
It is said that the lion in his mightiness

يقال إن الليث في ذي الشده

1. It is said that the lion in his mightiness
Saw the wolf's sincerity and affection

١. يُقالُ إِنَّ اللَيثَ في ذي الشِدَّه
رَأى مِنَ الذِئبِ صَفا المَوَدَّه

2. He said: "O you who protected my place
In my reign and dismissal

٢. فَقالَ يا مَن صانَ لي مَحَلّي
في حالَتَي وِلايَتي وَعَزلي

3. If I return to the land by God's will
And my former glory is restored

٣. إِن عُدتُ لِلأَرضِ بِإِذنِ اللَهِ
وَعادَ لي فيها قَديمُ الجاهِ

4. I will give you two calves and a thousand sheep
Then you will be the governor of governors

٤. أعطيكَ عِجلَينِ وَأَلفَ شاةِ
ثُمَّ تَكونُ والِيَ الوُلاةِ

5. And the bearer of the banner among wolves
The subduer of shepherds and dogs

٥. وَصاحِبَ اللِواءِ في الذِئابِ
وَقاهِرَ الرُعاةِ وَالكِلابِ

6. Until when the generosity is complete
And he steps on the land in safety

٦. حَتّى إِذا ما تَمَّتِ الكَرامَه
وَوَطِئَ الأَرضَ عَلى السَلامَه

7. The wolf came to him after a month
While he commands prohibition and executes orders

٧. سَعى إِلَيهِ الذِئبُ بَعدَ شَهرِ
وَهوَ مُطاعُ النَهيِ ماضي الأَمرِ

8. So he said: "O you whose land is not trampled
And who has the length and breadth of glory

٨. فَقالَ يا مَن لا تُداسُ أَرضُه
وَمَن لَهُ طولُ الفَلا وَعَرضُه

9. You have attained what you attained of honor
And this is the time of the precious promise"

٩. قَد نِلتَ ما نِلتَ مِنَ التَكريمِ
وَذا أَوانِ المَوعِدِ الكَريمِ

10. He said: "You have transgressed, your claim is bad
Who are you, young man, and what is your name?"

١٠. قالَ تَجَرَّأتَ وَساءَ زَعمُكُما
فَمَن تَكونُ يا فَتى وَما اِسمُكا

11. He replied: "If my assumption is right
Then I am the former governor of governors"

١١. أَجابَهُ إِن كانَ ظَنّي صادِقاً
فَإِنَّني والي الوُلاةِ سابِقا