
My soul ransoms you from every abode,

فدتك الجوانح من نازل

1. My soul ransoms you from every abode,
And welcome is your phantom to one longing.

١. فَدَتكَ الجَوانِحُ مِن نازِلٍ
وَأَهلاً بِطَيفِكَ مِن واصِلِ

2. You gave your eyelids for her without regret,
And who regrets giving all to one who gave freely?

٢. بَذَلتَ لَهُ الجَفنَ دونَ الكَرى
وَمَن بِالكَرى لِلشَجِيِ الباذِلِ

3. I said I would see you despite the blamer,
So the passionate turned from the blamer.

٣. وَقُلتُ أَراكَ بِرُغمِ العَذول
فَنابَ السُهادُ عَنِ العاذِلِ

4. Woe to the bereaved even his dreams,
If he visits, some obstacle interferes.

٤. فَوَيحَ المُتَيَّمِ حَتّى الخَيالُ
إِذا زارَ لَم يَخلُ مِن حائِلِ

5. Ribs of chastity yearn toward you
In an emaciated body grown thin.

٥. يَحِنُّ إِلَيكَ ضُلوعٌ عَفَت
مِنَ البَينِ في جَسَدٍ ناحِلِ

6. A heart breaking with passion
Clings to a leaning pillar.

٦. وَقَلبٌ جَوٍ عِندَها خافِقٌ
تَعَلَّقَ بِالسَنَدِ المائِلِ

7. From love's wantonness with lovers
Comes the slain's yearning for the killer.

٧. وَمِن عَبَثِ العِشقِ بِالعاشِقين
حَنينُ القَتيلِ إِلى القاتِلِ

8. I neglected the wine cup till it overflowed,
Yet I have manners, I'm no negligent one.

٨. غَفِلتُ عَنِ الكَأسِ حَتّى طَغَت
وَلي أَدَبٌ لَيسَ بِالغافِلِ

9. It healed, but my conscience did not heal,
What can the inanimate know of sensibility?

٩. وَشَفَّت وَما شَفَّ مِنّي الضَميرُ
وَأَينَ الجَمادُ مِنَ العاقِلِ

10. My boon companion stays intoxicated by it
Drinking of my noble nature.

١٠. يَظَلُّ نَديمي يُسقى بِها
وَيَشرَبُ مِن خُلُقي الفاضِلِ

11. I dispense it generously whenever
It appears to me like molten gold.

١١. أُبِدِّدُها كَرَماً كُلَّما
بَدَت لِيَ كَالذَهَبِ السائِلِ