
Travel silently to God and leave

سر أبا صالح إلى الله واترك

1. Travel silently to God and leave
Egypt in deep grief and sorrow

١. سِر أَبا صالِحٍ إِلى اللَهِ وَاِترُك
مِصرَ في مَأتَمٍ وَحُزنٍ شَديدِ

2. This is the goal of souls and this is
The end of bitter and pleasant life

٢. هَذِهِ غايَةُ النُفوسِ وَهَذا
مُنتَهى العَيشِ مُرِّهِ وَالرَغيدِ

3. Do you see people on your path except
A bier of an old man followed by a bier of a child

٣. هَل تَرى الناسَ في طَريقِكَ إِلّا
نَعشَ كَهلٍ تَلاهُ نَعشُ الوَليدِ

4. Surely the weakest of threads in my view
Is the thread of life hanging by a vein

٤. إِنَّ أَوهى الخُيوطِ فيما بَدا لي
خَيطُ عَيشٍ مُعَلَّقٌ بِالوَريدِ

5. A morsel between a heartbeat and stillness
And blood between flowing and clotting

٥. مُضغَةٌ بَينَ خَفقَةٍ وَسُكونٍ
وَدَمٌ بَينَ جَريَةٍ وَجُمودِ

6. They lowered the minister in the ground and watered
Ninety arguments over him as he rose

٦. أَنزَلوا في الثَرى الوَزيرَ وَوارَوا
فيهِ تِسعينَ حِجَّةً في صُعودِ

7. You were in a land of silk for nights
But it became of iron in the morning

٧. كُنتَ فيها عَلى يَدٍ مِن حَريرِ
لِلَّيالي فَأَصبَحَت مِن حَديدِ

8. We tested you in leadership for a while
So we tested the minister Abdel Hamid

٨. قَد بَلَوناكَ في الرِياسَةِ حيناً
فَبَلَونا الوَزيرَ عَبدَ الحَميدِ

9. Taking from the tongue of the eloquent Persian
Abundant shares from the tongue of Labid

٩. آخِذاً مِن لِسانِ فارِسَ قِسطاً
وافِرَ القَسمِ مِن لِسانِ لَبيدِ

10. In the shadows of kings everyone in need
Draws near to your outstretched shadow

١٠. في ظِلالِ المُلوكِ تُدني إِلَيهِم
كُلَّ آوٍ لِظِلِّكَ المَمدودِ

11. You are not one who passed landmarks
Rather, you are a state in a constitution

١١. لَستَ مَن مَرَّ بِالمَعالِمِ مَرّاً
إِنَّما أَنتَ دَولَةٌ في فَقيدِ

12. Stand up and speak of bygone years
And the conquests of mighty hunters

١٢. قُم فَحَدِّث عَنِ السِنينِ الخَوالي
وَفُتوحِ المُمَلَّكينَ الصيدِ

13. That which passed between an ancient state
You know it best and the state of the new

١٣. وَالَّذي مَرَّ بَينَ حالٍ قَديمٍ
أَنتَ أَدرى بِهِ وَحالِ جَديدِ

14. Describe the glory in Ali's time
And remember Yemen in Sa'eed's time

١٤. وَصِفِ العِزَّ في زَمانِ عَلِيٍّ
وَاِذكُرِ اليُمنَ في زَمانِ سَعيدِ

15. How their ships were on every sea
And their horsemen in every wasteland

١٥. كَيفَ أُسطولُهُم عَلى كُلِّ بَحرٍ
وَسَراياهُمُ عَلى كُلِّ بيدِ

16. They turned against you and left you loyal
In a time most difficult on the loyal

١٦. قَد تَوَلَّوا وَخَلَّفوكَ وَفِيّاً
في زَمانٍ عَلى الوَفِيِّ شَديدِ

17. So join today the noble ones nobly
And meet them between Heaven and immortality

١٧. فَاِلحَقِ اليَومَ بِالكِرامِ كَريماً
وَاِلقَهُم بَينَ جَنَّةٍ وَخُلودِ

18. And accept the farewell of one weeping over
Your loss, faithful to your blessed covenant

١٨. وَتَقَبَل وَداعَ باكٍ عَلى فَق
دِكَ وافٍ لِعَهدِكَ المَحمودِ