1. I weep for you, O Egypt, with copious tears
After remembering brings comfort to the grieving soul
١. أَبكيكَ إِسماعيلَ مِصرَ وَفي البُكا
بَعدَ التَذَكُّرِ راحَةُ المُستَعبِرِ
2. And part of doing you justice is that I
Aspire to your glory and enduring bliss
٢. وَمِنَ القِيامِ بِبَعضِ حَقِّكَ أَنَّني
أَرقى لِعِزِّكَ وَالنَعيمِ المُدبِرِ
3. Are these the houses of Rome that you have occupied
After the splendid palaces of Caesar?
٣. هَذي بُيوتُ الرومِ كَيفَ سَكَنتَها
بَعدَ القُصورِ المُزرِياتِ بِقَيصَرِ
4. And among the wonders is that you yourself have diminished
While time in its cruelty did not fail you
٤. وَمِنَ العَجائِبِ أَنَّ نَفسَكَ أَقصَرَت
وَالدَهرُ في إِحراجِها لَم يُقصِرِ
5. It kept emptying you of all your dwellings
Until you were driven to the most barren place
٥. ما زالَ يُخلي مِنكَ كُلَّ مَحِلَّةٍ
حَتّى دُفِعتَ إِلى المَكانِ الأَقفَرِ
6. Time looked upon all your abodes
As al-Rashid looked upon Ja'far's dwellings
٦. نَظَرَ الزَمانُ إِلى دِيارِكَ كُلِّها
نَظَرَ الرَشيدِ إِلى مَنازِلِ جَعفَرِ