1. They buried your remains in the sands, a banner
That rouses the valley, morning and evening alike,
١. رَكَزوا رُفاتَكَ في الرِمالِ لِواءَ
يَستَنهِضُ الوادي صَباحَ مَساءَ
2. Alas for them! They erected a minaret of blood
That inspires coming generations with hatred,
٢. يا وَيحَهُم نَصَبوا مَناراً مِن دَمٍ
توحي إِلى جيلِ الغَدِ البَغضاءَ
3. It would not have harmed them to make relations
Between peoples, affection and brotherhood,
٣. ما ضَرَّ لَو جَعَلوا العَلاقَةَ في غَدٍ
بَينَ الشُعوبِ مَوَدَّةً وَإِخاءَ
4. A wound cries out afar, a sacrifice
Groping for crimson freedom,
٤. جُرحٌ يَصيحُ عَلى المَدى وَضَحِيَّةٌ
تَتَلَمَّسُ الحُرِّيَةَ الحَمراءَ
5. O naked sword, wearing epochs
With the swords over time erased,
٥. يا أَيُّها السَيفُ المُجَرَّدُ بِالفَلا
يَكسو السُيوفَ عَلى الزَمانِ مَضاءَ
6. Those wilds are the scabbard of every polished sword
That did its duty against the enemy flawlessly,
٦. تِلكَ الصَحاري غِمدُ كُلِّ مُهَنَّدٍ
أَبلى فَأَحسَنَ في العَدُوِّ بَلاءَ
7. And the graves of Umayyad youth and elders
Who did not cease to live,
٧. وَقُبورُ مَوتى مِن شَبابِ أُمَيَّةٍ
وَكُهولِهِم لَم يَبرَحوا أَحياءَ
8. Had Maqil taken refuge in al-Jawza
They would have entered its citadels unopposed,
٨. لَو لاذَ بِالجَوزاءِ مِنهُم مَعقِلٌ
دَخَلوا عَلى أَبراجِها الجَوزاءَ
9. They opened its plains and mountains in the north
And penetrated deep to colonize the Green,
٩. فَتَحوا الشَمالَ سُهولَهُ وَجِبالَهُ
وَتَوَغَّلوا فَاِستَعمَروا الخَضراءَ
10. And built their civilization, its pillar grew high
The Abode of Peace overshadowed Syria,
١٠. وَبَنَوا حَضارَتَهُم فَطاوَلَ رُكنُها
دارَ السَلامِ وَجِلَّقَ الشَمّاءَ
11. You were given the choice and chose to camp on the hills
Not to build glory or amass wealth,
١١. خُيِّرتَ فَاِختَرتَ المَبيتَ عَلى الطَوى
لَم تَبنِ جاهاً أَو تَلُمَّ ثَراءَ
12. True heroism is to die of thirst
Heroism is not to exhaust water,
١٢. إِنَّ البُطولَةَ أَن تَموتَ مِن الظَما
لَيسَ البُطولَةُ أَن تَعُبَّ الماءَ
13. Africa, cradle and grave of lions
Cried out for you, men and women,
١٣. إِفريقيا مَهدُ الأُسودِ وَلَحدُها
ضَجَّت عَلَيكَ أَراجِلاً وَنِساءَ
14. And Muslims, however far their lands
Can offer no solace for the bereaved,
١٤. وَالمُسلِمونَ عَلى اِختِلافِ دِيارِهِم
لا يَملُكونَ مَعَ المُصابِ عَزاءَ
15. While behind their graves, the Age of Ignorance
Weeps for Zayd’s horses and horsemen,
١٥. وَالجاهِلِيَّةُ مِن وَراءِ قُبورِهِم
يَبكونَ زيدَ الخَيلِ وَالفَلحاءَ
16. In the care of the Noble, the Preserver
A body in Barqah sealed off the desert,
١٦. في ذِمَّةِ اللَهِ الكَريمِ وَحِفظِهِ
جَسَدٌ بِبُرقَةَ وُسِّدَ الصَحراءَ
17. The harsh turns of fate did not destroy
Weapons wear out but do not shed blood,
١٧. لَم تُبقِ مِنهُ رَحى الوَقائِعِ أَعظُماً
تَبلى وَلَم تُبقِ الرِماحُ دِماءَ
18. Like the remains of an eagle or a fossil
Spent the night behind the SUV forgotten,
١٨. كَرُفاتِ نَسرٍ أَو بَقِيَّةِ ضَيغَمٍ
باتا وَراءَ السافِياتِ هَباءَ
19. The hero of Badawah did not raid
On a tank, or ride the skies,
١٩. بَطَلُ البَداوَةِ لَم يَكُن يَغزو عَلى
تَنَكٍ وَلَم يَكُ يَركَبُ الأَجواءَ
20. Rather, a brother to horses who protected their pastures
And managed their heated zeal,
٢٠. لَكِن أَخو خَيلٍ حَمى صَهَواتِها
وَأَدارَ مِن أَعرافِها الهَيجاءَ
21. He answered the decree of the land with devotion
Fearing only the decree of Heaven,
٢١. لَبّى قَضاءَ الأَرضِ أَمسِ بِمُهجَةٍ
لَم تَخشَ إِلّا لِلسَماءِ قَضاءَ
22. He came with head held high, as if
Socrates dragged to face the judges,
٢٢. وافاهُ مَرفوعَ الجَبينِ كَأَنَّهُ
سُقراطُ جَرَّ إِلى القُضاةِ رِداءَ
23. A sheikh who restrained his years, he did not burst out
Like a child weeping in fear of punishment,
٢٣. شَيخٌ تَمالَكَ سِنَّهُ لَم يَنفَجِر
كَالطِفلِ مِن خَوفِ العِقابِ بُكاءَ
24. And a brother in ordeals who lived through them
So he expected the worst in the trials,
٢٤. وَأَخو أُمورٍ عاشَ في سَرّائِها
فَتَغَيَّرَت فَتَوَقَّعَ الضَرّاءَ
25. The lion roars in chains but you will never see
In prison, a hyena weep pleadingly,
٢٥. الأُسدُ تَزأَرُ في الحَديدِ وَلَن تَرى
في السِجنِ ضِرغاماً بَكى اِستِخذاءَ
26. The captive came dragging his heavy fetters
A lion dragging a groveling snake,
٢٦. وَأَتى الأَسيرُ يَجُرُّ ثِقلَ حَديدِهِ
أَسَدٌ يُجَرِّرُ حَيَّةً رَقطاءَ
27. The shackles bit at his legs but he did not flinch
And the years walked off with his body to its end,
٢٧. عَضَّت بِساقَيهِ القُيودُ فَلَم يَنُؤ
وَمَشَت بِهَيكَلِهِ السُنونَ فَناءَ
28. Ninety, if they rode the backs of lofty camels
Their highlands would crawl away spent,
٢٨. تِسعونَ لَو رَكِبَت مَناكِبَ شاهِقٍ
لَتَرَجَّلَت هَضَباتُهُ إِعياءَ
29. Hidden from the judge, she was deprived of the kindness
Of officers, noble leaders,
٢٩. خَفِيَت عَنِ القاضي وَفاتَ نَصيبُها
مِن رِفقِ جُندٍ قادَةً نُبَلاءَ
30. And the years blow fiercely at every refined heart
That knew its ancestors and forefathers,
٣٠. وَالسُنُّ تَعصِفُ كُلَّ قَلبِ مُهَذَّبٍ
عَرَفَ الجُدودَ وَأَدرَكَ الآباءَ
31. They handed the glorious one to the executioner
To treat wounds and free captives,
٣١. دَفَعوا إِلى الجَلّادِ أَغلَبَ ماجِداً
يَأسو الجِراحَ وَيُعَتِقُ الأُسَراءَ
32. To share the reserve of his weapons with his comrades
And hold the enemies around them at bay,
٣٢. وَيُشاطِرُ الأَقرانَ ذُخرَ سِلاحِهِ
وَيَصُفُّ حَولَ خِوانِهِ الأَعداءَ
33. And they chose the shameful noose as the death
Of a lion spewing foam around him,
٣٣. وَتَخَيَّروا الحَبلَ المَهينَ مَنِيَّةً
لِلَّيثِ يَلفِظُ حَولَهُ الحَوباءَ
34. They denied the death by swords and spears
Of one who could deliver the most valiant blow,
٣٤. حَرَموا المَماتَ عَلى الصَوارِمِ وَالقَنا
مَن كانَ يُعطي الطَعنَةَ النَجلاءَ
35. I saw the hand of civilization set aflame
With truth, destroying and building both,
٣٥. إِنّي رَأَيتُ يَدَ الحَضارَةِ أولِعَت
بِالحَقِّ هَدماً تارَةً وَبِناءَ
36. It laid down people's rights in their homelands
Except the obstinate victims and weak,
٣٦. شَرَعَت حُقوقَ الناسِ في أَوطانِهِم
إِلّا أُباةَ الضَيمِ وَالضُعَفاءَ
37. O people close by, listening,
Let me compose an elegy for the martyr's life,
٣٧. يا أَيُّها الشَعبُ القَريبُ أَسامِعٌ
فَأَصوغُ في عُمَرَ الشَهيدِ رِثاءَ
38. Or have disasters muted you, depriving
Your ears when addressed to hear?
٣٨. أَم أَلجَمَت فاكَ الخُطوبُ وَحَرَّمَت
أُذنَيكَ حينَ تُخاطَبُ الإِصغاءَ
39. The leader passed away but you remain eternal
So rouse your men and choose leaders,
٣٩. ذَهَبَ الزَعيمُ وَأَنتَ باقٍ خالِدٌ
فَاِنقُد رِجالَكَ وَاِختَرِ الزُعَماءَ
40. Relieve your elders of war's burdens
And lay its weights on your youth,
٤٠. وَأَرِح شُيوخَكَ مِن تَكاليفِ الوَغى
وَاِحمِل عَلى فِتيانِكَ الأَعباءَ