
I was told that Sulayman, the ruler of the age and the one

أنبئت أن سليمان الزمان

1. I was told that Sulayman, the ruler of the age and the one
Whose birds would confide in him and he would confide in them

١. أُنبِئتُ أَنَّ سُلَيمانَ الزَمانِ وَمَن
أَصبى الطُيورَ فَناجَتهُ وَناجاها

2. Once gave his nightingales a day of discipline
Out of respect he held for the owl he fostered

٢. أَعطى بَلابِلَهُ يَوماً يُؤَدِّبُها
لِحُرمَةٍ عِندَهُ لِلبومِ يَرعاها

3. One day he longed to see them after many days passed
So they came, though the birds could hardly move their mouths

٣. وَاِشتاقَ يَوماً مِنَ الأَيّامِ رُؤيَتَها
فَأَقبَلَت وَهيَ أَعصى الطَيرِ أَفواها

4. Illness had overcome them, leaving them with no power
To convey to Allah's prophet their complaints

٤. أَصابَها العِيُّ حَتّى لا اِقتِدارَ لَها
بِأَن تَبُثَّ نَبِيَّ اللَهِ شَكواها

5. Their master was angered by their sickness
And wished that slaughter would cure them

٥. فَنالَ سَيِّدَها مِن دائِها غَضَبٌ
وَوَدَّ لَو أَنَّهُ بِالذَبحِ داواها

6. Then came the loyal hoopoe making excuses
To his master and their master, saying:

٦. فَجاءَهُ الهُدهُدُ المَعهودُ مُعتَذِراً
عَنها يَقولُ لِمَولاهُ وَمَولاها

7. Allah's nightingales are not mute, nor were they born
Mute, but the ominous owl raised them

٧. بَلابِلُ اللَهِ لا تَخرَس وَلا وُلِدَت
خُرساً وَلَكِنَّ بومَ الشُؤمِ رَبّاها