
Amina, my dear daughter

أمينة يا بنتي الغاليه

1. Amina, my dear daughter
I congratulate you on your second year

١. أَمينَةُ يا بِنتِيَ الغالِيَه
أُهَنّيكِ بِالسَنَةِ الثانِيَه

2. And I ask that you live long years for me
And that you be granted wisdom and wellness

٢. وَأَسأَلُ أَن تَسلَمي لي السِنينَ
وَأَن تُرزَقي العَقلَ وَالعافِيَه

3. And that you are destined for the best of men
And that you give birth to noble souls

٣. وَأَن تُقسَمي لِأَبَرِّ الرِجالِ
وَأَن تَلِدي الأَنفُسَ العالِيَه

4. But I asked you for the sake of your parents
And implored you for the sake of your precious toys

٤. وَلَكِن سَأَلتُكِ بِالوالِدَينِ
وَناشَدتُكِ اللُعَبَ الغالِيَه

5. Do you know what has happened of events
And what was in the past year

٥. أَتَدرينَ ما مَرَّ مِن حادِثٍ
وَما كانَ في السَنَةِ الماضِيَه

6. And how many silk dresses were worn out on you
And how many pots you have broken

٦. وَكَم بُلتِ في حُلَلٍ مِن حَريرٍ
وَكَم قَد كَسَرتِ مِنَ الآنِيَه

7. And how many nights the eyelids were sleepless for your consent
While you were sleeping angrily

٧. وَكَم سَهَرَت في رِضاكِ الجُفونُ
وَأَنتِ عَلى غَضَبٍ غافِيَه

8. And how empty your father's pockets have become
While yours are not empty

٨. وَكَم قَد خَلَت مِن أَبيكِ الجُيوبُ
وَلَيسَت جُيوبُكِ بِالخالِيَه

9. And how many sick have complained of their living
While you and your sweets are in a corner

٩. وَكَم قَد شَكا المُرَّ مِن عَيشِهِ
وَأَنتِ وَحَلواكِ في ناحِيَه

10. And how often you fell ill and made him ill
And you stood up and were a healer for him

١٠. وَكَم قَد مَرِضتِ فَأَسقَمتِهِ
وَقُمتِ فَكُنتِ لَهُ شافِيَه

11. He laughs if you come to him laughing
And cries if you come to him crying

١١. وَيَضحَكُ إِن جِئتِهِ تَضحَكينَ
وَيَبكي إِذا جِئتِهِ باكِيَه

12. And it is amazing how events have passed
While you are oblivious to the latest of them

١٢. وَمِن عَجَبٍ مَرَّتِ الحادِثاتُ
وَأَنتِ لِأَحدَثِها ناسِيَه

13. If a mother envied her child
She would envy you, a carefree toddler

١٣. فَلَو حَسَدَت مُهجَةٌ وُلدَها
حَسَدتُكِ مِن طِفلَةٍ لاهِيَه