
The sky flirts with the stars,

سما يناغي الشهبا

1. The sky flirts with the stars,
Did a spark touch it and make it blaze?

١. سَما يُناغي الشُهُبا
هَل مَسَّها فَاِلتَهَبا

2. Like limpets they clung
To the seas, watching.

٢. كَالدَيدَبانِ أَلزَمو
هُ في البِحارِ مَرقَبا

3. He bid farewell to a ship
And stood to meet another ship.

٣. شَيَّعَ مِنهُ مَركَباً
وَقامَ يَلقى مَركَبا

4. He gave good tidings of the house and
The people of the hidden place of pilgrimage.

٤. بَشَّرَ بِالدارِ وَبِال
أَهلِ السُراةَ الغُيَّبا

5. With light he drew upon
The tablet of darkness, "Welcome!"

٥. وَخَطَّ بِالنورِ عَلى
لَوحِ الظَلامِ مَرحَبا

6. Like the twinkling bright lightning
That flashes and is gone.

٦. كَالبارِقِ المُلِحِّ لَم
يُوَلَّ إِلّا عَقَّبا

7. O Lord of the night in which
You did not taste sleep or joy.

٧. يا رُبَّ لَيلٍ لَم تَذُق
فيهِ الرُقادَ طَرَبا

8. We stay awake, watching over it
As the pilgrims watch the stars.

٨. بِتنا نُراعيهِ كَما
يَرعى السُراةُ الكَوكَبا

9. A happiness known
To people if they are fathers.

٩. سَعادَةٌ يَعرِفُها
في الناسِ مَن كانَ أَبا

10. He walked upon the water and came
Like Jesus the miracle worker.

١٠. مَشى عَلى الماءِ وَجا
بَ كَالمَسيحِ العَبَبا

11. He stood in his place
Seeking, searching.

١١. وَقامَ في مَوضِعِهِ
مُستَشرِفاً مُنَقِّبا

12. He aims into the darkness
Confused, wavering.

١٢. يَرمي إِلى الظَلامِ طَر
فاً حائِراً مُذَبذَبا

13. Like a seer, he turned his
Eyes in the gloom and examined.

١٣. كَمُبصِرٍ أَدارَ عَي
ناً في الدُجى وَقَلَّبا

14. Like the blind man's vision
He saw in the dark and ascended.

١٤. كَبَصَرِ الأَعشى أَصا
بَ في الظَلامِ وَنَبا

15. Like a lamp in the hand of the wind
He illuminated and disappeared.

١٥. وَكالسِراجِ في يَدِ الري
حِ أَضاءَ وَخَبا

16. Like a spark of inspiration
That came and went.

١٦. كَلَمحَةٍ مِن خاطِرٍ
ما جاءَ حَتّى ذَهَبا

17. Avoiding the world in
His isolation, avoided.

١٧. مُجتَنِبُ العالَمِ في
عُزلَتِهِ مُجتَنَبا

18. Except for a sail gone astray
Or a ship battered by calms.

١٨. إِلّا شِراعاً ضَلَّ أَو
فُلكاً يُقاسي العَطَبا

19. The keeper of oblivion was
A refined man.

١٩. وَكانَ حارِسُ الفَنا
رِ رَجُلاً مُهَذَّبا

20. He loved life and loved
Living, easy and good.

٢٠. يَهوى الحَياةَ وَيُحِبُّ
العَيشَ سَهلاً طَيِّبا

21. Years passed him by
Exiled and estranged.

٢١. أَتَت عَلَيهِ سَنَوا
تٌ مُبعَداً مُغتَرِبا

22. He did not see his wife
Or his beloved son in them.

٢٢. لَم يَرَ فيها زَوجَهُ
وَلا اِبنَهُ المُحَبَّبا

23. He had watched fate
And understood what fate decreed.

٢٣. وَكانَ قَد رَعى الخَطي
بَ وَوَعى ما خَطَبا

24. So he said, "O keeper of emptiness,
Abandon discontent and complaining.

٢٤. فَقالَ يا حارِسُ خَل
لِ السُخطَ وَالتَعَتُّبا

25. Who will help people when
Each is called but refuses?

٢٥. مَن يُسعِفُ الناسَ إِذا
نودِيَ كُلٌّ فَأَبى

26. People are my brothers, not
Adam my father.

٢٦. ما الناسُ إِخوَتي وَلا
آدَمُ كانَ لي أَبا

27. Look at me, see how I fulfill
What is obligatory for them.

٢٧. أُنظُر إِلَيَّ كَيفَ أَق
ضي لَهُمُ ما وَجَبا

28. I have lived in serving them
And you do not see me weary.

٢٨. قَد عِشتُ في خِدمَتِهِم
وَلا تَراني تَعِبا

29. How many drowning have I stood
At their heads, healing.

٢٩. كَم مِن غَريقٍ قُمتُ عِن
دَ رَأسِهِ مُطَبِّبا

30. Their bodies were still
I stirred them and they shook.

٣٠. وَكانَ جِسماً هامِداً
حَرَّكتُهُ فَاِضطَرَبا

31. I bent my shoulders for them
To climb up and mount.

٣١. وَكُنتُ وَطَّأتُ لَهُ
مَناكِبي فَرَكِبا

32. Until they came to shore, delighted
And welcoming what they found.

٣٢. حَتّى أَتى الشَطَّ فَبَش
شَ مَن بِهِ وَرَحَّبا

33. They chased me away, so I returned
Losing, disappointed.

٣٣. وَطارَدوني فَاِنقَلَب
تُ خاسِراً مُخَيِّبا

34. I did not get any silver from them
Nor was I given gold.

٣٤. ما نلتُ مِنهُم فِضَّةً
وَلا مُنِحتُ ذَهَبا

35. What a reward! Strange
Was the reward!

٣٥. وَما الجَزاءُ لا تَسَل
كانَ الجَزاءُ عَجَبا

36. They threw a net over me
And chopped me to pieces.

٣٦. أَلقَوا عَلَيَّ شَبَكاً
وَقَطَّعوني إِرَبا

37. The craftsmen took from
My fat good lamp oil.

٣٧. وَاِتَّخَذَ الصُنّاعُ مِن
شَحمِيَ زَيتاً طَيِّبا

38. And their aid to me
Kept taking away my life.

٣٨. وَلَم يَزَل إِسعافُهُم
لِيَ الحَياةَ مَذهَبا

39. And my good-natured deeds
Remained beloved.

٣٩. وَلَم يَزَل سَجِيَّتي
وَعَمَلي المُحَبَّبا

40. If I heard a scream
I would dash to it, thrilled.

٤٠. إِذا سَمِعتُ صَرخَةً
طِرتُ إِلَيها طَرَبا

41. I do not find one who helps
Except an honored angel.

٤١. لا أَجِدُ المُسعِفَ
إِلّا مَلَكاً مُقَرَّبا

42. And the helpers, tomorrow,
Will join a procession.

٤٢. وَالمُسعِفونَ في غَدٍ
يُؤَلِّفونَ مَوكِبا

43. Paradise will say to them,
"Come, enter the welcome!"

٤٣. يَقولُ رِضوانُ لَهُم
هَيّا أَدخلوها مَرحَبا

44. "Your sins,
God has forgiven whatever you did."

٤٤. مُذنِبُكُم قَد غَفَرَ
اللَهُ لَهُ ما أَذنَبا