1. United by virtue, their fellowship was mended,
For virtue makes the best of comrades and allies.
١. وَعِصابَةٍ بِالخَيرِ أُلِّفَ شَملُهُم
وَالخَيرُ أَفضَلُ عُصبَةً وَرِفاقا
2. They made cooperation and building their care,
And revived morals and ethics.
٢. جَعَلوا التَعاوُنَ وَالبِنايَةَ هَمَّهُم
وَاِستَنهَضوا الآدابَ وَالأَخلاقا
3. Verily they cure wounds with their righteousness,
And battle misery and despair.
٣. وَلَقَد يُداوونَ الجِراحَ بِبِرِّهِم
وَيُقاتِلونَ البُؤسَ وَالإِملاقا
4. They acclaim the new literature at times,
And build halls for the old at others.
٤. يَسمونَ بِالأَدَبِ الجَديدِ وَتارَةً
يَبنونَ لِلأَدَبِ القَديمِ رِواقا
5. Their care was stirred and their affection aroused
By an age that excites sympathy and pity.
٥. بَعَثَ اِهتِمامَهُمو وَهاجَ حَنانَهُم
زَمَنٌ يُثيرُ العَطفَ وَالإِشفاقا
6. Inactivity posed, lacking his brilliance,
A bond below the strides of youth and its vigor.
٦. عَرَضَ القُعودُ فَكانَ دونَ نُبوغِهِ
قَيداً وَدونَ خُطى الشَبابِ وِثاقا
7. The warbling nightingale who shook the branches
And stirred the boughs and shuffled the leaves,
٧. البُلبُلُ الغَرِدُ الَّذي هَزَّ الرُبى
وَشَجى الغُصونَ وَحَرَّكَ الأَوراقا
8. Left behind elegance in his ode and his glass,
Quenching with the soft drink of his pure love the enamored.
٨. خَلَفَ البَهاءَ عَلى القَريضِ وَكَأسِهِ
فَسَقى بِعَذبِ نَسيبِهِ العُشّاقا
9. Though fettered in his steps and imagination,
He spanned countries and expanded horizons.
٩. في القَيدِ مُمتَنِعُ الخُطى وَخَيالِهِ
يَطوي البِلادَ وَيَنشُرُ الآفاقا
10. A precursor of the goals of rhetoric, he ran without
Feet, so imagine if he regained his footing!
١٠. سَبّاقُ غاياتِ البَيانِ جَرى بِلا
ساقٍ فَكَيفَ إِذا اِستَرَدَّ الساقا
11. If only the physician's art were to feed on his rhetoric,
Or if only it were to make palatable what he says.
١١. لَو يَطعمُ الطِبُّ الصَناعُ بَيانَهُ
أَو لَو يُسيغُ لِما يَقولُ مَذاقا
12. He is too precious to be utilized
Except for the wing, fluttering and hovering.
١٢. غالى بِقيمَتِهِ فَلَم يَصنَع لَهُ
إِلّا الجَناحَ مُحَلِّقاً خَفّاقا