
The carpets were folded and the wine cups dried up,

طوي البساط وجفت الأقداح

1. The carpets were folded and the wine cups dried up,
And after you joys have become rare.

١. طُوِيَ البِساطُ وَجَفَّتِ الأَقداحُ
وَغَدَت عَواطِلٌ بَعدَكَ الأَفراحُ

2. A club in Damascus and Samarra have disbanded,
In Egypt you were their witty entertainer.

٢. وَاِنفَضَّ نادٍ بِالشَآمِ وَسامِرٌ
في مِصرَ أَنتَ هَزارُهُ الصَدّاحُ

3. The tallest entertainment dome collapsed,
Fate can demolish firmly established things.

٣. وَتَقَوَّضَت لِلفَنِّ أَطوَلُ سَرحَةٍ
يُغدى إِلى أَفيائِها وَيُراحُ

4. By God I know not, you alone left behind,
Should one lament over it or over you cry?

٤. وَاللَهِ ما أَدري وَأَنتَ وَحيدُهُ
أَعَلَيهِ يُبكى أَم عَلَيكَ يُناحُ

5. Isaac died so no more dawns or sunsets,
Maabad perished so no more is spring's bounty.

٥. إِسحاقُ ماتَ فَلا صَبوحَ وَمَعبَدٌ
أَودى فَلَيسَ مَعَ الغَبوقِ فَلاحُ

6. Fate dethroned the king of singing,
A destiny that removes those firmly enthroned.

٦. مَلِكُ الغِناءِ أَزالَهُ عَن تَختِهِ
قَدَرٌ يُزيلُ الراسِياتِ مُتاحُ

7. In the soil above Bani Suwayf lies an orphaned gem,
Among jewels there are now cheap imitations.

٧. في التُربِ فَوقَ بَني سُوَيفَ يَتيمَةٌ
وَمِنَ الجَواهِرِ زَيِّفٌ وَصِحاحُ

8. The crown of art continued to diminish,
Until taken over by spreading ignorance.

٨. ما زالَ تاجُ الفَنِّ تَيّاهاً بِها
حَتّى اِستَبَدَّ بِها الرَدى المُجتاحُ

9. If honouring her resting place was possible,
Gardens would extend to it and pilgrims flock.

٩. لَو تَستَطيعُ كَرامَةً لِمَكانِها
مَشَتِ الرِياضُ إِلَيهِ وَالأَدواحُ

10. May God have mercy on Abdelhay, your mother was a venerable old lady,
Who sat as old age clipped her wings.

١٠. رُحماكَ عَبدَ الحَيِّ أُمُّكَ شَيخَةٌ
قَعَدَت وَهيضَ لَها الغَداةَ جَناحُ

11. Her staff was broken so she was left without,
And her gallant young supporter passed away.

١١. كُسِرَت عَصاها فَهيَ بِلا عَصاً
وَقَضى فَتاها الأَجوَدُ المِسماحُ

12. God alone knows if in her heart,
There remained wounds that Egypt still bears.

١٢. اللَهُ يَعلَمُ إِن يَكُن في قَلبِها
جُرحٌ فَفي أَحشاءِ مِصرَ جِراحُ

13. And people cried and mourned over your loss,
When prominent ones fall the masses weep.

١٣. وَالناسُ مَبكِيٌّ وَباكٍ إِثرَهُ
وَبُكا الشُعوبِ إِذا النَوابِغُ طاحوا

14. If they were unkind or hostile the remorseful ones,
Were equally your voice between them and comfort.

١٤. كانَ النَدامى إِن شَدَوتَ وَعاقَروا
سِيّانَ صَوتُكَ بَينَهُم وَالراحُ

15. In what you recited and narrated,
Ears and souls competed.

١٥. فيما تَقولُ مُغَنِّياً وَمُحَدِّثاً
تَتَنافَسُ الأَسماعُ وَالأَرواحُ

16. You left a world that pained you with loss,
And gained nearness to God which is true profit.

١٦. فارَقتَ دُنيا أَرهَقَتكَ خَسارَةً
وَغَنِمتَ قُربَ اللَهِ وَهوَ رَباحُ

17. O you who broke your promise your pledge to me is worthless,
I have none with my conscience to settle.

١٧. يا مُخلِفاً لِلوَعدِ وَعدُكَ مالَهُ
عِندي وَلا لَكَ في الضَميرِ بَراحُ

18. Death toyed with it and with you and a cause,
Through which we found comfort, came to an end.

١٨. عَبَثَت بِهِ وَبِكَ المَنِيَّةُ وَاِنقَضى
سَبَبٌ إِلَيهِ بِأُنسِنا نَرتاحُ

19. When friends and wishes lead us,
To the door of joy, the key disappeared.

١٩. لَمّا بَلَغنا بِالأَحِبَّةِ وَالمُنى
بابَ السُرورِ تَغَيَّبَ المِفتاحُ

20. They claimed you dead jokingly in gatherings,
Alas, no jokes with death drawing near.

٢٠. زَعَموا نَعِيَّكَ في المَجامِعِ مازِحاً
هَيهاتَ في رَيبِ المَنونِ مِزاحُ

21. When faced with death all jesters and serious ones,
Become anxious and morose.

٢١. الجِدُّ غايَةُ كُلِّ لاهٍ لاعِبٍ
عِندَ المَنِيَّةِ يَجزَعُ المِفراحُ

22. Death struck you down like a nightingale,
It saw you trapped in life's snare.

٢٢. رَمَتِ المَنايا إِذ رَمَينَكَ بُلبُلاً
أَراَهُ في شَرَكِ الحَياةِ جِماحُ

23. Its laments were burning passion and its warbling,
The cooing of doves if only they articulated.

٢٣. آهاتُهُ حُرَقُ الغَرامِ وَلَفظُهُ
سَجعُ الحَمامِ لَوَ انَّهُنَّ فِصاحُ

24. And they slaughtered a throat over its strings,
Wounds grieve and happiness is slaughtered.

٢٤. وَذَبَحنَ حَنجَرَةً عَلى أَوتارِها
تُؤسى الجِراحُ وَتُذبَحُ الأَتراحُ

25. And they extracted from that tongue a blade,
Which the vile fear and the insolent.

٢٥. وَفَلَلنَ مِن ذاكَ اللِسانِ حَديدَةً
يَخشى لَئيمٌ بَأسَها وَوَقاحُ

26. And time eroded your comfort and long has,
Wealth spent the night while lusts were permitted.

٢٦. وَأَبَحنَ راحَتَكَ البِلى وَلَطالَما
أَمسى عَلَيها المالُ وَهوَ مُباحُ

27. A soul that attained the limits of lightness,
And chose a dwelling beyond all spirits.

٢٧. روحٌ تَناهَت خِفَّةً فَتَخَيَّرَت
نُزُلاً تَقاصَرُ دونَهُ الأَشباحُ

28. Rise and sing to the lads and maidens of heaven,
And send your voice that we are all souls.

٢٨. قُم غَنِّ وِلدانَ الجِنانِ وَحورِها
وَاِبعَث صَداكَ فَكُلُّنا أَرواحُ