1. By Allah, O breezes of the Nile at dawn
Do you have any news of the loved ones?
١. بِاللَهِ يا نَسَماتِ النيلِ في السَحَرِ
هَل عِندَكُنَّ عَنِ الأَحبابِ مِن خَبَرِ
2. I know you with a knowledge I do not alter
Neither in darkness, nor in light and blossoms
٢. عَرَفتُكُنَّ بِعَرفٍ لا أُكَيِّفُهُ
لا في الغَوالي وَلا في النَورِ وَالزَهَرِ
3. From some of what beauty has touched the faces with
Between the brow, the hairline, and the hair
٣. مِن بَعضِ ما مَسَحَ الحُسنُ الوُجوهَ بِهِ
بَينَ الجَبينِ وَبَينَ الفَرقِ وَالشَعَرِ
4. So have you caught, during your wandering, some fragrance
From the braids, or perfume from the hairpins?
٤. فَهَل عَلِقتُنَّ أَثناءَ السُرى أَرَجاً
مِنَ الغَدائِرِ أَو طيباً مِنَ الطُرَرِ
5. You arouse in me a dormant anguish in my heart
And if a breeze irritates the wound, it festers
٥. هِجتُنَّ لي لَوعَةً في القَلبِ كامِنَةً
وَالجُرحُ إِن تَعتَرِضهُ نَسمَةٌ يَثُرِ
6. I recalled Egypt, and whom I love, and our gathering
On the island, between bridge and river
٦. ذَكَرتُ مِصرَ وَمَن أَهوى وَمَجلِسَنا
عَلى الجَزيرَةِ بَينَ الجِسرِ وَالنَهَرِ
7. And today I grew gray, and the horizons are faded
And the sun grows yellowish, flowing downhill
٧. وَاليَومُ أَشيَبُ وَالآفاقُ مُذهَبَةٌ
وَالشَمسُ مُصفَرَةٌ تَجري لِمُنحَدَرِ
8. And the palms are clad in clouds, you'd think them
Brides in dresses of blue
٨. وَالنَخلُ مُتَّشِحٌ بِالغَيمِ تَحسَبُهُ
هيفَ العَرائِسِ في بيضٍ مِنَ الأَزُرِ
9. And nothing saddened me except the sound of a waterwheel
Greeting the night with lament and tears
٩. وَما شَجانِيَ إِلّا صَوتُ ساقِيَةٍ
تَستَقبِلُ اللَيلَ بَينَ النَوحِ وَالعَبَرِ
10. Passion left of it only its ribs
And tears like rain pouring heavily
١٠. لَم يَترُكِ الوَجدُ مِنها غَيرَ أَضلُعِها
وَغَيرَ دَمعٍ كَصَوبِ الغَيثِ مُنهَمِرِ
11. Stingy with her water, if asked
To help a brother of longing, she would not consent
١١. بَخيلَةٌ بِمَآقيها فَلَو سُئِلَت
جَفناً يُعينُ أَخا الأَشواقِ لَم تُعِرِ
12. On a night of the days of time, blessed
Erasing all sin except the unforgiven
١٢. في لَيلَةٍ مِن لَيالي الدَهرِ طَيِّبَةٍ
مَحا بِها كُلَّ ذَنبٍ غَيرِ مُغتَفَرِ
13. She was chaste, and passion in it was chaste, and was won by
The chastity of hints, words, and glances
١٣. عَفَّت وَعَفَّ الهَوى فيها وَفازَ بِها
عَفُّ الإِشارَةِ وَالأَلفاظِ وَالنَظَرِ
14. She stayed and stayed tenderly about us and pleased
Three between hearing of love and sight
١٤. بِتنا وَباتَت حَناناً حَولَنا وَرِضاً
ثَلاثَةٌ بَينَ سَمعِ الحُبِّ وَالبَصَرِ
15. By Allah, the star was our fourth
Had the star been mentioned after the moon in the story
١٥. لا أَكذِبُ اللَهَ كانَ النَجمُ رابِعَنا
لَو يُذكَرُ النَجمُ بَعدَ البَدرِ في خَبَرِ
16. And she was fair to us, so it's unfair to reprimand her
For being too long or too brief
١٦. وَأَنصَفَتنا فَظُلمٌ أَن تُجازِيَها
شَكوى مِنَ الطولِ أَو شَكوى مِنَ القِصَرِ
17. Leave after the saliva of one you love and his words
What's said of the wineglass or what's said of the lute strings
١٧. دَع بَعدَ ريقَةِ مَن تَهوى وَمَنطِقِهِ
ما قيلَ في الكَأسِ أَو ما قيلَ في الوَتَرِ
18. And don't mind a treasure after its smile
The most precious jewels are those you were given as gifts
١٨. وَلا تُبالِ بِكِنزٍ بَعدَ مَبسِمِهِ
أَغلى اليَواقيتُ ما أُعطيتَ وَالدُرَرِ
19. And nothing kept me in check except the words of a critic
"What's with Ahmad, no composure and no settling?"
١٩. وَلَم يَرُعني إِلّا قَولُ عاذِلَةٍ
ما بالُ أَحمَدَ لَم يَحلُم وَلَم يَقِرِ
20. Why not rise above foolishness and play
Small things entice the soul into smallness
٢٠. هَلّا تَرَفَّعَ عَن لَهوٍ وَعَن لَعِبٍ
إِنَّ الصَغائِرَ تُغري النَفسَ بِالصَغَرِ
21. So I said to glory my poems are led
And in my madness is loftiness, not baseness or flightiness
٢١. فَقُلتُ لِلمَجدِ أَشعاري مُسَيَّرَةً
وَفي غَواني العُلا لا في المَها وَطَري
22. Precious Egypt, why can't I bid her farewell
A farewell preserving the pact, reminding
٢٢. مِصرُ العَزيزَةُ ما لي لا أُوَدِّعُها
وَداعَ مُحتَفِظٍ بِالعَهدِ مُدَّكِرِ
23. I left in her the kittens between Zaghrab
And amulets, never to rise or take flight
٢٣. خَلَّفتُ فيها القَطا ما بَينَ ذي زَغَبٍ
وَذي تَمائِمَ لَم يَنهَض وَلَم يَطِرِ
24. I entrusted them to God's eyes to guard them
And they entrusted me to God's shade among mankind
٢٤. أَسلَمتُهُم لِعُيونِ اللَهِ تَحرُسُهُم
وَأَسلَموني لِظِلِّ اللَهِ في البَشَرِ