1. He who made the West the dawn of day
And rallied the Berbers as troops for guidance
١. مَن جَعَل المَغربَ مَطلَعَ الضُحى
وَسَخَّر البَربر جُنداً لِلهُدى
2. And orchestrated time until it actualized
What were in dreams, dreams of destiny
٢. وَصَرّف الأَيّامَ حَتّى أَحدَثَت
ما كانَ في الأَحلامِ أَحلامَ الكَرى
3. And the patient were granted success, so hail
The defeat of despair, and the triumph of hope
٣. وَأَظفَر الصابر بِالنُجح فَيا
هَزيمة اليَأس وَيا فَوز الرَجا
4. And he moved the dynasty to the House of Guidance
Thus it did not swerve from the niche of Ali
٤. وَنقّلَ الدَولةَ في بَيت الهُدى
فَلَم تزُل عَن طُنُبِ إِلّا إِلى
5. Glory be to Him, the King, to Whom belongs
And unto Whom He grants or deprives sovereignty over whom He wills
٥. سُبحانَهُ المُلكُ إِلَيهِ وَلَه
يُؤتيهِ أَو يَنزِعهُ مِمَن يَشا
6. An Imam from Fatima's line rose up
The caliph then succeeded by the next in line
٦. قامَ إِمامٌ مِن بَني فاطِمَةٍ
خَليفة ثُم تَلاه مَن تَلا
7. I marvel not at their reign, how it was built
Nay, I marvel how the building was so delayed
٧. ما عَجبي لِمُلكِهم كَيفَ بُنى
بَل عَجبي كَيفَ تَأَخّر البنا
8. Their grandfather is the religion without which no faith
And their mother is the mothers ransomed
٨. جدّهمو لا دِين دُون حُبِّهِ
وَأُمُّهُم بِالأُمَهاتِ تُفتَدى
9. And since their father passed, persecuted
The rulers began to care for the persecuted
٩. وَمُذ مَضى مُضطَهدا وَالدُهم
أَصبَحَ بِالمُضطَهد اِهتم المَلا
10. He made them the essence of every epoch
And the blacks were partial to them in passion
١٠. أَجلَّهم عِليَةُ كُلِّ حِقبَةٍ
وَخَصَّهُم فيها السَوادُ بِالهَوى
11. The Persians and the Turks are altogether partisans
For them, their love being the essence of piety
١١. وَالفُرسُ وَالتُركُ جَميعاً شِيعَةٌ
لَهُم يَرونَ حُبَّهُم رَأس التُقى
12. So God bore witness they did not fall short
Sacrificing their lives in patience and in battle
١٢. فَشَهِدَ اللَهُ لَهُم ما قَصَّروا
القَتل صَبراً تارَة وَفي اللُقا
13. How many a rebel from them rose against
The Umayyads and the Rida's household
١٣. كَم ثارَ مِنهُم في القُرون ثائِرٌ
بِالأَمويين وَبِالآل الرِضى
14. This Husayn, his blood in Karbala
Watered the soil when it flowed to excess
١٤. هَذا الحسينُ دَمُهُ بكربلا
رَوّى الثَرى لَما جَرى عَلى ظَما
15. And the bright stars of his household were martyred
Perishing in the earth solitary and in pairs
١٥. وَاِستَشهد الأَقمارُ أَهلُ بَيتِهِ
يَهوُون في التُرب فرادى وَثُنا
16. Ibn Ziyad and Yazid did tyranny
While God and time are at war with the tyrant
١٦. بن زِياد وَيَزيدُ بغيا
وَاللَهُ وَالأَيامُ حَربُ مَن بَغى
17. Had it not been for Yazid in the first place
Marwan would not have drank from the cup he drank
١٧. لَولا يَزيدُ بادئِاً ما شَرِبَت
مَروانُ بِالكَأس الَّتي بِها سَقى
18. And Zayd ibn 'Ali revolted to avenge
The avenging of Ibn Al-Husayn, Al-Murtaza's heir
١٨. وَثار لِلثارات زَيدُ بِن عَلي
بِن الحُسين بِن الوَصيِّ المُرتَضى
19. Seeking with argument his household's right
While right is not sought but with the sword's edge
١٩. يَطلُبُ بِالحُجة حَقَّ بَيتِهِ
وَالحَقُّ لا يُطلَبُ إِلّا بِالقَنا
20. A lad without wisdom or experience
Fell victim under Hisham to what befell him
٢٠. فَتى بِلا رَأيٍ وَلا تَجرِبَةٍ
جَرى عَلَيهِ مِن هِشامٍ ما جَرى
21. He made Kufa his shield and spear
While the defenseless and exposed sought refuge in it
٢١. اِتَخَذ الكُوفَةَ درعا وَقَنا
وَالأَعزلُ الأَكشَفُ مَن فيها اِحتَمى
22. Whom Kufa suffices, he knows it has
No aid from its people nor treasure
٢٢. مَن تَكفِهِ الكُوفَةُ يَعلَم أَنَّها
لا نَصر عِندَ أَهلِها وَلا غَنا
23. Ask Ali about it, for he is knowledgeable of it
And ask Al-Husayn, learn from him the news
٢٣. سائل عَليّا فَهُوَ ذُو علمٍ بِها
وَاِستَخبرِ الحسينَ تعلمِ النبا
24. So he died, slain, and his corpse remained
Crucified, and his body burned after putrefaction
٢٤. فَماتَ مَقتولاً وَطالَ صَلبُهُ
وَأُحرِقَت جِثَتُه بَعدَ البَلى
25. For Abu Ja'far, young men sought vengeance
They did not do justice, by God, in that regard
٢٥. عَلى أَبي جَعفَرَ ثارَت فتيَةٌ
ما أَنصَفوا وَاللَه في شَق العَصا
26. They are the household of the Pure Al-Hasan or
Of those who reached maturity from Al-Husayn's line
٢٦. هُم أَهلُ بَيتَ الحُسن الطاهر أَو
مِن شَبَّ مِن بَيت الحُسين وَنَما
27. Do they seek authority while it belongs to them?
It settled in the house of the Prophet, at rest
٢٧. أَيطلُبون الأَمرَ وَالأَمرُ لَهُم
قَد قَرَّ في بَيت النَبيِّ وَرَسا
28. Their uncle's sons relieve them of their burden and gloom
Noble chiefs, foremost in wisdom
٢٨. يَحمِلُ عَنهُم همَّهُ وَغَمَّهُ
أَبناءُ عَمٍّ نُجُبٌ أُولو نُهى
29. So I wonder, was this out of envy
Or their meagerness that brought them to paucity
٢٩. فَلَيتَ شِعري كانَ ذا عَن حَسَدِ
أَم بُخلِهِ بلَّغهم إِلى القَلى
30. Muhammad being their chief, in Basra he
Increased, and like a foaming sea, Kufa
٣٠. مُحَمدٌ رَأسهمو في البَصرة قَد
زادَ وَكُوفانُ كَمِرجَلٍ غَلا
31. Were it not for the determination that met it
The dynasty would have cracked in the arduous pass
٣١. مُلمّةٌ لَو لَم تُصادف هِمّةً
لَأَودَت الدَولَةُ في شَرخ الصِبا
32. A valiant king rose up to it
Unflinching in adversity, in vigor unfailing
٣٢. قامَ إِلَيها مَلِكٌ مُشَمِّر
في النائِبات غَيرُ خَوّار القُوى
33. He led the Abbasid to the palace in a strike
And killed Al-Mahdi at the fated convergence
٣٣. ساقَ إِلى الدار خَميساً حازَها
وَقَتل المَهديَّ عِندَ المُلتَقى
34. And between his army and Ibrahim was
A day of intense heat and distress
٣٤. وَكانَ بَينَ جَيشِهِ بِأَخمرا
وَبَينَ إِبراهيم يَومٌ ذُو لَظى
35. Victory did not prove true for Ibn Al-Hasan
He laughed in the morn and wept at dusk
٣٥. لَم يَصدُقِ اِبنَ الحَسَنِ النصرُ بِهِ
أَصبَحَ ضاحِكاً وَأَمسى قَد بَكى
36. He died by an arrow on the tenth that did not aim for him
But providence is what aimed and shot
٣٦. ماتَ بِسَهمٍ عاشرٍ لَم يَرمِهِ
رامٍ وَلَكنّ القَضاءَ قَد رَمى
37. So ask not after his army, where it went
Nor ask after his home, what farewell it bid
٣٧. فَلا تَسل عَن جَيشِهِ أَينَ مَضى
وَلا تَسَل عَن بيتِهِ ماذا التُقى
38. Their fugitives see not the earth
And their captives see none but gloom
٣٨. هاربُهم لَيسَ يَرى وَجهَ الثَرى
وَلا يَرى مَسجُونُهُم غَير الدُجى
39. No successor of Ali's sought authority
Except either killed, imprisoned, hiding or ruined
٣٩. وَما خَلا خَليفَةٌ مُسوّدُ
مِن طالِبيٍّ يَطلُبُ الأَمرَ سُدى
40. They hoped piety would restore their reign
But piety faded after their forebear
٤٠. يُقتَلُ أَو يُزجُّ في السجن بِهِ
أَو يَتَوارى أَو يُبيده الفَلا
41. Had the world remained based on prophethood
Mankind would have been self-sufficient of the next
٤١. يَرجون بِالزُهد قِيامَ أَمرِهم
وَالزُهدُ مِن بَعد أَبيهم قَد عَفا
42. They took on asceticism, shunning counsel
So that none dismounted from their viewpoint
٤٢. لَو دامَتِ الدُنيا عَلى نُبوةٍ
لَكانَ لِلناسِ عَن الأُخرى غِنى
43. He who sees not by other than himself, though he saw
Through the eyes of the brilliant ones, would be blind
٤٣. تَخلَّقوا نَبذَ المَشورات فَلا
يَنزِلُ مِنهُم أَحَدٌ عَما يَرى
44. And rarely did they choose their men
For men are like gems, they must be picked
٤٤. مَن لا يَرى بِغَيرِهِ وَإِن رَأى
بِعَيني الزَرقاءَ كانَ ذا عَمى
45. Al-Ma'mun differed with his household
Out of love for the legatee's sons and amity
٤٥. وَقَلما تَخَيروا رِجالهم
إِن الرِجال كَالفُصوص تُنتَقى
46. For their sake, he brandished the blacks for an instant
So folk said the ruler doffed his turban
٤٦. قَد خالَفَ المَأمونُ أَهل بَيتِهِ
حُبّاً بِأَبناءِ الوَصيِّ وَحِبا
47. Had his commanders and family consented
He would have pledged succession to Ali ibn Al-Rida
٤٧. مِن أَجلِهم نَضا السَوادَ ساعَةً
فَقالَ قَومٌ خَلع الوالي الحَيا
48. His reign was not devoid of a rebel
Who cut off roads and ravaged the sanctuaries
٤٨. وَلَو سَها قَوادهُ وَآلُهُ
لَقَلَّدَ العَهدَ عَليّ بِن الرِضا
49. An Alawite ascetic sheikh was brought
Who accepted the pledge after initial refusal
٤٩. فَما خلت دَولَته مِن ثائِرٍ
قَد قَطَع الطرقَ وَعاثَ في الحِمى
50. Young men commanded in his name and prohibited
His beard distinguished for them its owner
٥٠. جيءَ بِشَيخٍ عَلويٍّ زاهِدٍ
فَقَبِل البَيعة بَعدَما أَبى
51. He was from his household but the sanctum
Feared their tyranny and debauchery
٥١. تَأمرُ بِأَسمِهِ وَتَنهى فِتيَةٌ
لِحيتُهُ بَينَهُم لِمَن لَها
52. Many performing the Hajj were barred by him
And pilgrims intimidated, I did not feel safe
٥٢. مِن أَهل بِيتِهِ وَلَكن فَزِعَت
مِن جَورِهم وَفِسقِهم أُمُّ القُرى
53. And in their days Zayd was an inferno
And another, the butcher, ravaged and transgressed
٥٣. وَرُبَّ غادٍ مُنِيَ الحجُّ بِهِ
وَخُوّف الخَيف وَلَم يَأمَن مِني
54. So the army prevailed over them and subsided
Their penitent partisans, he pardoned
٥٤. وَكانَ زَيدُ النار في أَيامهم
وَالآخرُ الجَزّار عاث وَعَتا
55. Why did these alone not disgrace
The hearing of the Haydara's sons nor reject
٥٥. فَظَهر الجُندُ عَلَيهُم وَاِنتَهى
تائبهم إِلى الإِمام فَعَفا
56. Of their fortune was a caliph fond of them
And of pardon, that was his inclination
٥٦. فَهَؤلاءِ لِم يَشين غَيرُهُم
سمعَ بَني حَيدَرةٍ وَلا زَرى
57. The centuries passed with what
The Ordainer of centuries passed and decreed
٥٧. مِن حَظِّهم أَن صادَفوا خَليفَةً
في قَلبِهِ لَهُم وَلِلعَفو هَوى
58. Until God granted Fatima's household
What did not expire, sublime fatherhood
٥٨. وَلَم تَزَل تَمضي القُرونُ بِالَّذي
أَمضى مُصَرِّمُ القُرون وَقَضى
59. Time tested them, with their right, until
It was said, "He will not fulfill," and fulfilled
٥٩. حَتّى حَبا اللَه بَني فاطِمَةٍ
ما ماتَ دُونَهُ الأُبُوّةُ العُلا
60. An occasion does not fail he who brings it
Nor is occasion deferred if it comes
٦٠. ماطلهم دَهرهمو بِحَقِّهم
حَتّى إِذا ما قيل لَن يَفي وَفى
61. A youth of their adherents set out to the Maghreb
Of abundant merits, and merits increased
٦١. ما لِأَوانٍ لَم يَئن مُقدِّمٌ
وَلا يُؤخَّر الأَوان إِن أَتى
62. His forefathers attracted adherence there
Nursing the intention, it grew up strong
٦٢. سارَ إِلى المَغربِ مِن شِيعَتِهم
فَتى غَزيرُ الفَضل مَوفورُ الحجى
63. From the people of Sanaa, without his determination
It would not have achieved what was achieved
٦٣. تَشيَّعت مِن قَبلِهِ آباؤُهُ
فَرضع النية فيهُم وَاِغتَدى
64. Where is the summoner with his people's swords?
Another more helpless, his resolve dissolved
٦٤. مِن أَهل صَنعاءَ وَدُونَ عَزمِهِ
ما صَنَعت مِن كُلِّ ماضٍ يُنتَضى
65. He wakes sought and sleeps seeking
His seekers did not sit still or rest
٦٥. وَأَينَ داعٍ بِسُيوف قَومِهِ
وَآخِرٌ أَعزَلُ شَطَّته النَوى
66. Informing the people of a guide that came to them
And that the Mahdi of the age had come
٦٦. يُصبحُ مَطلوباً وَيُمسي طالِباً
ما قَعدت طُلّابُه وَلا وَنى
67. Until the charm of his speech possessed the minds
Eloquence being but insinuations and amulets
٦٧. يُبَشِّرُ الناسَ بِهادٍ جاءَهُم
وَأَن مَهدِيَّ الزَمان قَد أَتى
68. He continued to be followed wherever he called
To the Fatimid, victorious wherever he conquered
٦٨. حَتّى تَملَّك العُقول سِحرُهُ
إِن البَيانَ نَفثاتٌ وَرُقى
69. Wherever his cavalry and infantry aimed
In a land, it obeyed, or a fortress sought refuge
٦٩. وَلَم يَزل مُتَّبَعاً حَيث دَعا
لِلفاطِميِّ ظافِراً حَيث غَزا
70. He left no Arab nor Berber
Nor deserts nor plains except subdued
٧٠. مَهما رَمى بِخَيلِهِ وَرَجلِهِ
في بَلَدٍ أَذعَن أَو حصنٍ عَنا
71. He rid North Africa of the Aghlabids
From its gardens and palaces and abodes
٧١. فَلم يَدَع مِن عَرَبٍ وَبَربَرٍ
وَلَم يُغادر مِن صَحارى وَرُبى
72. Donning a folk adorned with piety
Distinguished among them, with virtue he adorned himself
٧٢. أَجلى بَني الأَغلَبِ عَن أَفريقيا
عَن الجِنانِ وَالقُصورِ وَالدُمى
73. An exemplar for the faithful except
In worldly morals, an example for the licentious
٧٣. لابس أَقواماً تَحلّى بِالتُقى
بِينَهُمو وَبِالفَضيلة اِرتَدى
74. Then he set his sight on the Maghreb, so it trembled for him
And he drove on toward Sijilmasa on high
٧٤. قُدوَةُ أَهل الدِين إِلّا أَنَّهُ
في أَدب الدُنيا المِثالُ لِمُحتَدى
75. Fought it by day until relief appeared
To its people, so they sought refuge in flight
٧٥. ثُم رَمى المَغربَ فَاِهتَزَ لَهُ
وَحَث نَحو سجلماسةَ الخُطا
76. Then entered and extracted from its prisons
Dust of eras interred in the earth in tatters
٧٦. قاتَلَها نَهارَهُ حَتّى بَدا
لِأَهلِها فَلاذوا بِالنَجا
77. Brought him to the encampment walking humbly
Holding back from joy at what transpired
٧٧. فَجاءَ فَاِستَخرَج مِن سُجونِها
تبرَ خِلالٍ كانَ في التُرب لَقا
78. And said, O people, follow your guardian
This caliph, the daughter of the Chosen One's son
٧٨. أَتى بِهِ العَسكَرَ يَمشي خاشِعاً
مكفكفاً مِن السُرور ما جَرى
79. And the king left it to him outright
And marched in his troop amidst the throng
٧٩. وَقالَ يا قَوم اِتَبِعوا واليكُم
هَذا الخَليفَةُ اِبنُ بِنت المُصطَفى
80. Look to the intention, what it brings
And the religion, what loyalty is behind it
٨٠. وَتَرك المُلكَ لَهُ مِن فَورِهِ
وَسارَ في رِكابِهِ فيمَن مَشى
81. Do not say there is no good left in mankind
For much good is in mankind over long periods
٨١. أَنظر إِلى النيةِ ما تَأَتي بِهِ
وَالدِينِ ما وَراءَهُ مِن الوَفا
82. Al-Mahdi undertook the matter, so he did not
Fall short of people's affairs from the right way
٨٢. وَلا تَقُل لا خَيرَ في الناسِ فَكَم
في الناسِ مِن خَيرٍ عَلى طُولِ المَدى
83. And carried the people upon the religion, and he did not
Command any guidance or prohibit any blindness
٨٣. أَضطَلع المَهدِيُّ بِالأَمرِ فَما
قَصّر في أَمر العِباد عَن هُدى
84. His rule incorporated North Africa
With abundant shade, fertile plains
٨٤. وَحَمل الناسَ عَلى الدِين وَما
يَأمُرُ مِن رُشدٍ وَيَنهى مِن عَمى
85. And Egypt's conquest became the most arduous
And refractory of that which he desired and craved
٨٥. اِنتَظَمت دَولَتُهُ أَفريقيا
وارِفَةَ الظلِّ خَصيبَةَ الذَرا
86. How many armies he drove toward it, but dearth returned them
The plague and predators rebuffed his troops
٨٦. وَأَصبَحَت مَصرُ وَأَمرُ فَتحَها
أَقصى وَأَعصى ما تَمَنّى وَاِشتَهى
87. And sedition flashed from the hidden
Which stirred the Maghreb into embers of anguish
٨٧. كَم ساقَ مِن جَيشٍ إِلَيها فَثَنى
عَسكَرَهُ القَحطُ وَردّه الوَبا
88. Its leader Abu Yazid, a debaucher
Wanting people's rule, loosened from restraints
٨٨. وَفِتَنة مِن الغُيوب أَومَضَت
قَلَّبتِ المَغرِبَ في جَمرِ الغَضا
89. For every sum of money, blood, or honor
To the plunderer, slaughterer, and enslaver
٨٩. صاحِبُها أَبو يَزيدٍ فاسِقٌ
يُريد أَمرَ الناس مَحلولَ العُرا
90. O excellent is the doctrine none refuse
Who earn by it or go astray with it
٩٠. وَكُل مالٍ أَو دَمٍ أَو حُرَّةٍ
لِناهِبٍ وَسافِكِ وَمَن سَبى
91. Ubaydallah died in its inferno
And the perseverant leader wearied
٩١. يا حَبَذا المَذهَبُ لا يَرفضُهُ
مِن قَعد الكسب بِهِ وَمَن غَوى
92. Borders cracked and cities emptied
And the tyrant's command circulated and enforced
٩٢. ماتَ عُبيدُ اللَهِ في دُخانِها
وَتَعِبَ القائِمُ بِالنارِ صِلى
93. With money, crops, and souls unchecked
I forget not the plague, beasts, and vermin
٩٣. فُضَّت ثُغورٌ وَخلت حَواضِرُ
وَأَمرَ الطاغي عَلَيها وَنَهى
94. Then Muhammad passed with his anguish
But evil lingered and tribulation ceased not
٩٤. بِالمالِ وَالزَرع وِبِالأَنفُسِ ما
أَنسى الوَباءَ وَالذِئابَ وَالدَبا
95. His cavalry then did not avail Abu Yazid
Nor did his bows attain the bow's range
٩٥. ثُمَ قَضى مُحَمدٌ بِغَمِّهِ
وَالشَرُّ باقٍ وَالبَلاءُ ما اِنقَضى
96. His armies retreated vanquished from Egypt
Complaining about the ruler, bitter complaints
٩٦. فَلَم تَنَل أَبا يَزيدٍ خَيلُهُ
وَلا قَنا لَهُ الكَنانَةَ القَنا
97. And Al-Mansur took on a muddled matter
A weakened dynasty and faint sultanate
٩٧. اِرتَدَ عَن مَصرَ هَزيماً جُندُهُ
يَشكو مِن الإِخشيدِ مُرَّ المُشتَكى
98. The Zanati's fire ravaged the towns
And the sword altered the lands and erased
٩٨. وَاِستَقبَلَ المَنصورُ أَمراً بَدَدا
وَدَولَةً رَثَّت وَسُلطاناً وَهى
99. So he was in the torrents of events like a boulder
And in the course of floods, unshakably firm
٩٩. نارُ الزَناتِيِّ مَشَت عَلى القَرى
وَغَيّرَ السَيفُ الدِيارَ وَمَحى
100. Battling and fighting himself
If defeated, not retreating, if victorious, proceeding
١٠٠. فَكانَ في هَوج الخُطوبِ صَخرَةً
وَفي طَريق السَيلِ شَمّاءَ الرُبا
101. He did not cease pursuing the donkey men
In plains and rough terrain, travelling and trekking
١٠١. مُكافِحاً مُقاتِلا بِنَفسِهِ
إِن خابَ لَم يَرجَع وَإِن فازَ مَضى
102. Until he saved the cities and rescued the towns
And cleansed the land of the transgressor
١٠٢. لَم يَألُ صاحِبَ الحِمار مَطلَبا
في السَهلِ وَالوَعر وَسَيراً وَسُرى
103. And left the kingdom secure to his son
With order pure and provinces content
١٠٣. فَأَنقذَ المُدنَ وَخَلَّص القرى
وَطَهَّرَ الأَرضَ مِن الَّذي طَغى
104. A prince as his house's magnates desired
In knowledge, manners, valor and aid
١٠٤. وَتَرَكَ المُلكَ سَلاماً لِابنِهِ
وَالأَمرَ صَفواً وَالأَقاليم رضى
105. Inheriting the burdens of forefathers
And the grace of ancestors increased to fortune
١٠٥. فَتى كَما شاءَت مَعالي بَيتِهِ
عِلماً وَآداباً وَبَأساً وَنَدى
106. Al-Muizz improved the kingdom, and his days became
Sweet for religion and life's pleasures
١٠٦. تَقيّل الأَقيالَ مِن آبائِهِ
وَزَيدَ إِقبالَ الجُدود وَالحُظا
107. He encompassed the Maghreb on all its sides
What was near submitted, and afar conceded
١٠٧. قَد حسّنَ المُلكَ المُعِزُّ وَغَدت
أَيامُهُ لِلدين وَالدُنيا حُلى
108. His cavalry came from the high seas
Bearing live game of diverse forms
١٠٨. أَحاطَ بِالمَغرب مِن أَطرافِهِ
وَدانَ مِنهُ ما دَنا وَما قَصا
109. Until his armies grew large and abundant
Wealth flowed to him and prospered
١٠٩. جاءَت مِن البَحر المُحيطِ خَيلُهُ
تَحمل مِنهُ الصَيد حَيّاً ذا طَرا
110. So Egypt overtook his mind
And however he yearned for it, beloved to him
١١٠. حَتّى ربت وَكَثُرت جُموعُهُ
وَوَفر المالُ لَدَيهِ وَنَما
111. He chose for its conquest a seasoned warrior
His origin was the essence of gallantry
١١١. فَاِستَحوَذَت مَصرُ عَلى فُؤادِهِ
وَقَبلَهُ كَم تَيّمت لَهُ أَبا
112. Dispatched him in a perfect, completed troop
For provisions, equipment and ample finance
١١٢. فَاِختارَ لِلفَتح فَتى مُختَبَراً
معدِنُه فَكانَ جَوهَرُ الفَتى
113. He found the abode empty, exposed
By the death of Kafur who had protected it
١١٣. سَيّره في جَحفَلٍ مُستَكمِلٍ
لِلزاد وَالعُدّةِ وَالمال الرَوى
114. Neither the Ikhshidids owned it, preventing it
Nor did the Abbasids guard the sanctuary
١١٤. فَوَجد الدار خلت وَاِستَهدَفَت
بِمَوت كافور الَّذي كانَ وَقى
115. It was vulnerable to him, unfortified
By the blood of youths or tears of sorrow
١١٥. فَلا أَبو المِسكِ بِها يَمنَعُها
وَلا بَنو العَباسِ يَحمونَ الحِمى
116. So if the essence misses one day of fighting
How many days in Egypt can compensate?
١١٦. قَد هَيئت فَتحاً لَهُ لَم يدّعِم
عَلى دَم الفِتيان أَو دَمع الأَسى
117. Order was set right with his arrival
And the pillar of rule inclined and straightened
١١٧. فَإِن يَفُت جَوهَرَ يَومُ وَقعَةٍ
فَكَم لَهُ يَوماً بِمَصر يُرتَضى
118. Laws flowed their due course
People knew security and prosperity
١١٨. اِعتَدل الأَمرُ عَلى مقدمِهِ
وَكانَ رُكنُ المُلكِ مَيلاً فَاِستَوى
119. How many traces remain of that precious being
Attributed to the honored Al-Muizz
١١٩. وَجَرَت الأَحكامُ مَجرى عَدلِها
وَعرَف الناسُ الأَمانَ وَالغِنى
120. The Azhar mosque still stands, inhabited
As does Cairo that he built
١٢٠. كَم أَثَرٍ لِجَوهَرٍ نَفيسُهُ
إِلى المُعزِّ ذي المَآثر اِعتَزى
121. When you mention his two palaces therein
On the Hill and Khaurnaq the sublime
١٢١. الجامِعُ الأَزهرُ باقٍ عامِرٌ
وَهَذِهِ القاهِرَةُ الَّتي بَنى
122. The Upper Nile and Nubia submitted to him
To the Fatimids, and paid the reward
١٢٢. وَقُل إِذا ذَكَرتَ قَصريهِ بِها
عَلى السَدير وَالخَوَرنقِ العَفا
123. Sham surrendered, and before it
The Hamdanid knights of the battlefield
١٢٣. وَدانَ أَعلى النيل وَالنَوبُ بِهِ
لِلفاطِميين وَقَدَّموا الجَزى
124. Save Damascus which was seized
Damascus remains at heart Shiite
١٢٤. وَخَضَع الشامُ وَمِن حِيالَهُ
مِن آل حَمدانَ فَوارِسِ اللُقا
125. The House came to Fatima's dynasty
And the Reign transferred over to them, at peace
١٢٥. إِلّا دِمَشق اِغتُصِبَت وَلَم تَزَل
دِمَشقُ لِلشِيعَةِ تُضمرُ القِلى
126. So in them the sermon and the mention
In the land's minarets, and the prayer took place
١٢٦. وَأَتتِ الدارُ بَني فاطِمَةٍ
وَاِنتَقَلَ البَيتُ إِلَيهُم وَسَعى
127. Until when royal authority manifested its accord
And destiny threaded pearls for Jawhar
١٢٧. فَصارَت الخطبةُ فِيهما لَهُم
وَالذكرُ في طُهرِ البِقاعِ وَالدُعا
128. Al-Muizz came to Egypt in processions
Dazzling in their glory, abundant feast
١٢٨. حَتّى إِذا المُلكُ بَدا اِتِساقُهُ
وَنَظَمَ السَعدُ لِجَوهَرَ المُنى
129. The two palaces received a day the like of which
The Nile Valley never heard of or saw
١٢٩. أَتى المعزُّ مصرَ في مَواكِبٍ
باهِرَة العزِّ تكاثرُ الضُحى
130. The treasuries of the Maghreb in his train
As if the treasuries of God competed
١٣٠. وَاِستَقبَلَ القَصران يَوماً مِثلُهُ
ما سَمع الوادي بِهِ وَلا رَأى
131. The Nile united with its likeness
And flooded the people with munificence and grace
١٣١. خَزائِنُ المَغرِبِ في رِكابِهِ
تَبارَكَت خَزائِنُ اللَهِ المِلا
132. The Son of the Messenger of God being more plentiful in bounty
And if his stream exceeded, the Nile envied his hand
١٣٢. فَاِجتَمع النيلُ عَلى مُشبِهِهِ
وَغَمَرَ الناسَ سَخاءً وَرَخا
133. When this earth was barren in the arms of another
He came and lifted drought from it and sufficed
١٣٣. وَاِبنُ رَسولِ اللَهِ أَندى راحَةً
وَجُودُه إِن جَرَحَ النيلُ أَسا
134. Al-Aziz constantly craved
Baghdad though Fate was beneath his craving
١٣٤. الأَرضُ في أَكنافِ هَذا أَجدَبَت
وَذا أَزاحَ الجَدب عَنها وَكَفى
135. Until his hopes' extent expired with him
If hopes knew the self's extent, their end
١٣٥. وَلَم يَزَل أَبو تَميم يَشتَهي
بَغدادَ وَالأَقدارُ دُونَ ما اِشتَهى
136. The kingdom moved from the zenith of glory
To the summit of sublimity's towering height
١٣٦. حَتّى قَضى عِندَ مَدى آمالِهِ
لَو تَعرِفُ الآمالُ بِالنَفس مَدى
137. Anzar ran its ruinous course
As the staff runs its course on the disobedient
١٣٧. اِنتَقل المُلكُ فَكانَت نُقلَةً
مِن ذِروة العزِّ إِلى أَوجِ العُلا
138. In Egypt Al-Aziz, if aroused, his rule
Reached from Ocean to Desert's breadth
١٣٨. جَرى نِزارٌ كَمَعَدٍّ لِلسُدى
كَما جَرَت عَلى العُصيَّةِ العَصا
139. Saddling steeds purely of choice stock
And bridling steeds, pearls of ferocity
١٣٩. إِن يَكُ في مِصرَ العَزيزَ إِنَّهُ
مِن المُحيط مُلكُهُ إِلى سَبا
140. It was devoid of seriousness or playfulness
From battlegrounds to sword's intense heat
١٤٠. المُسرجُ الخَيلُ نُضاراً خالِصاً
وَالمُنعِلُ الخَيلَ يَواقيت الوَغى
141. A rule which fate made swagger, but which
No brief era rivaled when it swaggered
١٤١. لَم يَخلُ مِن جَدٍّ بِها أَو لَعبٍ
مِن المَيادين إِلى حَرِّ الرَحى
142. Its days passed like youth
Its nights of union expired and ended
١٤٢. مُلكٌ جَرى الدَهرُ بِهِ زَهواً وَما
أَقصَرَهُ مُلاوةً إِذا رَها
143. Al-Aziz was a dam of excellence from which
The hopeful returned laden with love
١٤٣. مَضى كَأَيام الصِبا نَهارُهُ
وَكَليالي الوَصل لَيلُهُ اِنقَضى
144. Isa's house from his favor's dew
And Musa's house, an ignited wick
١٤٤. كانَ العَزيزُ سَدّة الفَضل الَّتي
اِنقَلَب الراجُون مِنها بِالحِبى
145. Al-Mamun he endured from Fatima's house
With how much bile swallowed, pardoned, forgave
١٤٥. لِآل عيسى مِن نَدى راحَتِهِ
وَآل مُوسى قَبَسٌ وَمُنتَشى
146. To the demise of amity and absence of cordiality
Wisdom veiled and intelligence hidden
١٤٦. وَكانَ مَأمونَ بَني فاطِمَةٍ
كَم كَظم الغَيظ وَأَغضى وَعَفا
147. Al-Hakim ruled Egypt and its affliction
Which suffered the utmost tribulation from his rule
١٤٧. أَودى فَغابَ الرفقُ وَاِختَفى النَدى
وَحُجِبَ الحِلمُ وَغُيِّب الذَكا
148. It wearied from the disorder of a disordered one
Who, aroused, demolished, appeased, rebuilt
١٤٨. وَحَكَم الحاكِمُ مَصرَ وَيحَها
قَد لَقيت مِن حُكمِهِ جَهدَ البَلا
149. Enduring continuous upheaval
To enfeebled resolve and resolve brought low
١٤٩. أَتعبَها مُختَلَطٌ مختَبَلٌ
يَهدِمُ إِن ثارَ وَيَبني إِن هَذا
150. Until the brilliance of that drafted document faded
And the two palaces ceased from that activity
١٥٠. وَلَم تَزَل مِن حَدَثٍ مُسَيَّرٍ
إِلى فَئيل العَزم واهِنِ المَضا
151. The Ayyubids abandoned the template of their rule
And the echoing authority, muted
١٥١. حَتّى خَبا ضِياءُ ذاكَ المُنتَدى
وَعَطِلَ القَصران مِن ذاكَ السَنا
152. They united the people under a caliph
From Abbas' sons, no discretion or rule
١٥٢. عَفا بَنو أَيوبَ رَسمَ مُلكِهم
وَغادَروا السُلطانَ طامِسَ الصَدى
153. Glory to Him in Whose hand is sovereignty, for He
Alone disposes therein but what He decrees
١٥٣. وَجَمَعوا الناسَ عَلى خَليفَةٍ
مِن وَلَد العَباسِ لا أَمرَ وَلا
154. So may God reward Fatima's household
The best rewards for Egypt and requite
١٥٤. سُبحانَ مَن في يَدِهِ المُلكُ وَمَن
لَيسَ بِجارٍ فيهِ إِلّا ما قَضى
155. And God avenged them against every envier
In pure lineage, He said and sufficed
١٥٥. فَيا جَزى اللَه بَني فاطِمَةٍ
عَن مَصرَ خَيرَ ما أَثابَ وَجَزى
156. The Nile's caliphs to them are attributed
When the Euphrates' to Banu Saki is attributed
١٥٦. وَأَخَذَ اللَهُ لَهُم مِن حاسِدٍ
في النَسَبِ الطاهِرِ قالَ وَلَغا
157. Such are their hands upon its banks
Articulated in praise, made clear
١٥٧. خَلائِفُ النيلِ إِلَيهُم يُنتَمى
إِذا الفُراتُ لِبَني الساقي اِنتَمى
158. How many cities they built and abodes erected
For good deeds here and there
١٥٨. تِلكَ أَيادِيهم عَلى لَبّاتِهِ
مفصلاتٍ بِالثَناءِ تُجتَلى
159. They raised the torch of reform, so none
Of reformers walked but by their light
١٥٩. كَم مُدُنٍ بَنوا وَدورٍ شَيَّدوا
لِلصالِحاتِ هَهُنا وَهَهُنا
160. Egyptian generosity is of what they instituted
Of righteousness and villages they founded in Egypt
١٦٠. هُم رَفَعوا الإِصلاحَ مِصباحاً فَما
مِن مُصلِحٍ إِلّا بِنورهم مَشى
161. Every Nayrouz therein or famed festival
Is theirs, and to them is attributed
١٦١. وَالكرمُ المَصريُّ مِما رَسَموا
بِمَصرَ مِن بِرٍّ وَسَنُّوا مِن قِرى
162. They tore their own robes for others' comfort
Broke thereby spears and forelocks
١٦٢. وَكُلُّ نَيروزٍ بِمَصرٍ رائِعٍ
أَو مِهرَجانٍ ذائِعٍ هُمُ الأَلى
163. Not outstripping the Arabs, their own people
Nor protecting the North Africans, their partisans
١٦٣. هُم مَزّقوا دُروعَهُم بِراحِهم
وَكَسَروا بِها الرِماحَ وَالظُبى
164. They empowered the remotest of their house
And appointed him among the lesser clans
١٦٤. لا العَربَ اِستَبَقوا وَهُم قَومهمو
وَلا رَعوا لِلمغرِبيّينَ الوَلا
165. Bringing down the Sunna from its rank
And raising their Shiites and whoever rose high
١٦٥. قَد مَلَّكوا الأَبعَدَ أَمرَ بَيتِهم
وَحَكَّموه في العَشائر الدُنى
166. Turning the kingdom over to their sons
So who found the opportunity took his youth
١٦٦. وَأَنزَلوا السُنَّةَ عَن رُتبتها
وَرَفَعوا شِيعَتهم وَمَن غَلا
167. Greed of the ministers between them intensified
And they became the true kings in practice
١٦٧. وَصَيَّروا المُلكَ إِلى صِبيانهم
فَوَجَد الفَرصة مَن لَهُ صَبا
168. The Caliph of the Merciful in a corner
Of resignation, the minister Ibn Jala
١٦٨. إِزدادَ بَغيُ الوُزَراء بَينَهُم
وَأصبَحوا هُمُ المُلوكَ في المَلا
١٦٩. خَليفُةُ الرَحمَنِ في زاويَةٍ
مِن الخُمول وَالوَزيرُ اِبنُ جَلا