
A life we do not want a companion for,

حياة ما نريد لها زيالا

1. A life we do not want a companion for,
And a world we do not wish to depart from,

١. حَياةٌ ما نُريدُ لَها زِيالا
وَدُنيا لا نَوَدُّ لَها اِنتِقالا

2. And a living amidst the fundamentals of death is poisonous,
Even if its essence extends shade.

٢. وَعَيشٌ في أُصولِ المَوتِ سَمٌّ
عُصارَتُهُ وَإِن بَسَطَ الظِلالا

3. And days that fly with us like clouds,
And even if they seem to creep slowly.

٣. وَأَيّامٌ تَطيرُ بِنا سَحاباً
وَإِن خيلَت تَدِبُّ بِنا نِمالا

4. We show it in conscience passion and love,
And we let it hear complaining and boredom.

٤. نُريها في الضَميرِ هَوىً وَحُبّاً
وَنُسمِعُها التَبرُّمَ وَالمَلالا

5. Short when we frolic in it,
Long when we cut it off with deeds.

٥. قِصارٌ حينَ نَجري اللَهوَ فيها
طِوالٌ حينَ نَقطَعُها فِعالا

6. And life did not weary us, but
The crowds of evil narrowed its scope.

٦. وَلَم تَضُقِ الحَياةُ بِنا وَلَكِن
زِحامُ السوءِ ضَيَّقَها مَجالا

7. And it did not kill its children with comfort,
But they raced death, fighting.

٧. وَلَم تَقتُل بِراحَتِها بَنيها
وَلَكِن سابَقوا المَوتَ اِقتِتالا

8. If people increased life with effort,
And sincerity, it would increase their beauty.

٨. وَلَو زادَ الحَياةَ الناسُ سَعياً
وَإِخلاصاً لَزادَتهُم جَمالا

9. As if God, when He divided great things,
Reserved perfection for the people of duty.

٩. كَأنَّ اللَهَ إِذ قَسَمَ المَعالي
لِأَهلِ الواجِبِ اِدَّخَرَ الكَمالا

10. You see them serious, and you do not see them
Obsessed with trivialities and busyness.

١٠. تَرى جِدّاً وَلَستَ تَرى عَلَيهِم
وُلوعاً بِالصَغائِرِ وَاِشتِغالا

11. And they are not the most luxurious of the living,
But the most blissful of the living.

١١. وَلَيسوا أَرغَدَ الأَحياءِ عَيشاً
وَلَكِن أَنعَمَ الأَحياءِ بالا

12. When they act, they are the best of people in action,
And if they speak, they are the most eloquent in speech.

١٢. إِذا فَعَلوا فَخَيرُ الناسِ فِعلاً
وَإِن قالوا فَأَكرَمُهُم مَقالا

13. And if homelands asked them, they gave
Free blood, and sons, and money.

١٣. وَإِن سَأَلَتهُمو الأَوطانُ أَعطَوا
دَماً حُرّاً وَأَبناءً وَمالا

14. O children of the dear homeland, the condolence of a neighbor
Whose tenderness tears have streamed down.

١٤. بَني البَلَدِ الشَقيقِ عَزاءَ جارٍ
أَهابَ بِدَمعِهِ شَجَنٌ فَسالا

15. Yesterday it fulfilled the right of the heroes,
And today it held the martyrs as precious.

١٥. قَضى بِالأَمسِ لِلأَبطالِ حَقّاً
وَأَضحى اليَومَ بِالشُهَداءِ غالي

16. It respects every intellectual effort,
Whether it is peace or fighting.

١٦. يُعَظِّمُ كُلَّ جُهدٍ عَبقَرِيٍّ
أَكانَ السِلمَ أَم كانَ القِتالا

17. And we do not cease, when calamities strike,
To be like the most merciful house.

١٧. وَما زِلنا إِذا دَهَتِ الرَزايا
كَأَرحَمِ ما يَكونُ البَيتُ آلا

18. And I have forgotten the harm from enviers,
And I do not forget favors and deeds.

١٨. وَقَد أَنسى الإِساءَةَ مِن حَسودٍ
وَلا أَنسى الصَنيعَةَ وَالفِعالا

19. I remembered the festival, and it has appeared,
And the two Easts have come and followed.

١٩. ذَكَرتُ المِهرَجانَ وَقَد تَجَلّى
وَوَفدَ المَشرِقَينِ وَقَد تَوالى

20. And my home between the weddings of rhymes,
And the sky has been adorned that cannot be transcended.

٢٠. وَداري بَينَ أَعراسِ القَوافي
وَقَد جُلِيَت سَماءً لا تُعالى

21. In the crowds came to me a whiff
Of the free that you would think is a mirage.

٢١. تَسَلَّلَ في الزِحامِ إِلَيَّ نِضوٌ
مِنَ الأَحرارِ تَحسَبُهُ خَيالا

22. Messenger of the steadfast, he touched weariness
And conveyed the greeting and question to me.

٢٢. رَسولُ الصابِرينَ أَلَمَّ وَهناً
وَبَلَّغَني التَحِيَّةَ وَالسُؤالا

23. He came near me and handed me a book,
And my hands felt its majesty.

٢٣. دَنا مِنّي فَناوَلَني كِتاباً
أَحَسَّت راحَتايَ لَهُ جَلالا

24. I found the blood of lions on it to be musk,
While the essence of musk is the gazelle.

٢٤. وَجَدتُ دَمَ الأُسودِ عَلَيهِ مِسكاً
وَكانَ الأَصلُ في المِسكِ الغَزالا

25. As if the names of heroes in it
Are doves on lined paper in succession.

٢٥. كَأَنَّ أَسامِيَ الأَبطالِ فيهِ
حَوامِمٌ عَلى رِقٍّ تَتالى

26. Reciters of my poems have chanted them
And sung them with tongues and blades.

٢٦. رُواةُ قَصائِدي قَد رَتَّلوها
وَغَنَّوها الأَسِنَّةَ وَالنِصالا

27. When they planted the spear they moved to them,
So they were for them in tents a transfer.

٢٧. إِذا رَكَزوا القَنا اِنتَقَلوا إِلَيها
فَكانَت في الخِيامِ لَهُم نِقالا

28. O children of Syria, unite like a day
You went out seeking through it combat.

٢٨. بَني سورِيَّةَ اِلتَئِموا كَيَومٍ
خَرَجتُم تَطلُبونَ بِهِ النِزالا

29. Ask free radiant freedom about us
And you - has it let us taste connection?

٢٩. سَلو الحُرِيَّةَ الزَهراءَ عَنّا
وَعَنكُم هَل أَذاقَتنا الوِصالا

30. And have we attained today except
The futilities of promises and procrastination?

٣٠. وَهَل نِلنا كِلانا اليَومَ إِلّا
عَراقيبَ المَواعِدِ وَالمِطالا

31. You knew its dowry so you endowed it with blood
That dyed the wrists and thickets.

٣١. عَرَفتُم مَهرَها فَمَهَرتُموها دَماً
صَبَغَ السَباسِبَ وَالدِغالا

32. And you stood up for it until you bloodied
Its noble escutcheons and strongholds.

٣٢. وَقُمتُم دونَها حَتّى خَضَبتُم
هَوادِجَها الشَريفَةَ وَالحِجالا

33. Leave someone in people enchanted, cowardly,
Saying war has been a scourge.

٣٣. دَعوا في الناسِ مَفتوناً جَباناً
يَقولُ الحَربُ قَد كانَت وَبالا

34. Should a people ask for their right with the soul
Then you hear someone saying they took misguidance?

٣٤. أَيُطلَبُ حَقَّهُم بِالروحِ قَومٌ
فَتَسمَعُ قائِلاً رَكِبوا الضَلالا

35. And be a wall with no cracks in it,
And a row that is not mended with cowards.

٣٥. وَكونوا حائِطاً لا صَدعَ فيهِ
وَصَفّاً لا يُرَقَّعُ بِالكَسالى

36. And live in the shadows of peace steadfastly,
For peace is not weakness and reliance.

٣٦. وَعيشوا في ظِلالِ السِلمِ كَدّاً
فَلَيسَ السِلمُ عَجزاً وَاِتِّكالا

37. But the farthest of the two days in range,
And the best of them for you in advice and family.

٣٧. وَلَكِن أَبَعدَ اليَومَينِ مَرمىً
وَخَيرَهُما لَكُم نُصحاً وَآلا

38. War is not the vessel of every day,
Nor blood made permitted at every time.

٣٨. وَلَيسَ الحَربُ مَركَبَ كُلِّ يَومٍ
وَلا الدَمُ كُلَّ آوِنَةٍ حَلالا

39. I will remember as long as I live the wall of a grave
At the surface of Jilliq ascended the sands.

٣٩. سَأَذكُرُ ما حَيِّتُ جِدارَ قَبرٍ
بِظاهِرِ جِلَّقَ رَكِبَ الرِمالا

40. Remaining as long as Maysalun remained,
Mentioning the death of the young lion.

٤٠. مُقيمٌ ما أَقامَت مَيسَلونٌ
يَذكُرُ مَصرَعَ الأُسُدِ الشِبالا

41. It has inspired me with what saddened me,
As graves inspire the bereaved.

٤١. لَقَد أَوحى إِلَيَّ بِما شَجاني
كَما توحي القُبورُ إِلى الثَكالى

42. The grandeur of grandeurs disappeared in it,
And the first master met spears.

٤٢. تَغَيَّبَ عَظمَةُ العَظَماتِ فيهِ
وَأَوَّلُ سَيِّدٍ لَقِيَ النِبالا

43. As if his daughters raised a minaret
Of sincerity or erected a statue.

٤٣. كَأَنَّ بُناتَهُ رَفَعوا مَناراً
مِنَ الإِخلاصِ أَو نَصَبوا مِثالا

44. The lantern of truth in the desolate wilderness,
Tempests dread its fuel.

٤٤. سِراجُ الحَقِّ في ثَبَجِ الصَحارى
تَهابُ العاصِفاتُ لَهُ ذُبالا

45. You see the light of creed in its burial chamber
And the shadows split at its sides.

٤٥. تَرى نورَ العَقيدَةِ في ثَراهُ
وَتَنشَقُ في جَوانِبِهِ الخِلالا

46. He walked and battalions from France walked
Dragging the fringes of victory arrogantly.

٤٦. مَشى وَمَشَت فَيالِقُ مِن فَرَنسا
تَجُرُّ مَطارِفَ الظَفَرِ اِختِيالا

47. They filled the air with fluttering weapons
And faced the earth with heavy weapons.

٤٧. مَلَأنَ الجَوَّ أَسلِحَةً خِفاقاً
وَوَجهَ الأَرضِ أَسلِحَةً ثِقالا

48. And they sent winds upon him as fire,
Yet the south and north winds did not care.

٤٨. وَأَرسَلنَ الرِياحَ عَلَيهِ ناراً
فَما حَفَلَ الجَنوبُ وَلا الشَمالا

49. Ask him, did he dismount in gusts
Of fires whose feet shook the mountains?

٤٩. سَلوهُ هَل تَرَجَّلَ في هُبوبٍ
مِنَ النيرانِ أَرجَلَتِ الجِبالا

50. He stood his ground, attacking and counterattacking,
Until the sun disk disappeared, so he disappeared.

٥٠. أَقامَ نَهارَهُ يُلقي وَيَلقى
فَلَمّا زالَ قُرصُ الشَمسِ زالا

51. And he cried, "We see him in death's shackle,
And you do not see submissiveness or bending."

٥١. وَصاحَ نَرى بِهِ قَيدَ المَنايا
وَلَستَ تَرى الشَكيمَ وَلا الشِكالا

52. So he was enshrouded with blades and loftiness,
And buried where he wandered and where he rested.

٥٢. فَكُفِّنَ بِالصَوارِمِ وَالعَوالي
وَغُيِّبَ حَيثُ جالَ وَحَيثُ صالا

53. When generations pass by him, you will hear
From them a buzz and supplication.

٥٣. إِذا مَرَّت بِهِ الأَجيالُ تَترى
سَمِعتَ لَها أَزيزاً وَاِبتِهالا

54. A cross clung in their consciences,
And a crescent hovered in their mysteries.

٥٤. تَعَلَّقَ في ضَمائِرِهِم صَليباً
وَحَلَّقَ في سَرائِرِهِم هِلالا