1. O crown of the country, greetings and peace
Egypt welcomed you back, and dreams came true
١. تاجَ البِلادِ تَحِيَّةٌ وَسَلامُ
رَدَّتكَ مِصرُ وَصَحَّتِ الأَحلامُ
2. Knowledge and noble rule, both
Are for you, O heart, majesty and position
٢. العِلمُ وَالمُلكُ الرَفيعُ كِلاهُما
لَكَ يا فُؤادُ جَلالَةٌ وَمَقامُ
3. It is as if you are Al-Ma'mun in his rule
Under your shadow, the flags and the pens
٣. فَكَأَنَّكَ المَأمونُ في سُلطانِهِ
في ظِلِّكَ الأَعلامُ وَالأَقلامُ
4. The West granted you titles in knowledge
To what the flags aspire to
٤. أَهدى إِلَيكَ الغَربُ مِن أَلقابِهِ
في العِلمِ ما تَسمو لَهُ الأَعلامُ
5. From every kingdom and every group
Appreciation and glorification run to you
٥. مِن كُلِّ مَملَكَةٍ وَكُلِّ جَماعَةٍ
يَسعى لَكَ التَقديرُ وَالإِعظامُ
6. What are these brilliant halls like the morning
Towering as if they are flags
٦. ما هَذِهِ الغُرَفُ الزَواهِرُ كَالضُحى
الشامِخاتُ كَأَنَّها الأَعلامُ
7. With every elevated pillar illuminated
Like the dawn, darkness bursts from it
٧. مِن كُلِّ مَرفوعِ العَمودِ مُنَوِّرٍ
كَالصُبحِ مُنصَدِعٌ بِهِ الإِظلامُ
8. The great illiteracy shatters upon
Its squares, and delusions tear apart
٨. تَتَحَطَّمُ الأُمِّيَةُ الكُبرى عَلى
عَرَصاتِهِ وَتُمَزَّقُ الأَوهامُ
9. This Fatimid structure is a beacon
And foundations for a civilization and pillars
٩. هَذا البِناءُ الفاطِمِيُّ مَنارَةٌ
وَقَواعِدٌ لِحَضارَةٍ وَدِعامُ
10. A cradle prepared for the newborn and a nest
In which nightingales and doves will sing
١٠. مَهدٌ تَهَيَّأَ لِلوَليدِ وَأَيكَةٌ
سَيَرِنُّ فيها بُلبُلٌ وَحَمامُ
11. Its balconies are the light of the way, and its corner
For genius, a dwelling and position
١١. شُرُفاتُهُ نورُ السَبيلِ وَرُكنُهُ
لِلعَبقَرِيَّةِ مَنزِلٌ وَمُقامُ
12. And playgrounds where luck runs with youth
In their shade, fates are granted
١٢. وَمَلاعِبٌ تُجري الحُظوظُ مَعَ الصِبا
في ظِلِّهِنَّ وَتوهَبُ الأَقسامُ
13. The young men walk in them, this one has
A soul that makes him swarthy, and that one determination
١٣. يَمشي بِها الفِتيانُ هَذا مالَهُ
نَفسٌ تُسَوِّدُهُ وَذاكَ عِصامُ
14. He threw his stick and leaned on its corner
A soul of noble game, generous heroes
١٤. أَلقى أَواسيهِ وَطالَ بِرُكنِهِ
نَفسٌ مِنَ الصَيدِ المُلوكِ كِرامُ
15. From the family of Ishmael, neither maternal aunts
Fell short of generosity, nor paternal uncles
١٥. مِن آلِ إِسماعيلَ لا العَمّاتُ قَد
قَصَّرنَ عَن كَرَمٍ وَلا الأَعمامُ
16. Their enthusiasm and kindness were not given
By any builder in the valley of kings, they are protectors
١٦. لَم يُعطَ هِمَّتَهُم وَلا إِحسانَهُم
بانٍ عَلى وادي المُلوكِ هُمامُ
17. And Fuad built its two walls helping him
A people striving for the highest goals, not sleeping
١٧. وَبَنى فُؤادُ حائِطَيهِ يُعينُهُ
شَعبٌ عَنِ الغاياتِ لَيسَ يَنامُ
18. Look, O Abu Al-Farouq, has your plant approached
Fruition and its flags become visible?
١٨. اُنظُر أَبا الفاروقِ غَرسَكَ هَلَ دَنَت
ثَمَراتُهُ وَبَدَت لَهُ أَعلامُ
19. And has the valley bent over, with harvest in its mouth
And Iraq coming to share, and Damascus too?
١٩. وَهَل اِنثَنى الوادي وَفي فَمِهِ الجَنى
وَأَتى العِراقُ مُشاطِراً وَالشامُ
20. In every capital and every city
Egypt’s youth rushed to the water springs
٢٠. في كُلِّ عاصِمَةٍ وَكُلِّ مَدينَةٍ
شُبّانُ مِصرَ عَلى المَناهِلِ حاموا
21. How much we borrow from others and struggle
Alas! Loans have no permanence
٢١. كَم نَستَعيرُ الآخَرينَ وَنَجتَدي
هَيهاتَ ما لِلعارِياتِ دَوامُ
22. Today they graze in their lands, a generation
Rising to the call to travel
٢٢. اليَومَ يَرعى في خَمائِلِ أَرضِهِم
نَشءٌ إِلى داعي الرَحيلِ قِيامُ
23. Love you planted with your hands, and the clouds
Have not ceased watering it with both your hands
٢٣. حُبٌّ غَرَستَ بِراحَتَيكَ وَلَم يَزَل
يَسقيهِ مِن كِلتا يَدَيكَ غَمامُ
24. Until it bore fruit on the pedestals of its market
Fruit so heavy the sleeves bend under its weight
٢٤. حَتّى أَنافَ عَلى قَوائِمِ سوقِهِ
ثَمَراً تَنوءُ وَراءَهُ الأَكمامُ
25. Its near is a feast for the present people
And its far is food for the people of the past
٢٥. فَقَريبُهُ لِلحاضِرينَ وَليمَةٌ
وَبَعيدُهُ لِلغابِرينَ طَعامُ
26. A lesson for Farouq and the good of his time
In what patience and determination collect
٢٦. عِظَةٌ لِفاروقٍ وَصالِحِ جيلِهِ
فيما يُنيلُ الصَبرُ وَالإِقدامُ
27. And a model emulated without cease
By successors in their life journeys
٢٧. وَنَموذَجٌ تَحذو عَلَيهِ وَلَم يَزَل
بِسَراتِهِم يَتَشَبَّهُ الأَقوامُ
28. You built a lofty palace for treasures
Where beauty and inspiration reside
٢٨. شَيَّدتَ صَرحاً لِلذَخائِرِ عالِياً
يَأوي الجَمالُ إِلَيهِ وَالإِلهامُ
29. Shelves are the eyes of books in it, types
And great epics in it, volumes
٢٩. رَفٌّ عُيونُ الكُتبِ فيهِ طَوائِفٌ
وَجَلائِلُ الأَسفارِ فيهِ رُكامُ
30. Alexandria, your treasure returned safe
As if voracity did not consume it
٣٠. إِسكَندَرِيَّةُ عادَ كَنزُكِ سالِماً
حَتّى كَأَن لَم يَلتَهِمهُ ضِرامُ
31. Its fingers healed it from the flames of fire
Coolness to what they touched, and peace
٣١. لَمَّتهُ مِن لَهَبِ الحَريقِ أَنامِلٌ
بَردٌ عَلى ما لامَسَت وَسَلامُ
32. And its old wound found comfort and healing
The wound of time is healed by its knowledge
٣٢. وَآسَت جِراحَتَكَ القَديمَةُ راحَةٌ
جُرحُ الزَمانِ بِعُرفِها يَلتامُ
33. It bestows the precious from the pottery, and sometimes
Revives the glory of old, though it is ruins
٣٣. تَهَبُ الطَريفَ مِنَ الفَخارِ وَرُبَّما
بَعَثَت تَليدَ المَجدِ وَهوَ رِمامُ
34. Have you seen the pillar of knowledge, how it rises?
Have you seen independence, how it is wanted?
٣٤. أَرَأَيتَ رُكنَ العِلمِ كَيفَ يُقامُ
أَرَأَيتَ الاِستِقلالَ كَيفَ يُرامُ
35. Knowledge in the paths of civilization and ascent
Is the leader of every group, and the rein
٣٥. العِلمُ في سُبُلِ الحَضارَةِ وَالعُلا
حادٍ لِكُلِّ جَماعَةٍ وَزِمامُ
36. Builder of kingdoms, when a builder is sought
And refuge of homelands, when relied upon
٣٦. باني المَمالِكِ حينَ تَنشُدُ بانِياً
وَمَثابَةُ الأَوطانِ حينَ تُضامُ
37. The fields of knowledge rose in the valley, so has
Rising for brilliance and genius occurred?
٣٧. قامَت رُبوعُ العِلمِ في الوادي فَهَل
لِلعَبقَرِيَّةِ وَالنُبوغِ قِيامُ
38. For they are life, and every cycle of culture
Or education cycle, they are the bodies
٣٨. فَهُما الحَياةُ وَكُلُّ دورِ ثَقافَةٍ
أَو دورِ تَعليمٍ هِيَ الأَجسامُ
39. What is knowledge if not made by them
Reality for the students? And words are not speech
٣٩. ما العِلمُ ما لَم يَصنَعاهُ حَقيقَةً
لِلطالِبينَ وَلا البَيانُ كَلامُ
40. O festival of knowledge, around you there is joy
And upon you crowds of Egypt's hopes
٤٠. يا مِهرَجانَ العِلمِ حَولَكَ فَرحَةٌ
وَعَلَيكَ مِن آمالِ مِصرَ زِحامُ
41. How similar to the Nile valley seasons you are
And its holidays throughout time, momentous days
٤١. ما أَشبَهَتكَ مَواسِمُ الوادي وَلا
أَعيادُهُ في الدَهرِ وَهيَ عِظامُ
42. Except a day in the cheer of its morning
The builders sat, and the pyramids stood tall
٤٢. إِلّا نَهاراً في بَشاشَةِ صُبحِهِ
قَعَدَ البُناةُ وَقامَتِ الأَهرامُ
43. And Khufu paraded in the processions of his glory
The hills shook, and the peaks
٤٣. وَأَطالَ خوفو في مَواكِبِ عِزِّهِ
فَاِهتَزَّتِ الرَبَواتُ وَالآكامُ
44. My day with a civilization crown, glistening
Foreheads bow to its glory and inspiration
٤٤. يومي بِتاجٍ في الحَضارَةِ مُعرِقٍ
تَعنو الجِباهُ لِعِزِّهِ وَالهامُ
45. A crown that moved honored through the ages
And states were composed around it, strong bodies
٤٥. تاجٌ تَنَقَّلَ في العُصورِ مُعَظَّماً
وَتَأَلَّفَت دُوَلٌ عَلَيهِ جِسامُ
46. When you took it up, guidance walked in it
And the guides of the constitution and Islam
٤٦. لَمّا اِضطَلَعتَ بِهِ مَشى فيهِ الهُدى
وَمَراشِدُ الدُستورِ وَالإِسلامُ
47. Your processions preceded spring and its beauty
The Nile is blossoming, and the banks are adorned
٤٧. سَبَقَت مَواكِبُكَ الرَبيعَ وَحُسنَهُ
فَالنيلُ زَهوٌ وَالضِفافُ وِسامُ
48. Lively Giza shook its shoulder
Favors poured upon it, and gifts
٤٨. الجيزَةُ الفَيحاءُ هَزَّت مَنكِباً
سُبِغَ النَوالُ عَلَيهِ وَالإِنعامُ
49. It wore its decorations, touched its perfume
And melodies circulated in its valleys
٤٩. لَبِسَت زَخارِفَها وَمَسَّت طيبَها
وَتَرَدَّدَت في أَيكِها الأَنغامُ
50. You added to it a pyramid, whose loss
Attracts the world to it, binding it
٥٠. قَد زِدتَها هَرَماً يُحَجُّ فِناؤُهُ
وَيُشَدُّ لِلدُنيا إِلَيهِ حِزامُ
51. Tomorrow, centuries will stand on its steps
Dictating praise, and writing the days
٥١. تَقِفُ القُرونُ غَداً عَلى دَرَجاتِهِ
تُملي الثَناءَ وَتَكتُبُ الأَيّامُ
52. Years of effort in youth, and after them
Years of good effort in mature age
٥٢. أَعوامُ جُهدٍ في الشَبابِ وَراءَها
مِن جُهدِ خَيرِ كُهولَةٍ أَعوامُ
53. The building reached under your hands its perfection
And for all you build, your hands are completeness
٥٣. بَلَغَ البِناءُ عَلى يَدَيكَ تَمامُهُ
وَلِكُلِّ ما تَبني يَداكَ تَمامُ