1. O you who has chosen Aswan as home
Like a dove you wish to settle
١. أَيُّها المُنتَحي بِأَسوانَ داراً
كَالثُرَيّا تُريدُ أَن تَنقَضّا
2. Take off your shoes and lower your gaze and be humble
Do not try to comprehend the signs of fate
٢. اِخلَعِ النَعلَ وَاِخفِضِ الطَرفَ وَاِخشَع
لا تُحاوِل مِن آيَةِ الدَهرِ غَضّا
3. Stop at those palaces submerged in the sea
Some holding others in fear
٣. قِف بِتِلكَ القُصورِ في اليَمِّ غَرقى
مُمسِكاً بَعضُها مِنَ الذُعرِ بَعضا
4. Like maidens hidden in the water decently
Swimming in it with hands outstretched
٤. كَعَذارى أَخفَينَ في الماءِ بَضّاً
سابِحاتٍ بِهِ وَأَبدَينَ بَضّا
5. Overlooking sunset, they once overlooked
The stars rising high
٥. مُشرِفاتٍ عَلى الزَوالِ وَكانَت
مُشرِفاتٍ عَلى الكَواكِبِ نَهضا
6. Time has aged around them but the arts
Of youth are still fresh
٦. شابَ مِن حَولِها الزَمانُ وَشابَت
وَشَبابُ الفُنونِ مازالَ غَضّا
7. Murals as if the painter just yesterday
Brushed them off with his hands
٧. رُبَّ نَقشٍ كَأَنَّما نَفَضَ الصا
نِعُ مِنهُ اليَدَينِ بِالأَمسِ نَفضا
8. And paints glossy as oil, squeezed
By lamps and oil abundantly
٨. وَدُهانٍ كَلامِعِ الزَيتِ مَرَّت
أَعصُرٌ بِالسِراجِ وَالزَيتِ وُضّا
9. And lines as if they are the ridges of sand dunes
Perfect in workmanship, length and width
٩. وَخُطوطٍ كَأَنَّها هُدبُ ريمٍ
حَسُنَت صَنعَةً وَطولاً وَعَرضا
10. Sacrifices that could nearly walk and graze
If given life by God's power for but a moment
١٠. وَضَحايا تَكادُ تَمشي وَتَرعى
لَو أَصابَت مِن قُدرَةِ اللَهِ نَبضا
11. And prayer niches like celestial towers built
With the resolve of jinn, solid and firm
١١. وَمَحاريبَ كَالبُروجِ بَنَتها
عَزَماتٌ مِن عَزمَةِ الجِنِّ أَمضى
12. Some were built by the Pharaohs with devotion
And others by foreigners who sought favor
١٢. شَيَّدَت بَعضَها الفَراعينُ زُلفى
وَبَنى البَعضَ أَجنَبٌ يَتَرَضّى
13. With powder of musk instead of brick dust
And rubies instead of gravel
١٣. وَمَقاصيرُ أُبدِلَت بِفُتاتِ ال
مِسكِ تُرباً وَبِاليَواقيتِ قَضّا
14. Their fortune today is neglect, though long ago
They rose high and fell low
١٤. حَظُّها اليَومَ هَدَّةٌ وَقَديماً
صُرِّفَت في الحُظوظِ رَفعاً وَخَفضا
15. They brought good fortune and misfortune to the lands
Until misfortune came to them in full
١٥. سَقَتِ العالَمينَ بِالسَعدِ وَالنَخ
سِ إِلى أَن تَعاطَتِ النَحسَ مَحضا
16. Artistry that astounds minds and mastery
That excellence was a duty upon the people
١٦. صَنعَةٌ تُدهِشُ العُقولَ وَفَنٌّ
كانَ إِتقانُهُ عَلى القَومِ فَرضا
17. O palaces whose sight, as they perish,
Made me shed tears, for truth must perish
١٧. يا قُصوراً نَظَرتُها وَهيَ تَقضي
فَسَكَبتُ الدُموعَ وَالحَقُّ يُقضى
18. You are a line, and Egypt's glory is a book
How did decay make your book dissolve?
١٨. أَنتِ سَطرٌ وَمَجدُ مِصرَ كِتابٌ
كَيفَ سامَ البِلى كِتابَكَ فَضّا
19. I pride myself on Egypt's history
Who preserves their people's glory protects their honor
١٩. وَأَنا المُحتَفي بِتاريخِ مِصرٍ
مَن يَصُن مَجدَ قَومِهِ صانَ عِرضا
20. Many secrets beside you have disappeared
That even the Pharaoh's concealed
٢٠. رُبَّ سِرٍّ بِجانِبَيكَ مُزالٍ
كانَ حَتّى عَلى الفَراعينِ غُمضا
21. Say in prayer, though in vain:
O heavens of glory, if only you would become earth
٢١. قُل لَها في الدُعاءِ لَو كانَ يُجدي
يا سَماءَ الجِلالِ لا صِرتِ أَرضا
22. Engineers were perplexed by you, their minds failed
And the determination of scholars grew sick
٢٢. حارَ فيكِ المُهَندِسونَ عُقولاً
وَتَوَلَّت عَزائِمُ العِلمِ مَرضى
23. Where is the king in front of whom you stood, unique
In prosperity's order, brought to nothingness?
٢٣. أَينَ مَلِكٌ حِيالَها وَفَريدٌ
مِن نِظامِ النَعيمِ أَصبَحَ فَضا
24. Where is Pharaoh in processions, horses
Appearing to gallop like steeds?
٢٤. أَينَ فِرعَونُ في المَواكِبِ تَترى
يَركُضُ المالِكينَ كَالخَيلِ رَكضا
25. He led the conquest of kingdoms with pride
And rose high in glory and esteem
٢٥. ساقَ لِلفَتحِ في المَمالِكِ عَرضاً
وَجَلا لِلفَخارِ في السِلمِ عَرضا
26. Where is Isis, under whom the Nile flows?
She ruled over both banks and width
٢٦. أَينَ إيزيسَ تَحتَها النيلُ يَجري
حَكَمَت فيهِ شاطِئَينِ وَعَرضا
27. Priests and kings lower their gaze at her ruins
And bow their heads down low
٢٧. أَسدَلَ الطَرفَ كاهِنٌ وَمَليكٌ
في ثَراها وَأَرسَلَ الرَأسَ خَفضا
28. Rulers are displayed as captives before her
In the shackles of humiliation, miserable and scorned
٢٨. يُعرَضُ المالِكونَ أَسرى عَلَيها
في قُيودِ الهَوانِ عانينَ جَرضى
29. Now she is without protector, complaining
Of the blows of fate, unceasing
٢٩. ما لَها أَصبَحَت بِغَيرِ مُجيرٍ
تَشتَكي مِن نَوائِبِ الدَهرِ عَضّا
30. She is captive between rock and sea
A queen imprisoned atop rubble
٣٠. هِيَ في الأَسرِ بَينَ صَخرٍ وَبَحرٍ
مُلكَةٌ في السُجونِ فَوقَ حَضوضى
31. Where is Horus amidst sword and flail?
Was this how he was destined to die?
٣١. أَينَ هوروسُ بَينَ سَيفٍ وَنِطعٍ
أَبِهَذا في شَرعِهِم كانَ يُقضى
32. I wonder if he died a martyr of love
Or was it the treacherous who enviously struck him down?
٣٢. لَيتَ شِعري قَضى شَهيدَ غَرامٍ
أَم رَماهُ الوُشاةُ حِقداً وَبُغضا
33. Many lashes of Pharaoh's whip pass
Less severe than the pain of separation
٣٣. رُبَّ ضَربٍ مِن سَوطِ فِرعَونَ مَضٍّ
دونَ فِعلِ الفِراقِ بِالنَفسِ مَضّا
34. And death by his sword, willingly
Less than the sword of longing one suffers
٣٤. وَهَلاكٍ بِسَيفِهِ وَهوَ قانٍ
دونَ سَيفٍ مِنَ اللَواحِظِ يُنضى
35. They killed him, is there no story
Where is the narrator in prose or verse?
٣٥. قَتَلوهُ فَهَل لِذاكَ حَديثٌ
أَينَ راوي الحَديثِ نَثراً وَقَرضا
36. O leader of nations past and present
You will be praised, be pleased
٣٦. يا إِمامَ الشُعوبِ بِالأَمسِ وَاليَو
مِ سَتُعطى مِنَ الثَناءِ فَتَرضى
37. Egypt is home to those of generous character
Protector of protection, Hatim of nobility
٣٧. مِصرُ بِالنازِلينَ مِن ساحِ مَعنٍ
وَحِمى الجودِ حاتِمُ الجودِ أَفضى
38. Be a supporter of its people and their ally
And offer sincere advice after that entirely
٣٨. كُن ظَهيراً لِأَهلِها وَنَصيراً
وَاِبذُلِ النُصحَ بَعدَ ذَلِكَ مَحضا
39. Tell those over the provinces, if tested
By destitution, the land tastes bitter fruit
٣٩. قُل لِقَومٍ عَلى الوِلاياتِ أَيقا
ظٍ إِذا ذاقَتِ البَرِيَّةُ غُمضا
40. It is the Nile's way, if constrained, to overflow
They frustrated it, so it forsook its course
٤٠. شيمَةُ النيلِ أَن يَفي وَعَجيبٌ
أَحرَجوهُ فَضَيَّعَ العَهدَ نَقضا
41. It encompassed the water, a generous catch
If only the Nile would flood during drought
٤١. حاشَهُ الماءُ فَهوَ صَيدٌ كَريمٌ
لَيتَ بِالنيلِ يَومَ يَسقُطُ غَيضا
42. It built, but wealth and knowledge are little
Save it with money and knowledge in return
٤٢. شيدَ وَالمالُ وَالعُلومُ قَليلٌ
أَنقَذوهُ بِالمالِ وَالعِلمِ نَقضا