
Ali, if only you had consulted your father beforehand

علي لو استشرت أباك قبلاً

1. Ali, if only you had consulted your father beforehand
For good fortune is the share of one who seeks counsel

١. عَلِيُّ لَوِ اِستَشَرتَ أَباكَ قَبلاً
فَإِنَّ الخَيرَ حَظُّ المُستَشيرِ

2. Then you would have known that we live in prosperity
And though we delight in your arrival

٢. إِذاً لَعَلِمتَ أَنّا في غِناءٍ
وَإِن نَكُ مِن لِقائِكَ في سُرورِ

3. We were not troubled by your blessed coming
But you came in grievous times

٣. وَما ضِقنا بِمَقدَمِكَ المُفَدّى
وَلَكِن جِئتَ في الزَمَنِ الأَخيرِ