
Ask the cups of wine, did they touch her mouth?

سلوا كؤوس الطلا هل لامست فاها

1. Ask the cups of wine, did they touch her mouth?
And ask the breeze, did it caress her cheeks?

١. سلوا كؤوس الطلا هل لامست فاها
واستخبروا الراح هل مسّت ثناياها

2. She stayed in the garden watering me with her purity,
Not for the drink nor for the rose's scent replenished her.

٢. باتت على الروض تسقيني بصافية
لا للسُّلاف ولا للورد رياها

3. No harm if my cup were her pillow,
Or if she quenched my thirst with the warmth of her affection.

٣. ما ضر لوجعلت كأسي مراشفها
ولو سقتني بصافٍ من حمياها

4. Gentle as milk, the breeze wraps around her,
And bends beneath the branches, clasping her to its chest.

٤. هيفاء كالبان يلتف النسيم بها
وينثنى فيه تحت الوشى عِطفاها

5. Her talk is magic, though it is but melody
That flowed from David's mouth, so he sang it.

٥. حديثها السحر إلا أنه نغم
جرت على فم داود فغنّاها

6. The dove of the valley is distraught with yearning for her,
And beyond the darkness, longing whispers her name.

٦. حمامةُ الأيك من بالشجو طارحها
ومَن وراءَ الدجى بالشوق ناجاها

7. She tossed her neck in the night defiantly, and flung
At it an ear, while her eyes wandered lost within.

٧. ألقت إلى الليل جيدا نافرا ورمت
إليه أذنا وحارت فيه عيناها

8. And longing returned her to loved ones, so she rose
Crying out, calling to them sometimes in her plaints.

٨. وعادها الشوق للأَحباب فانبعثت
تبكي وتهتف أحيانا بشكواها

9. O neighbor of the valley, the days of love are gone
Like a dream. Oh the days of love, sigh.

٩. يا جارة الأيك أيام الهوى ذهبت
كالحلمآها لآيام الهوى آها