
O Arab, how can I blame you,

عرابي كيف أوفيك الملاما

1. O Arab, how can I blame you,
When all people have blamed you,

١. عرابي كيف أوفيك الملاما
جمعت على ملامتك الأناما

2. Stand on the hill and listen to the bones,
For they, like people, have speech.

٢. فقف بالتل واستمع العظاما
فإن لها كما لهمو كلاما

3. I have heard the serious and the jest from mankind,
So listen as I relate the clear speech:

٣. سمعت من الورى جدا وهزلا
فانصت إذ تقول القول فصلا

4. It is as if you are the killer and the judgment is recited against you,
While you wait for the pigeons.

٤. كانك قاتل والحكم يتلى
عليك وانت تنتظر الحماما

5. Do not hope for pardon from the dead,
Even if al-Husayn is your alleged father.

٥. ولا تامل من الأموات عفوا
وإن كان الحسين اباك دعوى

6. Their blood was shed heedlessly, in play and vanity,
And you did not know the standing of their nobility.

٦. ارقت دماءهم لعبا ولهوا
ولم تعرف لغاليها مقاما

7. It is blood that ransomed you, yet you did not protect it.
You shook your hands of it on the day of the hill.

٧. دماء قد فدتك ولم تصنها
نفضت يديك يوم التل منها

8. So how can the eye of God sleep about it,
When the Mullah is heedless of it and sleeps?

٨. فكيف تنام عين الله عنها
إذا غفل الملا عنها وناما

9. In your ignorance, you spilled the worst bloodshed,
Not for martyrdom or raising a kingdom,

٩. لقد سفكت بجهلك شر سفك
لغير شهادة او رفع ملك

10. And you cry over the ancient glory,
And mourn a rank invented for you, or a medal.

١٠. وانت على قديم العز تبكى
وتندب رتبة لك او وساما

11. The bones speak to you words of truth,
And the words of an object without a voice.

١١. تقول لك العظام مقال صدق
ورب مقالة من غير نطق

12. You killed the Muslims wrongfully,
And wasted the pact and the oath.

١٢. قتلت المسلمين بغير حق
وضيّعتَ الأمانة والذماما

13. They say, "We lasted though we are gone,
We stood steadfast for the foe until we perished.

١٣. تقول لقد بقيت وما بقينا
ثبتنا للعدا حتى فنينا

14. So what is the rule of the nights regarding our children?
And what have the widows and orphans done?"

١٤. فما حكم الليالي في بنينا
وما صنع الأرامل واليتامى

15. And they say in a voice like loud thunder,
Which echoes remorse in the conscience:

١٥. وتقول وصوتها رعد قوىّ
ونحل في الضمير لها دوى

16. "The generous died and you live,
A life that passes in shame and blame."

١٦. لقد مات الكرام وأنت حىّ
حياة تنقضى عارا وذاما

17. They say in a voice that filled the ages,
Yet you are deafer than unfeeling stone:

١٧. تقول وصوتها ملأ الدهورا
وأنت أصم من حجر شعورا

18. "O Arab, did you leave us graves
That those who visit them say 'peace'?"

١٨. عرابي هل تركت لنا قبورا
يقول الطائفون بها سلاما

19. They say in an image that reached the sky,
And I hear better than hearing a call:

١٩. تقول وصورتها بلغ السماء
وأسمع خير من سمع النداء

20. "O God of the worlds, answer the blood
That screams for vengeance, vengeance!"

٢٠. إله العالمين أجب دماء
تصيح الانتقاما الانتقاما

21. They say, "You were cowardly when injustice grew,
And evil, though no injustice existed in Egypt,

٢١. تقول جبنت حين الظلم ينمو
وثر ولم يكن في مصر ظلم

22. And you were fooled by Abu Al-‘Abbas’ clemency,
When his rule was not yet complete a year."

٢٢. وغرك من أبي العباس حلم
ولما يكتمل في الحكم عاما

23. You stood by him though the Emir did no wrong,
And the throne did not settle because of him.

٢٣. وقفت له وما ظلم الأمير
ولم يكن آطمأن به السرير

24. So the best affairs were disturbed,
And you failed to give them order."

٢٤. فجل الخطب واضطربت أمور
عييت بأن تكون لها نظاما

25. They say words that counsel consideration
The evening your separation was caused by fleeing:

٢٥. تقول مقالة فيها اعتبار
عشية حال بينكما الفرار

26. "Die, O Arab, and then disgrace
Will stick to our leader forever."

٢٦. أموتٌ يا عرابي ثم عار
يلازمنا بقائدنا لزاما

27. Each people blamed us,
And the masses insulted us severely,

٢٧. رمانا بالجبانة كل شعب
وسبتنا الخلائق أى سب

28. Because of you when you marched out for war,
And did not unsheathe your sword for battle.

٢٨. لأجلك حين تخرج لحرب
ولا جردت في الهيجا حساما

29. And it was said, "Their leader turned to flee!
And at Bilbeis he led the train.

٢٩. وقيل زعيمهم ولى الفرارا
وفي بلبيس قد ساق القطارا

30. And he left his army in chaos and confusion,
While the foe had attained their goal."

٣٠. وخلف جيشه فوضى حيارى
وقد بلغ العِدى فيهم مراما

31. We ask about Arab, but do not see him,
And we call for a defender, but he left his protection.

٣١. نسائل عن عرابي لا نراه
وننشد حاميا خلّى حماه

32. We rode death, we did not ride any but it,
While you rode for the darkness of shame.

٣٢. ركبنا الموت لم نركب سواه
ونت ركبت للعار الظلاما

33. Gently, O peoples of the land! Wait!
We were not deserving of this blame.

٣٣. رويدا يا شعوب الأرض مهلا
فما كنا لهذا اللوم أهلا

34. When you see us all as one coward and fool,
Our mighty stands made you forget us!

٣٤. أراكم واحد جبنا وجهلا
فأنساكم مواقفنا العظاما

35. Ask our history and ask about Ali:
Did we not fill the land with our renown?

٣٥. سلوا تاريخنا وسلوا عليا
ألم يملأ بنا الدنيا دويا

36. The Emir lived powerful through us,
And we lived honored beneath his flag.

٣٦. لقد عاش الأمير بنا قويا
وعشنا تحت رايته كراما

37. He gave us might and vanquished whom he wished,
As if we under his flag were fate.

٣٧. يَعزّبنا ويقهر من يشاء
كأنا تحت رايته القضاء

38. Through it we had glory and he had prestige,
And a glory that filled the world with smiles.

٣٨. لنا في ظلها وله علاء
ومجد يملأ الدنيا ابتساما

39. Did we not spare the Hejaz war parties,
And save it from war and distress?

٣٩. ألم نكف الحجاز عوان حرب
وأنقذناه من حرب وكرب

40. Thus we were the best party for the Protected Friend,
We made religion and the Holy House secure.

٤٠. فكنا للمهيمن خير حزب
أجرنا الدين والبيت الحراما

41. Ask him and his family when they revolted,
Did we not seize him while he was aflame?

٤١. سلوه وأهله أيام ثاروا
ألم نقبض عليه وهو نار

42. Religion then had no stability,
So we made it firm that day as a pillar.

٤٢. وكان الدين ليس له قرار
فثبتناه يومئذ دعاما

43. When Ibrahim threw his audacity at the citadels of Syria,
And Murey was great on the day he was named,

٤٣. ألم نك خلف إبراهيم لما
رمى بجواده الأبراج شما

44. We were the rank when the Imam stood,
So we were the firewall when it blazed.

٤٤. وكبرّ يوم مورة ثم سمى
فكنا الصف إذ كان الإماما

45. You see us in his arenas coming to his aid,
As the devoted father gathers his sons.

٤٥. ترانا في مواقفه نليه
كما جمع الأب الوافي بنيه

46. And the army is only straight through its leaders,
When they stand, the army stands straight.

٤٦. وليس الجيش إلا قائديه
إذا ما قوموا الجيش استقاما

47. We responded if he gestured with his palms
Towards a castle, racing him to it,

٤٧. نلبى إن أشار براحتيه
إلى حصن فيسبقنا إليه

48. As if his appointing us in his letter
Made him plunge into the fire with tranquility.

٤٨. كأن سميّه في بردتيه
يخوض النار في الهيجا سلاما

49. And in Greece we were excellent in affliction,
And the Muslims shook the banners because of us.

٤٩. وفي اليونان أحسنا البلاء
وهز المسلمون بنا اللواء

50. We offered our ships as ransom
On the waves, kindling with kindling.

٥٠. وقدّمنا بوارجنا فداء
على الأمواج تضطرم اضطراما

51. In the Bulgars we prayed, then we prayed,
And we mounted the mountains with them, so we were exalted.

٥١. وفي البلغار صلنا ثم صلنا
وطاولنا الجبال بها فطلنا

52. And we made the foe descend, and did not descend,
And we were pillars for the pillars.

٥٢. وأنزلنا العدوّ وما نزلنا
وكنا للرواسى الشم هاما

53. Ask of our pride Sudan and Egypt,
For after God and the Mahdi none knows best

٥٣. وسل بأسنا سودان ومصرا
فبعد الله والمهدىّ أدرى

54. That we are the brave lions in audacity and courage
When the two sides meet with a crash.

٥٤. بأنا الأسد إقداما وأجرا
إذا اصدم الفريقان اصطداما

55. And in the Caucasus we spread Egypt’s fame
For those of us who died there and were taken prisoner.

٥٥. وفي المسكوف شدنا ذكرا مصرا
على قتلى بها منا وأسرى

56. We reached, the Turks and us, the utmost excuse,
And satisfied the Protected Friend and the Imam.

٥٦. بلغنا نحن والأتراك عذرا
وأرضينا المهيمن والإماما

57. And we had an ordeal at Karid,
On the day the Nile was furious and strong.

٥٧. وكان لنا بلاء في كريد
بيوم ثائر الهيجا شديد

58. We overcame it though it was of iron,
And extinguished its raging with logs.

٥٨. أذبناها وكانت من حديد
وأطفأنا لثورتها ضِراما

59. We raised the kingdom on glorious deeds,
That flow upon battleships and height.

٥٩. رفعنا الملك بالمهج الغوالي
تسيل على القواضب والعوالي

60. And with litanies we did not live the nights,
Nor did we spend them in sorrowful sleep.

٦٠. وبالأذكار لم نحيى الليالي
ولا بتنا على ضيم نياما

61. They say to you, "Let go of wishes
And do not consider any sword but a straight sword.

٦١. تقول لك العظام دع الأماني
ولا تحِفل بسيف غير قاني

62. It is not Dhu al-Faqar, nor al-Yamani,
Not even al-Muqahhar can parry and riposte."

٦٢. وليس بذى الفقار ولا اليماني
ولا المقهور دفعا واستلاما

63. This breast is too narrow to be decorated,
Or to regain the glorious past.

٦٣. أراح الله منك حدِيدَتَيه
وأنسى الناس ما علموا عليه

64. The reed-pen was never suitable for it,
Nor did it meet with spears or arrows.

٦٤. وأنت تنبه الدنيا إليه
وتفتأ تذكر العار الجُساما

65. Pottery is surely lost to the potter,
And the gift of the Emir is lost to him.

٦٥. تحنّ له كأنك لم تضعه
فسعه بجبنك المأثور سعه

66. Who would feel safe under arms to a minister
Called the master, the hero, the protector?

٦٦. ودعه في ظلام الغمد دعه
لعل مع الظلام له احتراما

67. Blind in the East, and still blind!
His excellencies never ceased to attain him.

٦٧. أما والله ما لُعَب الصغار
ولا خُشُب يقلدن الجوارى

68. His libel has reached the farthest men,
Who have a position in ignorance that cannot be reckoned.

٦٨. ولا الأوتار في ايدى الجوارى
بأحسن منه في الهيجا قياما

69. Take the ranks of excellency or leave them,
And if you wish, desire them or sell them,

٦٩. وهذا الصدر أضيق أن يحلَّى
وأن يسترجع الشأن الأجلا

70. For if you attain them, you will not keep them,
And far be it you are raised, O rabble!

٧٠. فلم يك للقنا يوما محلا
ولا لقى الرصاص ولا السهاما

71. All the bones say as you stand there confused,
Wishing for property and status:

٧١. لقد ضاع الفخار على الخفير
وضاعت عنده نعم الأمير

72. You lie about praying to God,
And when the soul reaches the throat,

٧٢. أمن تحت السلاح إلى وزير
يسمى السيد البطل الهماما

73. We will take you one day by the neck,
And when the soul reaches the throat,

٧٣. عمَّى في الشرق كان ولا يزال
فما برحت معاليه تنال

74. You will meet that day what you will meet -
The blood of the people and the barbarous death.

٧٤. ويبلغ شاوها الأقصى رجال
لهم في الجهل قدر لا يسامى

75. We will come to you when the pigeons attend you,
Unsheathing their swords, and we have swords.

٧٥. فخذ رتب المعالي أو فدعها
وإن شئت اشِرها أو شئت بعها

76. Their arrows will precede arrows from us
That aim correctly and cannot be aimed at.

٧٦. فإنك إن تنلها لا تضعها
وحاشا ترفع الرتب الطغاما

77. We will come to you when death attends you,
And reason comes when madness is past.

٧٧. تقول كل العظام وأنت لاه
تمنى النفس من مال وجاه

78. We will say, "Against the criminal we have debts,"
So, Lord of the blood, judge the case!

٧٨. وتكذب بالصلاة على إله
ولما بتلغ الروح التراقي

79. And we will be asked, "What wrong did he do?"
To meet the retribution of his crime.

٧٩. سنأخذ منك يوما بالخناق
ولما تبلغ الروح التراقي

80. So we will raise the blood to the Creator, blood
And show it to Him as corpses and skulls.

٨٠. تلاقى يوم ذلك ما تلاقى
دماء الخلق والموت الزؤاما

81. We will say, "He profited from his acts against us,
And tried to regain his lost prestige."

٨١. نجيئك يوم يحضُرك الحمام
يسل حسامه ولنا حسام

82. He wasted our lives, so they were sacrificed for him,
While you, O God, so take vengeance!

٨٢. وتسبق سهمه منا سهام
لها بالحق رام لا يرامى

83. There you will see Hell burning,
And remember crime after crime.

٨٣. نجيئك يوم تحضُرك المنون
ويأتى العقل إذ يمضى الجنون

84. So it will blaze with the spilt blood, shed wrongfully,
And the desolate homeland, with no pillars.

٨٤. نقول لنا على الجاني ديون
فياربَّ الدم احتكم احتكاما

٨٥. ونُسأل ما جنى ماذا أساء
ليلقى عن جنايته الجزاء

٨٦. فنرفعها إلى البارى دماء
ونعرضها له جثثا وهاما

٨٧. نقول جنى ومنَّ بما جناه
وحاول أن تُردّ له علاه

٨٨. وضيع أنفسنا ذهبت فداه
وأنت الله فانتقم انتقاما

٨٩. هناك ترى جهنم وهي تُحمَى
وتذكر ما مضى جرما فجرما

٩٠. فَتُشرقَ بالدم المسفوك ظلما
وبالوطن العثور ولا قياما