
The generous lofty hand of the king

يد الملك العلوي الكريم

1. The generous lofty hand of the king
Waved to his brother literature

١. يَدُ المَلِكِ العَلَوي الكَريم
عَلى العلمِ هَزَّت أَخاهُ الأَدَب

2. The tongue of flattery in its gratitude
Is nothing but the tongue of Arabs

٢. لِسانُ الكِنانَةِ في شُكرِها
وَما هُوَ إِلّا لِسانُ العَرَب

3. Egypt has fulfilled its need, O Ali
And its children gained the four A's

٣. قَضَت مِصرُ حاجَتَها يا عَلِيُّ
وَنالَت وَنالَ بَنوها الأَرَب

4. I congratulate the genius with ranks
And I congratulate the ranks with the genius

٤. وَهَنَّأتُ بِالرُتَبِ العَبقَرِيِّ
وَهَنَّأتُ بِالعَبقَرِيِّ الرُتَب

5. Ali, you were titled by the countries
The healer of wounds, what a good title

٥. عَلِيُّ لَقَد لَقَّبَتكَ البِلادُ
بِآسي الجِراحِ وَنِعمَ اللَقَب

6. Your weapon is made of life's tools
And every weapon is a tool of harm

٦. سِلاحُكَ مِن أَدَواتِ الحَياةِ
وَكُلُّ سِلاحٍ أَداةُ العَطَب

7. Your words are benign but
Gentle as youth on the eyelids of severity

٧. وَلَفظُكَ بِنجٌ وَلَكِنَّهُ
لَطيفُ الصَبا في جُفونِ العَصَب

8. Your fingers like the Messiah's figs
Healers of wounds, erasers of scars

٨. أَنامِلُ مِثلُ بَنانِ المَسيحِ
أَواسي الجِراحِ مَواحي النُدَب

9. Your palms treat the misery of life
A palm that treats and a palm that bestows

٩. تُعالِجُ كَفّاكَ بُؤسَ الحَياةِ
فَكَفٌّ تُداوي وَكَفٌّ تَهَب

10. And blood clings to your palms
Above which neither settles nor rests gold

١٠. وَيَستَمسِكُ الدَمُ في راحَتَيكَ
وَفَوقَهُما لا يَقَرُّ الذَهَب

11. It's as if you're death to death itself
Who saw your face fled

١١. كَأَنَّكَ لِلمَوتِ مَوتٌ أُتيحَ
فَلَم يَرَ وَجهَكَ إِلّا هَرَب