1. I swear by the veiled one
And the perfumed garden
١. حَلَفتُ بِالمُسَتَّرَه
وَالرَوضَةِ المُعَطَّرَه
2. And the assembly of Zahra in the
Enlightened courtyards
٢. وَمَجلِسِ الزَهراءِ في ال
حَظائِرِ المُنَوَّرَه
3. The tombs of the good lineage
The purified and sanctified
٣. مَراقِدِ السُلالَةِ ال
طَيِّبَةِ المُطَهَّرَه
4. They did not go down into the ground
Yesterday except as radiant
٤. ما أَنزَلوا إِلى الثَرى
بِالأَمسِ إِلّا نَيِّرَه
5. Walk with her pure
Pious and justified
٥. سيروا بِها نَقِيَّةً
تَقِيَّةً مُبَرَّرَه
6. We cover the bier of her coffin
Like a prepared shroud
٦. نُجِلُّ سِترَ نَعشِها
كَالكُسوَةِ المُسَيَّرَه
7. And we pick paradise from
Its green trees
٧. وَنَنشُقُ الجَنَّةَ مِن
أَعوادِهِ المُنَضَّرَه
8. In a procession where truth appeared
Leave the soldiers, the notables
٨. في مَوكِبٍ تَمَثَّلَ ال
حَقُّ فَكانَ مَظهَرَه
9. And the delegations present
And every fake tear
٩. دَعِ الجُنودَ وَالبُنو
دَ وَالوُفودَ المُحضَرَه
10. And feigned agony
Nothing benefits the dead except
١٠. وَكُلَّ دَمعٍ كَذِبٍ
وَلَوعَةٍ مُزَوَّرَه
11. Good deeds stored
The dome may be raised over
١١. لا يَنفَعُ المَيتَ سِوى
صالِحَةٍ مُدَّخَرَه
12. The house of God above the fences
Oh the sorrow of knowledge over
١٢. قَد تُرفَعُ السوقَةُ عِن
دَ اللَهِ فَوقَ القَيصَرَه
13. The tranquility of the revered one
It became in a desolate quarter
١٣. يا جَزَعَ العِلمِ عَلى
سُكَينَةِ المُوَقَّرَه
14. Of it and a deserted house
Who can console this
١٤. أَمسى بِرَبعٍ موحِشٍ
مِنها وَدارٍ مُقفِرَه
15. Weeping university
If she had lived, she would have supported
١٥. مَن ذا يُؤَسّي هَذِهِ ال
جامِعَةَ المُستَعبَرَه
16. The liberated woman like her
She built its pillars as
١٦. لَو عِشتِ شِدتِ مِثلَها
لِلمَرأَةِ المُحَرَّرَه
17. Your father the renowned builds
She combined each stone
١٧. بَنَيتِ رُكنَيها كَما
يَبني أَبوكِ المَأثُرَه
18. In its foundation with a jewel
A pride for your house
١٨. قَرَنتِ كُلَّ حِجرِ
في أُسِّها بِجَوهَرَه
19. As many prides before her
O Daughter of Ismail, for the dead
١٩. مَفخَرَةٌ لِبَيتِكُم
كَم قَبلَها مِن مَفخَرَه
20. A living one sees him
Did this world have any
٢٠. يا بِنتَ إِسماعيلِ في ال
مَيتِ لِحَيٍّ تَبصِرَه
21. Value in your house
Why didn't you describe it to us
٢١. أَكانَ عِندَ بَيتِكُم
لِهَذِهِ الدُنيا تِرَه
22. Coming and going
Its clear color
٢٢. هَلّا وَصَفتِها لَنا
مُقبِلَةً وَمُدبِرَه
23. And its bitter taste
Like a dream, illusion, shadow or flower
٢٣. وَلَونَها صافِيَةً
وَطَعمَها مُكَدَّرَه
24. Fatima, whoever is born will die
The cradle is the bridge to the grave
٢٤. كَالحِلمِ أَو كَالوَهمِ أَو
كَالظِلِّ أَو كَالزَهَرَه
25. And every soul tomorrow
Is dead and then resurrected
٢٥. فاطِمُ مَن يولَدُ يَمُت
المَهدُ جِسرُ المَقبَرَه
26. And he who does good or evil will see it
And only the heedless is alerted at the death rattle
٢٦. وَكُلُّ نَفسٍ في غَدٍ
مَيِّتَةٌ فَمُنشَرَه
27. He spits it out while it was
Sweet in his mouth
٢٧. وَإِنَّهُ مَن يَعمَلِ ال
خَيرَ أَوِ الشَرَّ يَرَه
28. This ball will continue
From hand to hand
٢٨. وَإِنَّما يُنَبَّهُ ال
غافِلُ عِندَ الغَرغَرَه
29. Where is your father's money
Status, and power
٢٩. يَلفِظُها حَنظَلَةً
كانَت بِفيهِ سُكَّرَه
30. The valley of Nada and its rain
And its flowing spring
٣٠. وَلَن تَزالَ مِن يَدٍ
إِلى يَدٍ هَذي الكُرَه
31. Where are the palaces and mansions
And the languid homes
٣١. أَينَ أَبوكِ مالُهُ
وَجاهُهُ وَالمَقدِرَه
32. Where are the white nights and the
Saffron dawns
٣٢. وادي النَدى وَغَيثُهُ
وَعَينُهُ المُفَجَّرَه
33. And where is in the corner of the country his
Everlasting hand
٣٣. أَينَ الأُمورُ وَالقُصو
رُ وَالبُدورُ المُخدَرَه
34. And where is that determined ambition
That accomplished and prepared
٣٤. أَينَ اللَيالي البيضُ وَال
أَصائِلُ المُزَعفَرَه
35. Seeking to colonize Egypt or more
Where is time in relation to it
٣٥. وَأَينَ في رُكنِ البِلا
دِ يَدَهُ المُعَمِّرَه
36. It countered and stumbled it
So if you are determined, remember
٣٦. وَأَينَ تِلكَ الهِمَّةُ ال
ماضِيَةُ المُشَمِّرَه
37. The predetermined destinies
Those who do not endure, people do not
٣٧. تَبغي لِمِصرَ الشَرقُ أَو
أَكثَرَهُ مُستَعمَرَه
38. Seek excuses
٣٨. جَرى الزَمانُ دونَها
فَرَدَّهُ وَأَعثَرَه
٣٩. فَإِن هَمَمتَ فَاِذكُرِ ال
مَقادِرَ المُقَدَّرَه
٤٠. مَن لا يُصِب فَالناسُ لا
يَلتَمِسونَ المَعذِرَه