
People follow the world,

الناس للدنيا تبع

1. People follow the world,
And whoever befriends it has partisans.

١. الناسُ لِلدُنيا تَبَع
وَلِمَن تُحالِفُهُ شِيَع

2. Do not go to sleep hoping for tomorrow,
For the one asleep may be awakened.

٢. لا تَهجَعَنَّ إِلى الزَما
نِ فَقَد يُنَبَّهُ مَن هَجَع

3. Show patience in adversities
Lest sorrow overwhelm you.

٣. وَاِربَأ بِحِلمِكَ في النَوا
زِلِ أَن يُلِمَّ بِهِ الجَزَع

4. Do not lose hope though
Time goes by, for many have returned.

٤. لا تَخلُ مِن أَمَلٍ إِذا
ذَهَب الزَمانُ فَكَم رَجَع

5. Make the most of all your means,
For success comes to one who benefits others.

٥. وَاِنفَع بِوُسعِكَ كُلِّهِ
إِنَّ المُوَفَّقَ مَن نَفَع

6. Egypt built a pillar for her destiny
Raised high as a star.

٦. مِصرٌ بِنَت لِقَضائِها
رُكناً عَلى النَجمِ اِرتَفَع

7. In it her independence took refuge
And with it was fortified and denied access.

٧. فيهِ اِحتَمى اِستِقلالُها
وَبِهِ تَحَصَّنَ وَاِمتَنَع

8. So let it and let us be softened
That destiny has taken it upon itself.

٨. فَليَهنِها وَليَهنِنا
أَنَّ القَضاءَ بِهِ اِضطَلَع

9. God protected its men
From what would debase or demean them.

٩. اللَهُ صانَ رِجالَهُ
مِمّا يُدَنِّسُ أَو يَضَع

10. They followed the path of Munthir
And Abu Hanifa in piety.

١٠. ساروا بِسيرَةِ مُنذِرٍ
وَأَبي حَنيفَةَ في الوَرَع

11. As if the days of destiny entirely
Were a gathering with them.

١١. وَكَأَنَّ أَيّامَ القَضا
ءِ جَميعُها بِهِمُ الجُمَع

12. Say to the honorable Muraqus:
You are the sincere one by nature.

١٢. قُل لِلمُبَرَّإِ مُرقُصٍ
أَنتَ النَقِيُّ مِنَ الطَبَع

13. This destiny cast you
With good fortune and withdrew you.

١٣. هَذا القَضاءُ رَماكَ بِال
يُمنى وَبِاليُسرى نَزَع

14. This is the destiny of God carried out.
The government's role is to follow it.

١٤. هَذا قَضاءُ اللَهِ مُم
تَثَلُ الحُكومَةِ مُتَّبَع

15. Return to honorable lawyering
With the fervor of a longing lover.

١٥. عُد لِلمُحاماةِ الشَري
فَةِ عَودَ مُشتاقٍ وَلِع

16. And wear your robe pure
As the robe of Muraqus in selling.

١٦. وَاِلبَس رِداءَكَ طاهِراً
كَرِداءِ مُرقُصَ في البِيَع

17. Repel from the oppressed and deprived
More eloquently than any could repel.

١٧. وَاِدفَع عَنِ المَظلومِ وَال
مَحرومِ أَبلَغَ مَن دَفَع

18. And forgive the envier of a blessing
Who harmed you yesterday or assailed you.

١٨. وَاِغفِر لِحاسِدِ نِعمَةٍ
بِالأَمسِ نالَكَ أَو وَقَع

19. There is nothing in life either to be consoled
Or reckoned, so unencumbered expand.

١٩. ما في الحَياةِ لِأَن تُعا
تِبَ أَو تُحاسِبَ مُتَّسَع