
I gave generosity its due

مطران أعطيت المكارم حقها

1. I gave generosity its due
And sought a hundred fold, but found only twice that

١. مطران أعطيت المكارم حقها
ورغبتُ في مائة فجدتَ بضعفها

2. So I accepted it and turned my thoughts at times
To praise, and at times to investing it

٢. فقبلتها وصرفت فكري تارة
نحو الثناء وتارة في صرفها

3. And I, who knew kings and excused
Their graciousness when at ease and the one who poured kindness

٣. وأنا الذي عرف الملوك وعف عن
إحسان راحتهم وساكب عرفها

4. You are generosity, O Khalil, in its origin
And in its essence, and in its eye, and in its nose

٤. أنت السماحة يا خليل بأصلها
وبذاتها وبعينها وبأنفها