
The mujahid attained the rank of martyr,

أصاب المجاهد عقبى الشهيد

1. The mujahid attained the rank of martyr,
And cast off his staff, dispossessed and exiled.

١. أَصابَ المُجاهِدُ عُقبى الشَهيدِ
وَأَلقى عَصاهُ المُضافُ الشَريد

2. His enemy, inertness, became inanimate,
While he who had freed the fettered spent the night fettered.

٢. وَأَمسى جَماداً عَدُوُّ الجُمودِ
وَباتَ عَلى القَيدِ خَصمُ القُيود

3. Exile urged him on to an abode
Where the blithe spirit meets the woeful corpse.

٣. حَداهُ السِفارُ إِلى مَنزِلٍ
يُلاقي الخَفيفَ عَلَيهِ الوَئيد

4. So he came closer to a trustworthy appointment-
The meeting that confirms certainty and humbles denial.

٤. فَقَرَّ إِلى موعِدٍ صادِقٍ
مُعِزُّ اليَقينِ مُذِلُّ الجُحود

5. Thus the disciple spent the night between two martyred companions-
Martyrs to whom a martyr flowed gently between arms and shoulders.

٥. وَباتَ الحَوارِيُّ مِن صاحِبَيهِ
شَهَيدَينِ أَسرى إِلَيهِم شَهيد

6. So blessed be your grave that hoarded treasures,
Observed rights, and kept covenants!

٦. تَسَرَّبَ في مَنكِبَي مُصطَفى
كَأَمسِ وَبَينَ ذِراعَي فَريد

7. Indeed, they sheathed in you the sharpest sword;
O grave, have you a scabbard more faithful than they?

٧. فَيا لَكَ قَبراً أَكَنَّ الكُنوزَ
وَساجَ الحُقوقَ وَحاطَ العُهود

8. Three creeds in one hollow
That pound mountains and raze iron to dust;

٨. لَقَد غَيَّبوا فيكَ أَمضى السُيوفِ
فَهَل أَنتَ يا قَبرُ أَوفى الغُمود

9. They sat and became a sturdy foundation
Upon which the splendid structure was erected.

٩. ثَلاثُ عَقائِدَ في حُفرَةٍ
تَدُكُّ الجِبالَ وَتوهي الحَديد

10. Do not forget the favors of yesterday-
Lo! Yesterday is the foundation of existence.

١٠. قَعَدنَ فَكُنَّ الأَساسَ المَتينَ
وَقامَ عَلَيها البِناءُ المَشيد

11. Were it not for decay in the corners of tombs
No antiquity would manifest itself to be renewed.

١١. فَلا تَنسَ أَمسِ وَآلاءَهُ
أَلا إِنَّ أَمسِ أَساسُ الوُجود

12. Whoever seeks the qualities from their treasure,
Let them know that creed is an ancient treasure,

١٢. وَلَولا البِلى في زَوايا القُبورِ
لَما ظَهَرَت جِدَّةٌ لِلمُهود

13. Learned through steadfastness or constancy-
The coolness of men, and the passion of the ardent.

١٣. وَمَن طَلَبَ الخُلقَ مِن كَنزِهِ
فَإِنَّ العَقيدَةَ كَنزٌ عَتيد

14. Hounded by politics from youth,
The hounded one deserves to take his rest.

١٤. تَعَلَّمَ بِالصَبرِ أَو بِالثَباتِ
جَليدُ الرِجالِ وَغَيرُ الجَليد

15. You encountered its wiles,
And nothing contrives cunning like politics.

١٥. طَريدَ السِياسَةِ مُنذُ الشَبابِ
لَقَد آنَ أَن يَستَريحَ الطَريد

16. You took on what no soul can endure
And exceeded the utmost effort.

١٦. لَقيتَ الدَواهِيَ مِن كَيدِها
وَما كَالسِياسَةِ داهٍ يَكيد

17. You were tossed into the fire like pure gold
And exiled like the unique pearl.

١٧. حَمَلتَ عَلى النَفسِ ما لا يُطا
قُ وَجاوَزَتِ المُسَتَطاعَ الجُهود

18. Do you remember when you were under the banner
Of the prophet, eminent in status, restraining the multitudes?

١٨. وَقُلِّبتَ في النارِ مِثلَ النُضا
رِ وَغُرِّبتَ مِثلَ الجُمانِ الفَريد

19. When you looked upon the two banks,
Perhaps the countryside beckoned to you and the floodplains stirred;

١٩. أَتَذكُرُ إِذ أَنتَ تَحتَ اللِواءِ
نَبيهَ المَكانَةِ لِجَمَّ العَديد

20. The wind shook your shoulders
And the earth slid from the jostling throng.

٢٠. إِذا ما تَطَلَّعتَ في الشاطِئَينِ
رَبا الريفُ وَاِفتَنَّ فيكَ الصَعيد

21. Missives pouring with elegant prose
And making one forget the epistles of Abdel Hamid.

٢١. وَهَزَّ النَدِيُّ لَكَ المَنكِبَينِ
وَراحَ الثَرى مِن زِحامٍ يَميد

22. The elders of sanctuaries know them like hadith
While the youth memorize them like chanting.

٢٢. رَسائِلُ تُذري بِسَجعِ البَديعِ
وَتُنسي رَسائِلَ عَبدِ الحَميد

23. Why then did events deny them?
The passage of time and the passing of generations?

٢٣. يَعيها شُيوخُ الحِمى كَالحَديثِ
وَيَحفَظُها النَشءُ حِفظَ النَشيد

24. The people forgot the recent past;
Will its narratives have someone to repeat them?

٢٤. فَما بالُها نَكِرَتها الأُمورُ
وَطولُ المَدى وَاِنتِقالُ الجُدود

25. They say: What business has Abou Nasser
With the Turks or the Indians?

٢٥. لَقَد نَسِيَ القَومُ أَمسِ القَريبَ
فَهَل لِأَحاديثِهِ مِن مُعيد

26. Why take on the concerns of kin
And the concerns of distant people?

٢٦. يَقولونَ ما لِأَبي ناصِرٍ
وَلِلتُركِ ما شَأنُهُ وَالهُنود

27. So I said: How does it harm you
If the Muslims have a rightly-guided leader?

٢٧. وَفيمَ تَحَمَّلَ هَمَّ القَريبِ
مِنَ المُسلِمينَ وَهَمَّ البَعيد

28. Do you think it too much they have one
When the ancients left heirs to the iron?

٢٨. فَقُلتُ وَما ضَرَّكُم أَن يَقومَ
مِنَ المُسلِمينَ إِمامٌ رَشيد

29. He strove to reconcile hearts
And did not return to the guidance of the Revered Book.

٢٩. أَتَستَكثِرونَ لَهُم واحِداً
وَلّى القَديمُ نَصيرَ الحَديد

30. He tightened the bonds of religion in his land
And called the unbelievers to God.

٣٠. سَعى لِيُؤَلِّفَ بَينَ القُلوبِ
فَلَم يَعدُ هَديَ الكِتابِ المَجيد

31. And the people, even beyond the wastelands,
Have preachers who sing and missionaries who guide.

٣١. يَشُدُّ عُرا الدينِ في دارِهِ
وَيَدعو إِلى اللَهِ أَهلَ الجُحود

32. May God reward a beneficent king
Merciful of heart and kind of vein,

٣٢. وَلِلقَومِ حَتّى وَراءَ القِفارِ
دُعاةٌ تُغَنّى وَرُسلٌ تَشيد

33. As if eloquence in his days
Was like the sciences in the shade of the Rightly Guided,

٣٣. جَزى اللَهُ مَلكاً مِنَ المُحسِنين
رَؤوفُ الفُؤادِ رحيمُ الوَريد

34. Healing the wounds of the generous
And seeking them out in the corners of exile.

٣٤. كَأَنَّ البَيانَ بِأَيّامِهِ
أَوِ العِلمَ تَحتَ ظِلالِ الرَشيد

35. He sheltered your family from their time
And showed them favor in terrible tribulation.

٣٥. يُداوي نَداهُ جِراحَ الكِرامِ
وَيُدرِكُهُم في زَوايا اللُحود

36. The orphaned girl under his care
And he wiped away the tears of the orphan boy.

٣٦. أَجارَ عِيالَكَ مِن دَهرِهِم
وَجامَلَهُم في البَلاءِ الشَديد

37. Greetings Abou Nasser in the dust
That makes the dust envy the meadows.

٣٧. تَوَلّى الوَليدَةُ في يُتمِها
وَكَفكَفَ بِالعَطفِ دَمعَ الوَليد

38. You went far and the mail between us grew distant;
Can there be mail between the living and the dead?

٣٨. سَلامٌ أَبا ناصِرٍ في التُراب
يُعيرُ التُرابَ رَفيفَ الوُرود

39. Yes, between us are the messengers of memories
And the past that haunts and the tears that flow,

٣٩. بَعُدتَ وَعَزَّ إِلَيكَ البَريدُ
وَهَل بَينَ حَيٍّ وَمَيتٍ بَريد

40. And thoughts-if life has tamed them-
Still loiter in the valley of annihilation.

٤٠. أَجَل بَينَنا رُسلُ الذِكرَياتِ
وَماضٍ يُطيفُ وَدَمعٌ يَجود

41. Yes, between us is the perpetual saddle-wood
Though its rider does not return.

٤١. وَفِكرٌ وَإِن عَقَلَتهُ الحَياةُ
يَظَلُّ بِوادي المَنايا يَرود

42. Time has passed as it followed after tears,
Established in governing the deserts.

٤٢. أَجَل بَينَنا الخُشُبُ الدائِباتُ
وَإِن كانَ راكِبُها لا يُعود

43. How often it has borne downpours that pour
And how often it has nurtured creeping insects!

٤٣. مَضى الدَهرُ وَهيَ وَراءَ الدُموعِ
قِيامٌ بِمُلكِ الصَحارى قُعود

44. I conjure you by death-will you tell me:
Are you wretched in it or happy?

٤٤. وَكَم حَمَلَت مِن صَديدٍ يَسيلُ
وَكَم وَضَعَت مِن حِناشٍ وَدود

45. And how can the stranger be called a man
A guest of forebears, lodging at ancestral homes?

٤٥. نَشَدتُكَ بِالمَوتِ إِلّا أَبَنتَ
أَأَنتَ شَقِيٌّ بِهِ أَم سَعيد

46. How can it be said of the neighbor of ghosts
The neighbor of endings, the one and only?

٤٦. وَكَيفَ يُسَمّى الغَريبَ اِمرُؤٌ
نَزيلُ الأُبُوَّةِ ضَيفُ الجُدود

٤٧. وَكَيفَ يُقالُ لِجارِ الأَوائِ
لِ جارِ الأَواخِرِ ناءٍ وَحيد