
O King of the Heavens, you dazzled in the lights,

ملك السماء بهرت في الأنوار

1. O King of the Heavens, you dazzled in the lights,
So every crowned one ransomed you with the highest.

١. مَلِكَ السَماءِ بَهَرتَ في الأَنوارِ
فَفَداك كُلُّ مُتَوَّجٍ مِن ساري

2. When you rose over the waters lighting them up,
They calmed, though before they were restless.

٢. لَمّا طَلَعتَ عَلى المِياهِ تُنيرُها
سَكَنَت وَقَد كانَت بِغَيرِ قَرارِ

3. The sky became adorned for its viewer, and the
Currents and passions in the sea settled.

٣. وَزَهَت لِناظِرِها السَماءُ وَقَرَّ ما
في البَحرِ مِن عُبُبٍ وَمِن تَيّارِ

4. The women's apartments praised God and drew near
To you in perfection with reverent greetings.

٤. وَأَهَلَّ لِلَّهِ السُراةُ وَأَزلَفوا
لَكَ في الكَمالِ تَحِيَّةَ الإِكبارِ

5. They contemplated you, and for each of their senses
Was an eye conversing with its light companion.

٥. وَتَأَمَّلوكَ فَكُلُّ جارِحَةٍ لَهُم
عَينٌ تُسامِرُ نورَها وَتُساري

6. The moon through you illuminates all the worlds
With radiant faces and dense gazes.

٦. وَالبَدرُ مِنكَ عَلى العَوالِمِ يَجتَلي
بِشرَ الوُجوهِ وَزَحمَةِ الأَبصارِ

7. Advancing in light, veiled by it,
Enveloping horizons with journeys.

٧. مُتَقَدِّمٌ في النورِ مَحجوبٌ بِهِ
موفٍ على الآفاقِ بِالأَسفارِ

8. O pearl of the diver, he came out triumphant,
Waving it in his right hand for viewers.

٨. يا دُرَّةَ الغَوّاصِ أَخرَجَ ظافِراً
يُمناهُ يَجلوها عَلى النُظّارِ

9. Frolicking in the water, he showed half of it,
Rising with it while the other half hid shyly.

٩. مُتَهَلِّلاً في الماءِ أَبدى نِصفَهُ
يَسمو بِها وَالنِصفُ كاسٍ عارِ

10. The horizon fulfilled meeting the sky, so it unveiled
A hidden treasure in the bangle of blossoms.

١٠. وافى بِكَ الأُفُقُ السَماءَ فَأَسفَرَت
عَن قُفلِ ماسٍ في سِوارِ نُضارِ

11. And you rose while the universe glimmered from you
With cheerful splendor and wore your crown proudly.

١١. وَنَهَضتَ يَزهو الكَونُ مِنكَ بِمَنظَرٍ
ضاحٍ وَيَحمُلُ مِنكَ تاجَ فَخارِ

12. The water and horizons around you are silver,
And the stars are dinars next to each dinar.

١٢. الماءُ وَالآفاقُ حَولَكَ فِضَّةٌ
وَالشُهبُ دينارٌ لَدى دينارِ

13. The planets' edges shine in the darkness,
Revealing a tail made of lights for them.

١٣. وَالفُلكُ مُشرِقَةُ الجَوانِبِ في الدُجى
يَبدو لَها ذَيلٌ مِنَ الأَنوارِ

14. While you saunter in turbulent waves,
Folding into a soft, noisy bed.

١٤. بَينا تَخَطَّرُ في لُجَينٍ مائِجٍ
إِذ تَنثَني في عَسجَدٍ زَخّارِ

15. As if you and the waves are arranged, and you
Kept your promise, then approached deliberately.

١٥. وَكَأَنَّها وَالمَوجُ مُنتَظِمٌ وَقَد
أَوفَيتَ ثُمَّ دَنَوتَ كَالمُختارِ

16. A flirtatious gazelle frolicking and tracing
Poetry for her lover, and you are the reciter.

١٦. غَيداءُ لاهِيَةٌ تَخُطُّ لِأَغيَدٍ
شِعراً لِيَقرَأَهُ وَأَنتَ القاري

17. So the full moon of earth should rejoice that you are its peer,
And match in nearness and remote pilgrimage.

١٧. فَليَهنِ بَدرَ الأَرضِ أَنَّكَ صِنوُهُ
وَنَظيرُهُ قُرباً وَبُعدَ مَزارِ

18. You two are the only moons among all moons.
None but you are a moon among the moons.

١٨. وَحَلاكُما ما البَدرُ إِلّا أَنتُما
وَسِواكُما قَمَرٌ مِنَ الأَقمارِ

19. You are generous to existence through its essence,
While she is imaginative with roaming thoughts.

١٩. أَنتَ الكَريمُ عَلى الوُجودِ بِوَجهِهِ
وَهيَ الضَنينَةُ بِالخَيالِ الساري

20. She captivated my passion and I love remembering her,
But I pretend, and lovers always pretend.

٢٠. هَيفاءُ أَهواها وَأَعشَقُ ذِكرَها
لَكِن أُداري وَالمُحِبُّ يُداري

21. I have a secret in passion I refuse to reveal,
Yet God is aware of all secrets.

٢١. لي في الهَوى سِرٌّ أَبيتُ أَصونُهُ
وَاللَهُ مُطَّلِعٌ عَلى الأَسرارِ