضُ وَجهِ الوُدِّ

28. With soul and valuables
And companions like light

٢٨. يَفديكَ كَالرَئيسِ
بِالنَفسِ وَالنَفيسِ

29. In beauty and appearance
With clenched heart

٢٩. وَصاحِبٍ كَالنورِ
في الحُسنِ وَالظُهورِ

30. Wasting affection
His closeness is traps

٣٠. مُعتَكِرَ الفُؤادِ
مُضَيِّعَ الوِدادِ

31. And his nearness is ruin

٣١. جِبالُهُ أَشراكُ
وَقُربُهُ هَلاكُ