
Yesterday has passed, today ushers in tomorrow

أمس انقضى واليوم مرقاة الغد

1. Yesterday has passed, today ushers in tomorrow
Alexandria, it is time for you to be reborn

١. أَمسِ اِنقَضى وَاليَومُ مَرقاةُ الغَدِ
إِسكَندَرِيَّةُ آنَ أَن تَتَجَدَّدي

2. O pearl of the valley, barrier at its gate
Return to your place in the wilderness, echoing

٢. يا غُرَّةَ الوادي وَسُدَّةَ بابِهِ
رُدّي مَكانَكَ في البَرِيَّةِ يُردَدِ

3. Pour forth again knowledge and sciences
And arts with eternal beauty adorned

٣. فيضي كَأَمسِ عَلى العُلومِ مِنَ النُهى
وَعَلى الفُنونِ مِنَ الجَمالِ السَرمَدي

4. Name valor by epics distinguished
Name youth by passions immortalized

٤. وَسِمي النَبالَةَ بِالمَلاحِمِ تَتَّسِم
وَسِمى الصَبابَةَ بِالعَواطِفِ تَخلُدِ

5. Put aside tales of moral corruption and lust
For actors from generations to emulate

٥. وَضَعي رِواياتِ الخَلاعَةِ وَالهَوى
لِمُمَثِّلينَ مِنَ العُصورِ وَشُهَّدِ

6. Let not love of the past and its memory
Breed only regrets and worthless laments

٦. لا تَجعَلي حُبَّ القَديمِ وَذِكرَهُ
حَسَراتِ مِضياعٍ وَدَفعَ مُبَدَّدِ

7. The olden is a treasure of wholesomeness
That builds up the negligent or guides emulators

٧. إِنَّ القَديمَ ذَخيرَةٌ مِن صالِحٍ
تَبني المُقَصِّرَ أَو تَحُثُّ المُقتَدي

8. Be not seduced by an imported civilization
Whose walls were not built by native hands

٨. لا تَفتِنَنكِ حَضارَةٌ مَجلوبَةٌ
لَم يُبنَ حائِطُها بِمالِكِ وَاليَدِ

9. Were its sails and steamers to depart
Only hunting and hunted would remain

٩. لَو مالَ عَنكِ شِراعُها وَبُخارُها
لَم يَبقَ غَيرُ الصَيدِ وَالمُتَصَيِّدِ

10. It was found yet its land and sky
Were for others, as though it never existed

١٠. وُجِدَت وَكانَ لِغَيرِ أَهلِكِ أَرضُها
وَسَماؤُها وَكَأَنَّها لَم توجَدِ

11. Pursuing the guest and predecessors to wealth
To pilgrimage, glory and high office

١١. جاري النَزيلَ وَسابِقيهِ إِلى الغِنى
وَإِلى الحِجا وَإِلى العُلا وَالسُؤدُدِ

12. And build as institutions are built and embark
For your youth the sweet water of knowledge

١٢. وَاِبني كَما يَبنى المَعاهِدَ وَاِشرِعي
لِشَبابِكِ العِرفانَ عَذبَ المَورِدِ

13. I fear for you an encroaching darkness
Like wings of hovering vultures spread

١٣. إِنّي حَذِرتُ عَلَيكَ مِن أُمِّيَّةٍ
رَبَضَت كَجُنحِ الغَيهَبِ المُتَلَبِّدِ

14. Storehouse of the valley, greetings to you
And the stream and all who linger by it

١٤. أَخِزانَةَ الوادي عَلَيكِ تَحِيَّةٌ
وَعَلى النَدِيِّ وَكُلِّ أَبلَجَ في النَدي

15. You are but one of Joseph's storehouses
Signifying unmeant to the unpercipient

١٥. ما أَنتِ إِلّا مِن خَزائِنِ يوسُفٍ
بِالقَصدِ موحِيَةٌ لِمَن لَم يَقصِدِ

16. Entrusted with the nation's wealth
Long starved of an able trustee

١٦. قُلِّدتِ مِن مالِ البِلادِ أَمانَةً
يا طالَما اِفتَقَرَت إِلى المُتَقَلِّدِ

17. And attained through its faith and hopes
What the prayer niche means to the devout

١٧. وَبَلَغتِ مِن إيمانِها وَرَجائِها
ما يَبلُغُ المِحرابُ مِن مُتَعَبِّدِ

18. Had the veils of majesty billowed
You would wear nothing but the time-honored

١٨. فَلَوَ اَنَّ أَستارَ الجَلالِ سَعَت إِلى
غَيرِ العَتيقِ لَبِستِ مِمّا يَرتَدي

19. We esteem in you banners under which throngs
Go and come and wander freely

١٩. إِنّا نُعَظِّمُ فيكِ أَلوِيَةً عَلى
جَنَباتِها حَشدٌ يَروحُ وَيَغتَدي

20. And if you taste the honeycomb
Bear witness to its leader and volunteers

٢٠. وَإِذا طَعِمتَ مِنَ الخَلِيَّةِ شَهدَها
فَاِشهَد لِقائِدِها وَلِلمُتَجَنِّدِ

21. Give not all thanks to the beloved
But mix with it the worker's weary gratitude

٢١. لا تَمنَحِ المَحبوبَ شُكرَكَ كُلَّهُ
وَاِقرِن بِهِ شُكرَ الأَجيرِ المُجهَدِ

22. Alexandria you were honored by a band
Of white turbans, loincloths and hands

٢٢. إِسكَندَرِيَّةُ شُرِّفَت بِعِصابَةٍ
بيضِ الأَسِرَّةِ وَالصَحيفَةِ وَاليَدِ

23. Who served the precious homeland and were blessed
Blessed are those who serve in the protected sanctum

٢٣. خَدَموا حِمى الوَطَنِ العَزيزِ فَبورِكوا
خَدَماً وَبورِكَ في الحِمى مِن سَيِّدِ

24. Why has that hut become a towering mansion
Rising above the walls of a palace?

٢٤. ما بالُ ذاكَ الكوخِ صَرَّحَ وَاِنجَلى
عَن حائِطَي صَرحٍ أَشَمَّ مُمَرَّدِ

25. From fragments of a house or lean-to roof
Steadfastness built up a structure like a watchtower

٢٥. مِن كَسرِ بَيتٍ أَو جِدارِ سَقيفَةٍ
رَفَعَ الثَباتُ بِنايَةً كَالفَرقَدِ

26. When you look upon the grandeur of its pillar
Say "This is one of Muhammad's miracles"

٢٦. فَإِذا طَلَعتَ عَلى جَلالَةِ رُكنِها
قُل تِلكَ إِحدى مُعجِزاتِ مُحَمَّدِ