
The specter began with beauty and visited,

بدأ الطيف بالجميل وزارا

1. The specter began with beauty and visited,
O messenger of contentment, saved from stumbling,

١. بَدَأَ الطَيفُ بِالجَميلِ وَزارا
يا رَسولَ الرِضى وُقيتَ العِثارا

2. Take from the eyelids and heart a way,
And make tayammum with the black hills a house.

٢. خُذ مِنَ الجَفنِ وَالفُؤادِ سَبيلاً
وَتَيَمَّم مِنَ السُوَيداءِ دارا

3. If you stay in the eyelids, you are worthy,
The custom of light is to bring down visions.

٣. أَنتَ إِن بِتَّ في الجُفونِ فَأَهلٌ
عادَةُ النورِ يُنزِلُ الأَبصارا

4. He visited while war was between my eyelids and sleep,
Darkness had prepared burdens for it.

٤. زارَ وَالحَربُ بَينَ جَفني وَنَومي
قَد أَعَدَّ الدُجى لَها أَوزارا

5. Good O imagination your making is good to me,
The most beautiful making is what necessitates need.

٥. حَسَنٌ يا خَيالُ صُنعُكَ عِندي
أَجمَلُ الصُنعِ ما يُصيبُ اِفتِقارا

6. What is wrong with the Lord of Beauty living in my heart,
As if my heart didn't have a neighbor.

٦. ما لِرَبِّ الجَمالِ جارَ عَلى القَل
بِ كَأَن لَم يَكُن لَهُ القَلبُ جارا

7. And I see the heart whenever it is bad, it compensates
For the sin with tenderness and apology.

٧. وَأَرى القَلبَ كُلَّما ساءَ يَجزي
هِ عَنِ الذَنبِ رِقَّةً وَاِعتِذارا

8. The wounded lover seeks affection,
And the wounded people seek revenge.

٨. أَجَريحُ الغَرامِ يَطلُبُ عَطفاً
وَجَريحُ الأَنامِ يَطلُبُ ثارا

9. O you blamers, you slept while the preoccu
pation took from my eyelids a matter that became well known.

٩. أَيُّها العاذِلونَ نِمتُم وَرامَ الس
سُهدُ مِن مُقلَتَيَّ أَمراً فَصارا

10. The flaw of advice is to be stubborn,
And the harm of advice is to be public.

١٠. آفَةُ النُصحِ أَن يَكونَ لَجاجاً
وَأَذى النُصحِ أَن يَكونَ جِهارا

My eyelids asked me about the daytime,

١١. ساءَلتَني عَنِ النَهارِ جُفوني
رَحِمَ اللَهُ يا جُفوني النَهارا

12. May God have mercy on you, O my eyelids, the daytime.
They said: We cry over it. I said: Bring tears,

١٢. قُلنَ نَبكيهِ قُلتُ هاتي دُموعاً
قُلنَ صَبراً فَقُلتُ هاتي اِصطِبارا

13. They said: Patience. So I said: Bring endurance.
O nights, I did not find you long,

١٣. يا لَيالِيَّ لَم أَجِدكِ طِوالاً
بَعدَ لَيلي وَلَم أَجِدكِ قِصارا

14. After my night, and I did not find you short.
Indeed, whoever bears great calamities,

١٤. إِنَّ مَن يَحمِلُ الخُطوبَ كِباراً
لا يُبالي بِحَملِهِنَّ صِغارا

15. Does not care about bearing small ones.
We did not spend time on you, O time, so we complain,

١٥. لَم نُفِق مِنكَ يا زَمانُ فَنَشكو
مُدمِنُ الخَمرِ لا يُحِسُّ الخُمارا

16. The drunkard does not feel the veil.
So turn the cup away sympathetically or take intervals,

١٦. فَاِصرِفِ الكَأسَ مُشفِقاً أَو فَواصِل
خَرجَ الرُشدُ عَن أَكُفِّ السُكارى