
I'm not one on a Ramadan night

لست بناس ليلة

1. I'm not one on a Ramadan night
Whose length ever competed with this night's

١. لَستُ بِناسٍ لَيلَةً
مِن رَمَضانَ مَرَّتِ

2. When I slipped away from my friends and entered my room
I looked in the Diwan of a poet or the Sirat of a biography

٢. تَطاوَلَت مِثلَ لَيا
لي القُطبِ وَاِكفَهَرَّتِ

3. But nothing attracted me except the sound of the cat on the prowl
So I started to listen in the rooms and bedrooms

٣. إِذِ اِنفَلَتُّ مِن سُحو
ري فَدَخَلتُ حُجرَتي

4. Until I found the one who had snuck up on me
Since she appeared before me and our gazes met

٤. أَنظُرُ في ديوانِ شِع،
،رٍ أَو كِتابِ سيرَةِ

5. The ashes of her eyes returned like embers
And she let out her meows like a tomcat in wasteland

٥. فَلَم يَرُعني غَيرَ صَو
تٍ كَمُواءِ الهِرَّةِ

6. And from behind the curtain she wore for me the skin of a leopard
She turned away but like a still rock she fled

٦. فَقُمتُ أَلقي السَمعَ في
السُتورِ وَالأَسِرَّةِ

7. Her whiskers shook like the eye of a needle
And she raised a paw and waved her tail like a snake

٧. حَتّى ظَفِرتُ بِالَّتي
عَلَيَّ قَد تَجَرَّتِ

8. Then she leapt from the roof and howled and fled
I didn't blame her for anger and wickedness

٨. فَمُذ بَدَت لي وَاِلتَقَت
نَظرَتُها وَنَظرَتي

9. Nor underestimate her weakness or forget my ability
I saw nothing but a mother caring for her children

٩. عادَ رَمادُ لَحظِها
مِثلَ بَصيصِ الجَمرَةِ

10. I saw what captures the soul of a poet in imagery
I saw the essence of motherhood in building a family

١٠. وَرَدَّدَت فَحيحَها
كَحَنَشٍ بِقَفرَةِ

11. So I stayed until her trembling calmed and she settled
I brought her a drink and a morsel

١١. وَلَبِسَت لي مِن وَرا
ءِ السِترِ جِلدَ النَمرَةِ

12. And I protected the sides of her bedding with my cloak
And I increased her warmth so I kindled my embers

١٢. كَرَّت وَلَكِن كَالجَبا
نِ قاعِداً وَفَرَّتِ

13. Had I found game I'd have brought her a mouse
So she lay under the shade of safety and stretched out

١٣. وَاِنتَفَضَت شَوارِباً
عَن مِثلِ بَيتِ الإِبرَةِ

14. And she recited her devotions though she knew not what she uttered
While the little ones suckled at her teats and she gently turned

١٤. وَرَفَعت كَفّاً وَشا
لَت ذَنَباً كَالمِذرَةِ

15. Like chicks protected in the folds of her gown
They bumped into each other blindly around the meal

١٥. ثُمَّ اِرتَقَت عَنِ المُوا
ءِ فَعَوَت وَهَرَّتِ

16. You'd think them frogs she'd sent hopping in a jar
And I said, no harm upon your child, my little neighbor

١٦. لَم أَجزِها بِشِرَّةٍ
عَن غَضَبٍ وَشِرَّةِ

17. Deliver five or ten if you wish
You and your children will be protected in my vigil until they grow up

١٧. وَلا غَبيتُ ضَعفَها
وَلا نَسيتُ قُدرَتي

١٨. وَلا رَأَيتُ غَيرَ أُمٍّ
بِالبَنينَ بَرَّةِ

١٩. رَأَيتُ ما يَعطِفُ نَفـ
ـسَ شاعِرٍ مِن صورَةِ

٢٠. رَأَيتُ جِدَّ الأُمَّها
تِ في بِناءِ الأُسرَةِ

٢١. فَلَم أَزَل حَتّى اِطمَأَنَّ
جَأشُها وَقَرَّتِ

٢٢. أَتَيتُها بِشَربَةٍ
وَجِئتُها بِكِسرَةِ

٢٣. وَصُنتُها مِن جانِبَي
مَرقَدِها بِسُترَتي

٢٤. وَزِدتُها الدِفءَ فَقَر
رَبتُ لَها مِجمَرَتي

٢٥. وَلَو وَجَدتُ مِصيَداً
لَجِئتُها بِفَأرَةِ

٢٦. فَاِضطَجَعَت تَحتَ ظِلا
لِ الأَمنِ وَاِسبَطَرَّتِ

٢٧. وَقَرَأَت أَورادَها
وَما دَرَت ما قَرَّتِ

٢٨. وَسَرَحَ الصِغارُ في
ثُدِيِّها فَدَرَّتِ

٢٩. غُرُّ نُجومٍ سُبَّحٌ
في جَنَباتِ السُرَّةِ

٣٠. اِختَلَطوا وَعَيَّثوا
كَالعُميِ حَولَ سُفرَةِ

٣١. تَحسَبُهُم ضَفادِعاً
أَرسَلتَها في جَرَّةِ

٣٢. وَقُلتُ لا بَأسَ عَلى
طِفلِكِ يا جُوَيرَتي

٣٣. تَمَخَّضي عَن خَمسَةٍ
إِن شِئتِ أَو عَن عَشرَةِ

٣٤. أَنتِ وَأَولادُكِ حَـ
ـتى يَكبُروا في خُفرَتي