
A monkey saw an elephant on the road

قرد رأى الفيل على الطريق

1. A monkey saw an elephant on the road
Running in fear of delay

١. قِردٌ رَأى الفيلَ عَلى الطَريقِ
مُهَروِلاً خَوفاً مِنَ التَعويقِ

2. And that monkey was half blind
Wanting to know everything learned

٢. وَكانَ ذاكَ القِردُ نِصفَ أَعمى
يُريدُ يُحصي كُلَّ شَيءٍ عِلما

3. So he said hello father of terrors
And welcome humiliator of mountains

٣. فَقالَ أَهلاً بِأَبي الأَهوالِ
وَمَرحَباً بِمُخجِلِ الجِبالِ

4. Heads are ransomed by your great head
Stop so I can admire your handsome looks

٤. تَفدي الرُؤوسُ رَأسَكَ العَظيما
فَقِف أُشاهِد حُسنَكَ الوَسيما

5. By God how graceful is this body
How refined this bone and radiant this skin

٥. لِلَّهِ ما أَظرَفَ هَذا القَدّا
وَأَلطَفَ العَظمَ وَأَبهى الجِلدا

6. How adorable are the ears in their dangling
As if they are the sieve's circle

٦. وَأَملَحَ الأُذنَ في الاِستِرسالِ
كَأَنَّها دائِرَةُ الغِربالِ

7. And how excellent is the trunk when it wanders
As if it is the palm tree in its youth

٧. وَأَحسَنَ الخُرطومَ حينَ تاها
كَأَنَّهُ النَخلَةُ في صِباها

8. And your high back is the carpet
For the soul to ride it in comfort

٨. وَظَهرُكَ العالي هُوَ البِساطُ
لِلنَفسِ في رُكوبِهِ اِنبِساطُ

9. The elephant counted it a blessing
And ordered the poet to climb

٩. فَعَدَّها الفيلُ مِنَ السُعود
وَأَمَرَ الشاعِرَ بِالصُعود

10. So he rode the back without hesitation
Until when there was no space left

١٠. فَجالَ في الظَهرِ بِلا تَوانِ
حَتّى إِذا لَم يَبقَ مِن مَكان

11. He relieved himself on what is not mentioned
And inserted his finger to check

١١. أَوفى عَلى الشَيءِ الَّذي لا يُذكَرُ
وَأَدخَلَ الأصبُعَ فيهِ يَخبُرُ

12. So the elephant blamed the mosquito and was disturbed
And tightened the hole and slapped with his tail

١٢. فَاِتَّهَمَ الفيلُ البَعوضَ وَاِضطَرَب
وَضَيَّقَ الثَقبَ وَصالَ بِالذَنَب

13. So the blow landed on the blind man
And he joined his noble sister

١٣. فَوَقَعَ الضَربُ عَلى السَليمَه
فَلَحِقَت بِأُختِها الكَريمَه

14. And the seer descended in sorrow
Complaining to the elephant about the mishap

١٤. وَنَزَلَ البَصيرُ ذا اِكتِئابِ
يَشكو إِلى الفيلِ مِنَ المُصابِ

15. But he said there is no cause for regret
Thanks to God for safety

١٥. فَقالَ لا موجِبَ لِلنَدامَه
الحَمدُ لِلَّهِ عَلى السَلامَه

16. He who has this affliction in his eyes
Then blindness for himself is protection

١٦. مَن كانَ في عَينَيهِ هَذا الداءُ
فَفي العَمى لِنَفسِهِ وَقاءُ