1. They taught him to be cold, so he became cold
An oppressor I met, from whom I got enough
١. عَلَّموهُ كَيفَ يَجفو فَجَفا
ظالِمٌ لاقَيتُ مِنهُ ما كَفى
2. Excessive in his estrangement, endless
Did they teach him such extravagance?
٢. مُسرِفٌ في هَجرِهِ ما يَنتَهي
أَتُراهُم عَلَّموهُ السَرَفا
3. They made my sin unforgivable to him
If only he knew when he knew of sin, he would pardon
٣. جَعَلوا ذَنبي لَدَيهِ سَهَري
لَيتَ يَدري إِذ دَرى الذَنبَ عَفا
4. People recognized my rights with him
While my adversary did not know, did not recognize
٤. عَرَفَ الناسُ حُقوقي عِندَهُ
وَغَريمي ما دَرى ما عَرَفا
5. A promise was made to me in life by him
Yet I did not believe it until he broke it
٥. صَحَّ لي في العُمرِ مِنهُ مَوعِدٌ
ثُمَّ ما صَدَّقتُ حَتّى أَخلَفا
6. And he sees patience for me, a heart that knows not
That what he tasked me with, he did not task
٦. وَيَرى لي الصَبرَ قَلبٌ ما دَرى
أَنَّ ما كَلَّفَني ما كَلَّفا
7. Obsessed with his love, accusing
Content with an obsessed accuser
٧. مُستَهامٌ في هَواهُ مُدنَفٌ
يَتَرَضّى مُستَهاماً مُدنَفا
8. Oh my friend, advise me a solution
And I see the solution is not to advise
٨. يا خَليلَيَّ صِفا لي حيلَةً
وَأَرى الحيلَةَ أَن لا تَصِفا
9. If I called him in humiliation
Saying, here is my soul, take it without hesitation
٩. أَنا لَو نادَيتُهُ في ذِلَّةٍ
هِيَ ذي روحي فَخُذها ما اِحتَفى